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Prevention Methods That Can Help You Avoid Getting a Urinary Tract Infection

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Urinary tract infections, also known as UTIs, are excruciating, and most women experience them during their lifetime. If you haven’t had a single UTI experience, count yourself lucky because the pain isn’t something you would want to go through. There are remedies to urinary tract infections, some of which are just antibiotics, and in severe cases, admission to a hospital is the only treatment. It is better to prevent something from happening rather than waiting for it to happen, and that is why there are ways you can keep yourself safe from the risk of getting a urinary tract infection. Some of these prevention methods are as stated below:

1. Wiping From Front To Back

A general fact is that women are at a greater risk of contracting UTIs than men, so that’s why women’s hygiene levels should be top-notch. Men’s hygiene should be a matter of concern as well. Urinary tract infections are mainly a result of bacteria. Wiping back to front after urinating might carry bacteria from your vagina or anus to your urethra, thus resulting in having UTI. It is therefore advisable to wipe from front to back after peeing to keep your urethra free from bacteria.

2. Refrain From Hovering

Most women hover over public toilets to avoid sitting on them. A downside to hovering is that it makes it more difficult to empty your bladder. Failure to empty your bladder fully increases the risk of getting a urinary tract infection. However, sitting on a public toilet isn’t a solution either since you don’t know what germs are on the toilet seat. You could place a barrier between you and the toilet seat by placing tissues on the seat before using the toilet. You will empty your bladder fully while still avoiding the germs on the toilet seat. If you get a UTI, you could purchase uti antibiotics online and have them delivered to your doorstep. For some women, UTIs go away, while for others, antibiotics are needed.

3. Drinking A Lot Of Water

Most women don’t realize that dehydration is one of the major causes of urinary tract infections. Dehydration causes you to produce less urine. Your bladder must be full for you to release urine, and producing less urine means that the urine will sit there for a bit before being released. As a result, the urine produced is less likely to flush out the bacteria before it causes any infections. So, drink many liters of water for a healthier body throughout the day.

4. Sex Hygiene

Sex is essential to human beings, but there are levels of hygiene that ought to be observed both during and after sex to avoid increasing chances of getting infections. Any sex toys used should be cleaned thoroughly before coming into close contact with the vagina. They should also be cleaned after and stored in a clean place. It is also advisable to use the toilet after sex and wipe front to back.

5. Drinking Cranberry Juice

Cranberries are proven to contain an ingredient that prevents bacteria from attaching to the intestinal walls. So, if you are at home and you feel like you are going to get a urinary tract infection, just down a glass of cranberry juice. If it doesn’t work, you could purchase some antibiotics online medical it is advisable to seek medical attention.

6. Loose Clothing

Another step you can take to avoid getting a urinary tract infection is to ensure you wear loose cotton innerwear. Tight clothing might trap moisture down there, increasing the chances of you getting a UTI. It would be wise to stock your closet with a comfortable set of inner cotton wears.

7. Birth Control

Most people don’t realize that some birth control methods can lead to urinary tract infections. Suppose your birth control method includes spermicides, nonlubricated condoms, or diaphragms, and you often experience UTIs. In that case, you should consider talking to your doctor about contraceptives and which one you should switch to.

8. Relieve Yourself Often

Please do so immediately whenever you feel the need to go to the washroom. If you are in a new place you’ve never been to before, like a hotel or just a random place you visited, please ask those around you if they know where the washroom is. Once you feel the urge to relieve yourself and don’t do so, you are only putting yourself in danger of getting a urinary tract infection.

9. Hygiene Products

A lot of individuals are not well informed about hygiene products since they choose to buy scented hygiene products like soap over unscented ones. The truth is these scented products can easily irritate your urinary tract regardless of how good they smell. Once they irritate the urinary tract, they affect the perfect Ph balance that was previously there, and this leaves you vulnerable to a urinary tract infection. When you go on your next household shopping trip, please consider purchasing unscented hygiene products.

10. Showers Vs. Bathtubs

Soaking in a bathtub after a long busy day at work sure sounds relaxing, but what about the negative effect it might have on your body? Soaking in a bathtub leaves your urinary tract open and vulnerable to bacteria. On the other hand, Showers might not seem relaxing, but if you want to prevent yourself from getting a urinary tract infection, you might have to stick to them. If your shower perhaps has a hand shower attachment, it would be wise to use it while facing down rather than facing up. Using the hand shower attachment while it is facing up exposes you to the risk of getting a urinary tract infection.

Some of the known symptoms of a UTI are lower abdominal pain, the urge to urinate, and pain when urinating. If you start experiencing any of the earlier mentioned symptoms, you could order uti antibiotics online and take them accordingly. If the antibiotics don’t work, you should consult a doctor to confirm whether or not it’s a UTI or anything else like an STI or pelvic inflammatory disease.



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