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Rehab for Synthetic Drug Addiction: Understanding the Risks and Side Effects

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Synthetic drugs are also known as designer drugs. They are artificial and provide the impression that one is under the influence of drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine. These drugs are readily available and affordable, making them popular in society. However, the use of synthetic drugs poses a significant risk to a person’s health and well-being. Let’s look into the risks associated with synthetic drugs and how rehab is an excellent solution for synthetic drug addiction.

Synthetic Drug List and Scheduling

There are countless chemical compounds out there—each tweaked ever so slightly to evade regulation by the (DEA) Drug Enforcement Administration. The Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act passed in 2012 classified many of these dangerous compounds on Schedule I, making them illegal, and rightly so. These substances are highly potent, addictive, and have no legitimate medical use.

The Washington Post reported that over 500 synthetic or designer drug compounds had been identified by 2015. We can subdivide synthetic drugs into artificial stimulants and synthetic Cannabinoids.

Synthetic Cannabinoids

Synthetic cannabinoids are much more potent than cannabinoids from plants and can cause dangerous side effects. Synthetic cannabis is made by mixing chemicals with plant material and putting it in small packages labeled as incense or potpourri. They are easy for young people to access as they can buy them at filling stations, in novelty shops, or online. Spice, Bliss, or Black Mamba are common synthetic cannabinoids, often mistakenly thought to be safe because of their widespread availability.

Synthetic cannabinoids have different effects because they are made of various chemicals. But when these substances are inhaled or ingested, they usually cause reactions such as:

Synthetic Stimulants

Using synthetic cathinone, also known as a stimulant or bath salt, can lead to effects similar to cocaine, LSD, and methamphetamine. To conceal their recreational usage, these hazardous chemicals are frequently marked “not for human consumption.”

They may even be disguised as jewelry cleaning or plant food to evade law enforcement discovery. Synthetic stimulants are typically a white or brown powder, though users can obtain them in other hues.

Symptoms include:

Like with many substances, synthetic stimulants can result in addiction, significantly affecting a person’s mental and physical health, money, and relationships.

Risks and Side Effects of Synthetic Drugs

People suffering from synthetic drug addiction experience mild to severe side effects, depending on their usage level and preferred drug. Fortunately, rehab in America can offer the right professional help. 

Let’s first explore some risks and side effects experienced by synthetic drug users:


Synthetic drug users tend to get intense hallucinations and delusions. These episodes are detrimental to a person’s well-being and mental health. If the psychosis is not treated on time, some people end up having life-long mental health problems.

Cardiovascular Health Problems

High reliance on synthetic drugs increases one’s susceptibility to illnesses such as strokes and heart attacks. Different sets of individuals also experience high blood pressure and increased heartbeat. These health problems can cause sudden death or reduce a person’s lifespan.

Depression and Anxiety

Addiction dramatically affects a person’s interpersonal relationships, which leads to isolation and withdrawal from society. Some are also unable to handle stress and challenges in their everyday lives. Research has proven that many people struggling with addiction have difficulty countering depression and anxiety episodes.

Cognitive Impairment

Thinking rationally and making sound decisions becomes quite a challenge for people who are frequently under the influence of synthetic drugs.

Rehab for Synthetic Addiction

Considering the intensity of synthetic drugs’ risks and side effects, seeking professional help to overcome addiction is essential. Let’s explore the techniques used in rehabs to treat synthetic drug addiction:

Medical Detox

Medical detoxification is using medically approved medication to remove drugs from the body. Medical professionals conduct it to manage drug reliance and withdrawal symptoms. This technique is effective in managing and reducing cravings.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy seeks to change thoughts and behaviors associated with drug use. It helps individuals learn healthy habits and build healthy coping mechanisms.

Group Therapy

Rehabs use group therapy to help people struggling with addiction get peer support. This therapy aids in the creation of interpersonal relationships among those struggling with addiction. It also provides encouragement, which is essential during the recovery process.

Aftercare Support

Aftercare support refers to the resources and assistance offered at the end of the rehab recovery program. It helps individuals maintain sobriety and reduces the chances of relapsing.

When to Seek Help

As someone who has spent many years studying the effects of drug addiction, I understand the challenges that individuals struggling with substance use disorder face. Recognizing that you have a problem and seeking help can be a complicated and overwhelming process, mainly when drugs are used to cope with life stressors.

It’s important to understand that waiting until you hit rock bottom before asking for help is not the best approach. There’s never a wrong time to reach out for support, but doing so sooner rather than later improves your odds of beating addiction.

Recognizing the symptoms of a substance use disorder and acting promptly to get assistance is crucial if you or someone you love is experiencing this problem. The occurrence of the following signs and symptoms warrants medical attention:

Drug addiction is a devastating condition affecting all aspects of a person’s life. We can avoid these problems and raise the odds of successfully beating an addiction if professional assistance is sought immediately.


Synthetic drug addiction can ruin a person’s life and negatively affect their well-being—complicating living a normal and fulfilling life. Fortunately, rehabs for synthetic drug addiction are equipped to offer personalized professional help to anyone struggling with addiction.

Making the bold decision to start rehab is not easy, but it may be a step towards a happier and healthier life.



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