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Spotted Beebalm facts and benefits

Spotted Beebalm facts and benefits

Spotted Beebalm Quick Facts
Name: Spotted Beebalm
Scientific Name: Monarda punctata
Origin Eastern Canada, the eastern United States and northeastern Mexico
Shapes 4 small nutlets, which are ovoid and smooth
Taste Bitter
Monarda punctata commonly known as Spotted Beebalm is an herbaceous plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae. The plant is native to eastern Canada, the eastern United States and northeastern Mexico. It is uncommon in the state of Missouri, but has primarily been found in several eastern counties adjacent to the Mississippi River. Few of the common names of the plant are Dotted monarda, Horse-mint, Spotted beebalm, dotted horsemint, American Horsemint, Bee balm, spotted horsemint and Spotted Mint. The genus, Monarda, is an honorary for Spanish botanist Nicholas Monardes (1493-1588) who published a book in several editions on medicinal plants of the new world. The species, punctata, is a Latin word meaning ‘dotted’ and applied when some part of a plant is dotted or spotted, in this case, with color on the lip of the corolla. It is a thyme-scented plant with purple-spotted tubular yellow flowers. The plant contains thymol, an antiseptic and fungicide. It was historically used to treat upset stomachs, colds, diarrhea, neuralgia and kidney disease

Plant Description

Spotted Beebalm is an aromatic, erect herbaceous perennial plant that grows about 1 feet to 3 feet (0.3m-1m) tall. The plant is found growing in sand prairies, hill prairies, sandy Black Oak savannas, stabilized sand dunes along Lake Michigan, and sandy fields. This species can be found in both disturbed and higher quality sandy habitats. The plant prefers average, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. It is best in sandy soils with consistent moisture. The plant can tolerate somewhat poor soils and drought. The plant has taproot and hairy rigid stems that are unbranched, reddish, square, obtusely angled, hoary and pubescent.


Leaves are opposite, lance-like, up to 3½ inches long and 1 inch across, with shallow teeth and a pointed tip. Bottoms of the leaves are hairy and paler in color from the fine hair. Leaves have short stalks with fine hair, and base of the leaf tapers to the stalk with a wing effect. Smaller leaf growths are frequently seen at the base of the leaf stalk.


Flowers are quite conspicuous, the corolla being tubular, 3/4 to 1 inch long, yellowish with purple spots. The upper corolla lip is stiff and strongly arched, the lower lip is broader. Both have hair on the outer surface. The two stamens and style are tucked tightly against the inside of the upper lip and are slightly shorter than the lip and thus do not protrude except when the anthers are with mature pollen at which point the anthers are visible. The calyx tube is green, hairy, with 5 small pointed lobes. Even more conspicuous are the whitish to lilac colored bracts that surround the cyme at its base. These growths look like leaves but are called ‘bracts’. The showy bracts remain attractive for a long time after flowering, and each flower is replaced by 4 small nutlets, which are ovoid and smooth, which can ripen and self-sow. Seeds are smooth, brown, oval, just over 1 millimeter long.


Traditional uses and benefits

Herbal Preparations

Spotted bee balm tea


Spotted bee balm tincture


Take 15–25 drops as needed.

Spotted bee balm–infused honey

Use as needed.





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