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Propolis facts and health benefits

Propolis facts and health benefits Quick Facts
Name: Propolis facts and health benefits
Origin It was used for medicinal use before 350 B.C. at the time of Aristotle.
Colors Green, dark brown, red, white, black
Health benefits Enhance hair growth, Anti-cavity properties, Healing activity, Prevents overheating, Slows down aging
The resin like material which is obtained from the buds of cone bearing or poplar trees is called Propolis. It is comprised of bee products as it is acquired from beehives. Bees use it to stick open spaces or small gaps in the hive. The color varies from dark brown, green, red, white to black. It consists of above 300 natural compounds likely polyphenols, sequiterpene-quinones, phenolic aldehydes, coumarins, steroids, amino acids, and inorganic compounds. Being a natural remedy for a long period of time, medicinally it is used as a treatment for canker sores, infections; enhance immunity power, gastrointestinal problems and throat or nose cancer. It is also used as wound cleansing and as a cure for cold sores, genital herpes and mouth rinse for speed up healing. Other common names for Propolis are Bee glue, Acide de Cire d’Abeille, Baume de Propolis, Beeswax Acid, Bee Propolis, Cire de Propolis, Cire d’Abeille Synthétique, Colle d’Abeille, Pénicilline Russe, Hive Dross, Propóleos, Propolis Balsam, Propolis d’Abeille, Propolis Cera, Propolis Wax, Propolis Resin, Russian Penicillin, Résine de Propolis and Synthetic Beeswax.


It was used for medicinal use before 350 B.C. at the time of Aristotle. In Greek, it was used for abscesses. The Assyrian people use it to heal tumors and wounds. In Egypt, it is used to embalm mummies.

Health Benefits of Propolis

Propolis is a sticky and waxy substance which is made by bees and also possesses anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. It is packed with antioxidants such as amino acids, bioflavonoids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It is used to enhance immunity power, cure viral infections, treats cancer and skin conditions. It is also used as a treatment for abscesses, acne, aging, allergies, peptic ulcers and minor burns. It also possesses germicidal properties. It has been used as an aid for itching, tuberculosis, cancer and osteoporosis.

  1. Enhance hair growth

The research shows that propolis promotes the growth of hair in mice. It could be overwhelming for various men and women suffering from this problem. It is a resin which is used bees for sealing small gaps in hives. It has effective compounds which counteract bacterial and fungal infections. The research made on shaved or waxed mice show that propolis helps them to grow their fur faster. It also shows that the special cells for the growing process were increased when applied topically. It possess anti-inflammatory properties which helps to treat the balding problems. (1)

  1. Anti-cavity properties

Bees collect propolis from the plants and trees. It is used to stick the holes and make the hives clean. The research shows that propolis helps to lower the cavity by 60 percent and eliminate the activity of enzyme which is responsible for the dental plaque. It blocks the enzyme which is commonly found in our mouth. It effectively lowers cavity in animals. (2)

  1. Healing activity

Propolis has medicinal, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anaesthetic and non-allergenic properties. It promotes the immunity power of the body. The gel made with propolis for mouth ulcers possess better anti-microbial, anaesthetic and anti-fungal properties. (3)

  1. Prevents overheating

Propolis is a folk medicine which possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties. The underlying of dehydration and fatigue is the cause for heat stress and hyperthermia. CAPE promotes the performance of athletes and prevents injuries during exercise. (4)

  1. Slows down aging

Propolis is made from buds of poplar buds which have various disease counteracting advantages. It is a great source of antioxidants which is used in skin creams. The research shows that it has antioxidant activities along with various anti-aging effects on the cells. Due to its anti-aging properties, it is used in nutraceutical formulations and cosmetic purposes. (5)

  1. Heal wounds

Propolis possesses natural antiseptic properties. Its use on wounds helps to prevent open cuts and sores from infection. It has antioxidant properties which speed up the healing process of wounds. It also stimulates the flow of blood and also lowers inflammation. (6)

  1. Anti-inflammation

It is used for its anti-inflammatory properties to treat skin ailments and bug bites. It was also used to treat rashes, insect bites and skin irritation. In these present years also it is an effective treatment for eczema, acne, psoriasis and other infections. (7)

  1. Stimulate circulation

Propolis enhances the circulatory system that promotes the oxygenation and blood flow in the body. It promotes energy, healthy metabolism and speeds up healing process. It promotes heart health by increasing the blood flow through blood vessels and arteries. It lowers the risk of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks. (8)

  1. Strengthen immunity

Propolis has antiseptic properties which has positive affect on immune system. It strengthens immune system if added propolis to the diet. Due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, it strengthens the immune power of the body. It has unique composition which boosts antioxidant properties. (9)

  1. Lowers allergy

The study shows that propolis lowers severity of allergic reactions. It inhibits the histamine production when encountered with allergen. It lowers the collision of allergens and enhance the normality as well as quality of life. (10)

Traditional uses


Other Facts        

Propolis facts

It was called as secret to eternal life and health by the Ancient Egyptians. Prospolis is made by bees and used to stick the materials of hive by combining other secretions and beeswax with resins collected from the buds of poplar and conifer trees. The resins provide germicidal activities. Nowadays, Propolis is used in cosmetics, chewing gum, lozenges, creams and ointments. It prohibits infections caused by yeasts, bacteria and viruses. It also reduces oral ulcers, tooth decay and assist injured teeth. Propolis has antimicrobial properties which prevents the hive from bacteria as well as viruses.

Name Propolis facts and health benefits
Native It was used for medicinal use before 350 B.C. at the time of Aristotle.
Common/English Name Bee glue, Acide de Cire d’Abeille, Baume de Propolis, Beeswax Acid, Bee Propolis, Cire de Propolis, Cire d’Abeille Synthétique, Colle d’Abeille, Pénicilline Russe, Hive Dross, Propóleos, Propolis Balsam, Propolis d’Abeille, Propolis Cera, Propolis Wax, Propolis Resin, Russian Penicillin, Résine de Propolis, Synthetic Beeswax
Made from Sap on needle-leaved trees/evergreens
Color Green, dark brown, red, white, black
Flavor/aroma Pleasant
Health Benefits
  • Enhance hair growth
  • Anti-cavity properties
  • Healing activity
  • Prevents overheating
  • Slows down aging
  • Heal wounds
  • Anti-inflammation
  • Stimulate circulation
  • Strengthen immunity
  • Lowers allergy
Traditional uses
  • It cures abscesses.
  • It is used on tumors and wounds.
  • It is used to prevent infections of bacteria, virus, fungus, protozoa and canker sores.
  • It treats gastrointestinal problems.
  • It is helpful for cold sores, genital herpes, mouth rinse and treats minor burns.
  • It is used in cosmetics.
  • The allergic people should better avoid it.
  • The prolonged use causes allergic reactions.
  • Consult a doctor before adding it to diet.
  • It might cause skin rashes.
  • Lozenges result in mouth ulcers and irritation.
  • Don’t use it around eyes.
  • Children below one year of age should not use Propolis.





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