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Where To Get Keto Fiber?

While you are on a ketogenic diet, it is widespread for you to neglect fiber sources. This happens due to the cautious intake of carbohydrates and may lead to constipation and indigestion. Fiber is beneficial for humans as it aids the digestive process and removes waste from the body. Adding fiber to your ketogenic diet will enhance your metabolism.

Two Types Of Fiber

Fiber is classified into two types, soluble and insoluble. Both types get digested differently.

Soluble fibers are mostly found in fruits and legumes that are to be avoided during the ketogenic diet. You see them in packed low carb foods that you can consume.

Insoluble fibers are fit for ketogenic diets. They are mostly found in non-starchy vegetables, which have a low carb content.

Knowing a bit about the fiber, you need to glance properly at what a keto diet is!

What Is A Keto Diet?

A Keto or a Ketogenic diet is a low carbohydrate, high fat, and adequate protein diet. Keto diet ensures that the carb intake of your body reduces to below 5%. This enables your body to enter a metabolic state named as ketosis.

Ketosis happens to be a metabolic state when your body uses fat intake as the primary source of energy, burning which you lose the extra weight of your body.

As we commonly consume carbohydrates or glycogens more, they have become the most reliable and favorite source of energy of our body. Due to excess carb intake, the fat which we eat remains accumulated, instead of getting burnt. For this reason, the bodyweight grows more and leads to various health problems like type 2 diabetes, PCOD, and many more. The best way to burn fat is to go through ketosis. You can add selected fiber so that you do not fall sick, and your digestion remains proper.

Why Should Fiber Be A Part Of a Ketogenic Diet?

When you depend on meat fats, eggs, oils, or dairy products, it becomes easy for the ketogenic diet. Consuming only these foods and neglecting whole-food fiber is not as good as the intake of micronutrients becomes less. To meet the macronutrient ratio, veggies are also ignored, which is a good source of fiber. A proper keto diet must not be bereft of fiber. A low carb diet must include certain selected vegetables.

Fiber is also a requirement for the keto diet as the fermentation of fiber in digestion contributes a lot to ketogenesis through the production of ketones. Fiber is reduced to fatty acids of short-chain, whose structure is similar to the ketone body. The conversion of this kind of butyrate molecule to hydroxybutyrate increases the level of ketones in the blood. In this way, fiber helps in your ketosis. 

Sources Of Keto-Friendly Fiber

You must always have low carb fibrous foods, which is a keto-friendly source of fiber. Below are the names of some vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, which will provide you sustainable fiber during your keto diet.

Veggies: All sorts of green leaves, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprout, celery, zucchini, bok choy, artichoke, cucumber.

Fruits: Avocado, tomato, blueberries.

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, hemp seeds.

The following are some food items that you can consume using the above-said options:


Salads are always useful, irrespective of what purpose you have. It is also a remedy to gain insoluble fiber in your diet. You can have salads of all types of leafy greenies, avocado, boiled eggs, hemp seeds, fatty fish or beef, chicken thighs, and high-quality oils.

Almond butter

Almond Butter is not only healthy but also delicious as well. You can consume them as spreads in a quick morning breakfast. Almonds have always been referred to as being suitable for a healthy heart. It is also good for a weight loss diet as it has high fiber content. It has a high-fat content and a low carb content too. This also makes it ideal for a keto diet. 

The excellent effect of almond butter can be examined from the quantity of the butter you consume.  It would help if you did not have too much almond butter as it harms your keto diet. The right amount will ensure that you are in an ideal state of ketosis and have a proper intake of vitamins and nutrients like Magnesium, Manganese, Vitamin E, and Selenium.

Chia Pudding

You can have pudding using chia seeds, as it is an excellent source of fiber. Chia seeds are readily available and cheap. Most of the chia seeds are insoluble fiber, and the carb content of it is primarily fiber. If you soak the seeds overnight, you will see that it has developed a consistency similar to pudding. You can mix healthy fats with it.

To make the pudding more attractive, you can use coconut butter, cinnamon, vanilla extract, choco chips(sugar-free), nut butter, sea salt, nut milk(unsweetened), low carb protein powders.

Dips And Smoothies

Dips and smoothies are one of the best options to intake fiber as you can customize it. Adding any fiber into smoothies and dips not only make it healthy but also tasty. You can include zucchini, garlic, lemon juice, tahini, herbs, spices, full-fat yogurt, MCT powder, avocado oil, cauliflower, spinach, and kale to make a smoothie. You can customize it in your way, either!

Pecans And Flaxseeds

Nuts are always a good option when you are on a keto diet. Pecans offer you both fiber and fats, which makes it a low carb option. It gives you one near carb per nineteen halves. The important part is that it will also provide you with 3g of fiber.

Flaxseeds are often used for coating fish or chicken to make it crunchy. You can add grounded flaxseed to smoothies or chia pudding to enhance the taste. In a tablespoon of flaxseed, you can get 2g of fiber. This will work quite efficiently for you.


Fiber is always a favorite of numerous dietary disciplines, including the keto diet school. It will help if you have a balanced fiber diet instead of neglecting it.



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