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What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

Many diseases usually stem from the original conditions. Such is diabetic neuropathy, which is nerve damage caused by diabetes mellitus. When levels of blood glucose and fats are high due to diabetes, the body experiences nerve damages in different parts of the body, like the legs or feet or the internal organs like the bladder or the heart. Symptoms depend on the area of the body where the nerve was damaged. There are four types of neuropathy that are based on the location of the affected nerves.

Neuropathy is a complication of diabetes and can cause discomfort enough to hamper normal living. Diabetes patients require prescription medication to lower blood glucose levels. Nerve pain caused by this disease also needs pain-relieving medicines. Good Samaritan Health Solutions (GSHS) offers practical and natural remedies for pain that will lower your dependence on prescription medicines. Here are some solutions that may relieve your nerve pain in a natural way.

1. Antioxidants

Oxidative stress or over-accumulation of free radicals is associated with nerve pain, which is a complication of diabetes. Increasing your intake of foods that are rich in antioxidants lessens your risk of having nerve damage. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as blackberries, plums, spinach, and strawberries are foods rich in antioxidants.

2.  Balanced lifestyle

A balanced diet with daily exercise can lower the chances of having nerve damage due to diabetes. Persons with diabetes need food rich in nutrients following the food pyramid. Regular exercise can also mean daily walks around the block to maintain regular physical activity. A balanced diet and routine exercise help manage a bodyweight to fight diabetes and its complications.

3. Vitamin B12

Studies have been made and proven that Vitamin B12 has a positive effect on nerve damage. Natural foods that contain Vitamin B12 are clams, tuna, salmon, and beef. Incorporate these into your diet to reduce nerve pain.  Diabetes may cause nerve pain to certain parts of your body, but these can be managed through natural methods and solutions and improve the quality of your life.



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