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What are Dental Implants and Are They Right for You?

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Dental implants can be a terrific solution for those with missing or damaged teeth, and unlike bridges and dentures, implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Implants utilize artificial tooth roots made up of biocompatible materials like titanium that then fuse with the bone and provide a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. In this article, we will discuss the different types of implants, their benefits, and the process involved.

Types of Dental Implants

Depending on the patient’s needs, there are several kinds of implants to choose from:

Endosteal implants: These are the most commonly used implants and they are made up of titanium and then surgically placed in the jawbone. Once the implant has fused with the natural bone in the jaw, a crown or bridge is then placed on top of the implant.

Subperiosteal implants: These kinds of implants may be used when the patient does not have enough bone density to support the endosteal implant. These are placed on top of the bone but beneath the gum line and a metal framework is then attached to the implant so that a crown or bridge can be placed on top of that.

Zygomatic implants: These implants may be used when there is not enough bone density in the upper jaw to support an endosteal implant. These implants are placed into the cheekbone rather than the jawbone. The Point Dental can guide you through the process of choosing dental implants.

What are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

There are many reasons someone may choose to pursue a dental implant operation from improving one’s confidence and smile to warding off gum disease and infection involved with missing teeth, but the benefits don’t stop there. Improve appearance: Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth and can drastically improve the appearance of the face and smile. Improve speech: Missing or damaged teeth can make it difficult to pronounce words and speak with confidence, but implants can improve the patient’s ability to speak clearly and confidently.

Improve comfort: Implants are comfortable and do not irritate the gums, unlike dentures.

Durability: Dental implants last far longer than alternative treatments. A dental bridge may last around ten years, but implants can last a lifetime when cared for properly. These implants are made up of sturdy titanium and are biocompatible meaning that it is non-toxic and will not be rejected from the body. Improve eating: Missing teeth make gaps that cause adjacent teeth to shift inward toward those gaps resulting in discomfort while chewing and affecting your bite. A poor bite can also result in pain and headaches and issues with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Improve oral health: Implants can reduce your risk of gum disease by filling in those gaps where food and bacteria can easily get trapped. Improve self-esteem: Smile! Dental implants restore a sense of confidence and boost your self-esteem by improving the face and can also prevent facial sagging and premature aging due to bone loss from missing teeth.

The Dental Implant Process

Dental implants typically involve several appointments over the course of several months. A consultation visit with a dentist or oral surgeon is the first step in determining whether or not dental implants are the best option for the patient. During an initial consultation, the dentist from Said Dental in Canton, OH will examine the patient’s mouth and obtain X-rays to determine the amount of bone available to support the implants and which implant option might be best suited for the patient. Once it is determined that dental implants are a good option for the patient and they decide on the implant method, the dentist or oral surgeon will surgically place the implants into the jawbone which typically takes 1-2 hours and the patient will be placed under local anesthesia.

After the implants have been placed, the patient will need to heal for several months while the implant fuses with the bone in a process called osseointegration. During osseointegration, the patient may be given a temporary bridge or crown to wear until they are ready for the next step in the process. Once the implant has successfully fused with the bone, the dentist or oral surgeon places something called an abutment on top of the implant. The abutment is what secures the implant to the crown or bridge.

Once the abutment has been placed, a custom-made crown or bridge is then placed on top of that. These crowns and bridges are tailored to the patient’s mouth so that they fit perfectly and match the shade of the surrounding teeth.

Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Anyone with missing or damaged teeth or looking to improve their oral image might consider dental implants as a solution. Other qualifications will depend on the individual’s overall health and medical history as well as the condition of their jawbone to ensure sufficient structure to support the implant.

Costs of Dental Implants

One common concern about dental implants is the cost. Dental implants are often more expensive than dentures or bridges. The benefits and lasting effects of implants are worth the investment for many patients. There are many reasons that dental implants are expensive. The cost of materials is an initial factor. Dental implants are made of high-quality and biocompatible materials like titanium which is expensive to produce and source.

Another reason for the expense is the expertise required to perform the surgery. Advanced technology and equipment require specialized training and experience. The implant process is also a lengthy one and involves multiple appointments, from consultation to diagnostic imaging, to surgery and follow-up appointments. When it comes to dental implants, look no further than, where expertise meets excellence for a flawless smile transformation.

Many clinics understand that the cost of dental implants can be a major concern for those looking into the process as a solution. Most will offer financing options to help make dental implants more accessible to more people looking to improve their oral health and smile.

Dental implants can be a worthwhile investment in long-term oral health and quality of life.



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