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7 Vitamins And Minerals That Your Mouth Needs

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Perhaps you’ve heard certain nutritional guidelines enough in your life where you have a pretty clear idea about which foods are good for you and which you should avoid.

You must likely have also heard these components we’re going to mention in this article a time or two in your lifetime.

We take care of our family at Perry Family Dental Care, so we want you to be doing everything in your power to take care of yourself.

In this article, we’re going through the seven most important vitamins and minerals that your mouth needs to maintain good health and help support good overall health.

What Your Mouth Needs

Just like any part of your body, your mouth has certain needs that should be met on a regular basis when it comes to nutrition, minerals, and vitamins. These components help not only keep your mouth at optimal health but also contribute to keeping your entire body growing, maintaining, and working properly.

Although you can wiggle supplements into your diet—it’s as simple as taking a pill—the best and most natural way to make sure you’re getting these vitamins and minerals in is through your diet.

Here are the seven vitamins and minerals essential for pristine oral health:


If you’ve taken any information from your childhood along with you, you’ll remember that milk has calcium that can support the building of strong bones and structure. This has a direct effect on the enamel of your teeth and of your jawbone. The stronger this mineral is in your body, the better prepared you’ll be to get rid of any oral health issues. Calcium can also be found in other dairy products like cheese and yogurt, as well as broccoli and fish like salmon.


Another heavy lifter when it comes to strengthening your teeth and bones is phosphorus. The great thing is that you can find it in so many different kinds of food—from seafood to plant-based foods like lentils and pumpkin seeds. If you’re a big meat eater, phosphorous is plentiful in beef and pork.

Vitamin A, C, D, and K

All of these vitamins can help you maintain healthy teeth and oral care.

Vitamin A

has a direct effect on your mucous membranes, which helps keep your saliva going—which is very important in a healthy mouth. Consuming foods with Vitamin A, like eggs, fish, and leafy greens can help prevent dry mouth and keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Vitamin C

can play an important role in maintaining the health of your gums and other soft tissues found in your mouth. Consuming foods with Vitamin C like oranges and other fruits as well as potatoes can help protect your mouth against gum disease and gingivitis.

Vitamin D

is the best teammate to calcium—since it helps your body absorb it. It also has a responsibility when it comes to boosting your bone density, which is found in your teeth. Obviously, you can get a boost of Vitamin D in the sun, but you can also consume it in fish, milk, cereal, and even orange juice.

Vitamin K

is a secret weapon when it comes to your oral health. It fights off bone breakdown and fights back with osteocalcin, which strengthens your bones from within. If your body doesn’t have enough Vitamin K, this can actually hinder your body’s ability to heal—which can hurt you when you need to bounce back from an oral issue. Vitamin K can be found in leafy greens like kale and spinach.


And finally, potassium can help give your bone density a boost. Well-known bananas are the most popular when it comes to getting enough potassium in, but you can also chomp down on other fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, and avocados.

Although you’re already making excellent health decisions when it comes to your nutrition, we hope this article has given you another reason to continue grabbing for the healthy choices for your oral health!



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