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Facts and benefits of Sweet Clover

Facts and benefits of Sweet Clover

Sweet Clover Quick Facts
Name: Sweet Clover
Scientific Name: Melilotus officinalis
Origin North Africa, Europe as well as the temperate climatic regions of Asia
Colors Green when young turning to dark brown as they matures
Shapes Small seedpod with a beak that is flattened and contains 1-2 seeds. There are usually transverse ridges on each side that are somewhat curved
Taste Bitter taste
Health benefits Beneficial for injuries, Venous Issues and works are Diuretic
Sweet Clover scientifically known as Melilotus officinalis is an erect, annual, freely branched plant of the legume, or Leguminosae, family. The plant is native to North Africa, Europe as well as the temperate climatic regions of Asia and over the years the herb has been naturalized in North America. Popular and local English names are Casse Lunettes, Common Melilot, Couronne Royale, Field Melilot, Hart’s Tree, Hay Flower, Herbe aux Puces, King’s Clover, Luzerne Bâtarde, Melilot, Mélilot des Champs, Mélilot Commun, Mélilot Jaune, Mélilot Officinal, Mélilot Vulgaire, Meliloti Herba, Meliloto, Melilotus, Petit-Trèfle Jaune, Pratelle, Sweet Lucerne, Sweet Melilot, Tall Melilot, Thé de Jardin, Trébol de Olor, Trèfle des Mouches, Wild Laburnum, Yellow Melilot and Yellow Sweet Clover.

The genus name Melilotus comes from the Greek ‘meli’ (honey) and ‘lotos’ (clover in the broad sense). The epithet officinalis suggests that it is an old medicinal plant, because the “officina” is the sales room of a pharmacy and ‘officinalis’ means used in the pharmacies. In the early 1900s, sweet clover was grown for forage and to build up the soil, since its roots help to keep nitrogen in the soil. In the twenty-first century it is used to support honey production. In some agricultural areas of the United States, however, sweet clover is now considered a nuisance because it spreads rapidly and can take over open fields or prairies.

Plant Description

Sweet Clover is an erect, annual, biennial or short-lived perennial herb, sparsely puberulent to glabrescent freely branched plant that grows about 10 feet (3 m) tall. The plant is found growing as a weed in grasslands, disturbed sites, prairies, savannas, dunes, hillsides, ravine shores, roadsides, forest edges, railways, fields, waterways, abandoned fields, roadsides, railroad ballasts. It grows on a variety of alkaline or slightly acidic soils. Very low nutrient levels and fine- and coarse-textured soils are tolerated. Several reviews specify that yellow sweet clover endures nutrient-poor and dry soils better than white sweet clover. The plant has taproot that can extend as deep as 3–5 ft. (0.9–1.5 m) into the subsoil, with secondary fibrous roots and bacterial nodules. Taproots are semi woody, and lateral roots can be extensive. Lateral roots may extend 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) from the taproot.

The stems are usually more or less erect, 100(-250) cm long, although sometimes they sprawl across the ground. They are glabrous, furrowed, and angular; sometimes the lower stems are ribbed light red. During its first year of growth, most of its energy goes into developing its root system. In the second year it flowers between May and September, sets its seeds, and dies. Its seeds may remain viable for over 30 years.


Alternate compound leaves are trifoliate and hairless. The leaves have three leaflets, and are alternate along the stem. Each leaflet is about ¾ inches long and ¼ inches across. It is oblong, oblanceolate, or obovate in shape, and dentate along the middle or upper margin. The terminal leaflet has a short petiolule (stalk at its base), while the lateral leaflets are nearly sessile. The petiole of each compound leaf is about ½ inches long. There is a pair of small linear stipules at its base.


The flowers occur in raceme which is up to 6 inches long and has dozens of flowers. Flowers are loosely arranged along the raceme and somewhat drooping. They may occur along one or two sides of the raceme, or in whorls.  Each flower is about 1/3 inches long and has a tendency to droop downward from the raceme, although curving upward toward its tip. The corolla has 5 yellow petals and is rather slender, consisting of a standard, keel, and two side petals. The tubular calyx is light green and has 5 pointed teeth. The flower is tubular and becomes broader toward the outer edges of the petals. Flowering normally takes place from July to September.


Each flower is replaced by a small seedpod with a beak that is flattened and contains 1-2 seeds. There are usually transverse ridges on each side that are somewhat curved. They are usually green when young and turn to dark brown as they mature. The tannish yellow seeds are somewhat flattened and ovoid-reniform in shape. Sweet Clover spreads by reseeding itself, and it often forms colonies at favorable sites.

Health Benefits of Sweet Clover

Sweet Clover is loaded with several vitamins and minerals. The following are the health benefits of Sweet Clover:

1. Works are Diuretic

Sweet Clover is used to increase the urine output in humans. Even though there are no clinical proofs to support the claim, the herb is supposed to be a potent diuretic in folk medicine.

2. Venous Issues

Sweet Clover is widely used to treat venous issues such as – varicose veins, blood clots in the veins, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis and lymphatic congestions. The herb helps in reducing the symptoms of poor blood circulation, a condition which is popularly referred as chronic venous insufficiency. Sweet Clover helps in relieving leg pain and cramps, and also solves the problems of inflammatory and congestive edema. The herb is accepted by the German Commission E for treating hemorrhoids and venous conditions.

3. Injuries

The herb forms an important part of many herbal ointments that are used to treat wounds and blunt injuries. In fact, Sweet Clover is also accepted by the German Commission E for treating injuries and wounds.

4. Other Benefits

Sweet Clover is also used to treat minor sleep related issues and also to treat contusions, elephantiasis, sprains and digestive problems.

Traditional uses and benefits of Sweet Clover

Culinary uses

Sweet clover infusion

To prepare a sweet clover infusion, boiling water is poured over 1-2 tsp of the crushed flowers and stems. The infusion is allowed to steep for 5-10 minutes, and then strained into a cup. For the treatment of varicose veins, 2-3 cups per day is recommended.

Sweet clover poultice

To prepare as a poultice, the crushed herb is mixed with a small amount of boiling water, then spread on a soft cloth. The cloth is applied to the affected area until the cloth is cold. The poultice is applied as needed.

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