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Spotting the Signs: Identifying Abuse and Taking Action

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Abuse is unfortunately a part of many people’s lives all over the world and the UK is no exception. Recent reports show that abuse can happen in all walks of life including the workplace with more than 685,000 violent incidents occurring in the most recent data. The home is another place where abuse occurs with an estimated 5% of the UK population suffering from this at one point in the year ending March 2022.

This topic can be a tricky one to navigate, especially if it’s one of your friends or family members that is being abused. You’ll want to make sure you know how to spot the different signs of abuse and what you can do about it. Dealing with abusers can be even more difficult in some situations too as it can put the victim in even more danger, which is why knowing how to navigate your reporting of this abuse is important.

There are countless forms of abuse but every one of them should end up with the same outcome: the abuser being punished for their crimes. To learn how you can do this and spot the signs of abuse, then we’ve prepared a helpful guide, which we hope will aid you in getting your friend or family member the justice they deserve. Read on to find out more.

Forms of abuse

As we previously mentioned, abuse comes in many forms, which makes spotting it difficult in some instances. Here are some of the examples of abuse that your friends or family members may be suffering from:

How can you identify the signs of abuse?

There are many ways to spot abuse in your friends and family members. Look out for the signs of abuse to make sure you can support your friends and family members and intervene as soon as possible:

Signs of Physical Abuse:

Signs of Emotional Abuse:

Signs of Sexual Abuse:

Signs of Financial Abuse:

Signs of Neglect:

These are some common signs of abuse. You may find different other types of abuse. If you identify any of the above-mentioned signs of abuse, take effective action to stop abuses.                                                  

Taking action

If you’ve spotted these signs in someone you’re close to then try to help them take action to set things right. Make sure you don’t push them too hard, though, as this can make them draw away from you.

  1. Support the victim – be there for them in their time of need. They’ll let you know how much support they need and it’s important to respect these boundaries.
  2. Report the abuse – tell the authorities about this as they may be able to get the abuser away from your loved one even sooner.
  3. Help them develop a safety plan – they’ll want to make sure that this never happens again and so coming up with a safety plan can prevent this from happening. This may also be a good time for them to make an abuse claim as this can help them get their life back on track.

How can you intervene safely?

Before intervening, the safety of you and your friend or family member should always be the priority. Start by making sure they’re comfortable with taking action and then make sure they’re far away from the abuser once actions begin. This should keep them free from any further danger whilst the relevant authorities get to work.

Abuse is never a nice position for anyone to be in and we understand that you’ll want to act fast to get your loved ones out of harm’s way. However, this can sometimes make things worse, so take our advice above and only act when the victim is ready and together, you should be able to navigate this extremely difficult and sensitive situation.



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