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The benefits of non-invasive prenatal care and natural birth

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What are non-invasive prenatal care and testing?

Following the first screening of your baby whilst pregnant, you may have been informed of your child having a higher chance of a chromosomal condition once they are born.

You will get the chance to undergo non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). This screening test involves a blood test, which is more accurate than the first initial screening.

This is only offered to those carrying a baby who has a higher chance of either Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, or Patau’s syndrome.

NIPT is entirely safe and will not harm you or your baby. However, it can lead to you making difficult decisions, such as carrying out diagnostic tests which would result in miscarriage.

Prenatal tests at different times:

What are the benefits of prenatal tests?

What are the risks of intervention during labour?

Intervention during labour involves a doctor or midwife intervening to assist with the delivery of your baby. You might need this intervention to help begin the birthing process, to support your labour or to directly assist with the birth. Intervention may occur if you have a health condition that could result in labour complications, your labour is progressing slowly or your baby is showing signs of distress.

Intervention during labour is usually recommended in the best interest of the mother and child. However, there are a few risks to labour intervention, as these practices may disrupt your natural pregnancy path.

Intervention can interfere with various hormones that help move the birth along. It can also increase the likelihood of infections and may have negative effects on the baby. Plus, it can trigger a negative mindset in the mother, as they feel their body has failed them. However, you can make a number of compensation claims, including brain injury claims, to give you peace of mind before you give birth.

What are the benefits of natural childbirth?

Your method of labour delivery may not always be under your control. However, there are many benefits to giving birth to your child naturally.

If you are having IVs, an epidural, or continuous EFM (electronic fetal monitoring), then you will be stuck in the bed, you can not move, change positions, or walk. You will not be able to use your toilet, instead, you will get a catheter inserted. On the other hand, natural childbirth gives you the freedom to move and work. This makes natural childbirth easier and often faster. You will also have the freedom to drink and eat.

Apart from these benefits, natural childbirth brings plenty of other benefits to your baby, such as it reduces the risk of illness in adults and improves overall wellness, your baby’s brain will develop better, and your baby will learn better social skills.  More importantly, natural childbirth is cheaper in comparison to caesarean delivery. Know your options and choose the best option for you and your baby.



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