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Facts about White Jute

White Jute Quick Facts
Name: White Jute
Scientific Name: Corchorus capsularis
Origin Originated in China but is now grown in Bangladesh and India, and found spread across much of tropical Africa
Shapes Many seeded globose to globose-obovoid capsules, about 1 centimeter in diameter
Taste Bitter
Health benefits Beneficial for dysentery, fevers, dyspepsia liver disorders and helps to increase appetite.
Corchorus capsularis, commonly known as white jute, is a shrub species in the family Malvaceae. The plant originated in China but is now grown in Bangladesh and India, and found spread across much of tropical Africa. It is also cultivated in the Amazon region of Brazil. Bangla white jute, Jute, White jute, round-podded jute, jute plant, jute, Nalta jute are few of the popular common names of the plant. It is one of the sources of jute fiber, considered to be of finer quality than fiber from Corchorus olitorius, the main source of jute. The leaves are used as a foodstuff and the leaves, unripe fruit and the roots are used in traditional medicine.

Plant Description

White Jute is an erect, annual to perennial plant that grows about two or more meters in height, unbranched or with only a few side branches. The plant is found growing in low-lying watery places, among field hedges or along the border of cultivated fields, degraded forest areas and along sides of water courses. The stems are usually purplish. The leaves are ovate-lanceolate 5-12 cm long, pointed at the tip and rounded at the base, with tail-like projections on each side of the midrib, and toothed at the margins. The flowers are borne in small groups in the axils of the leaves, and are about 4 mm long. The sepals are often purplish and the petals are yellow. The many seeded globose to globose-obovoid capsules is about 1 centimeter in diameter, with longitudinal ridges. This species produces the greatest part of the jute of commerce, being about ten times as abundant as Corchorus olitorius. It is cultivated in India, and is also grown for its fiber in the Yangtze Valley of China.

It thrives almost anywhere, and can be grown year-round. Most  genera  are  tropical,  but  the  genus  Tilia,  commonly called  linden,  or  lime  tree,  in  Europe  and  Asia  and basswood in North America, is found throughout the north temperate. Many species yield fiber, but the chief sources of commercial jute are two species; C. capsularis and C. olitorius, grown primarily in the Ganges and Brahmaputra valleys. Although jute adapts well to loamy soil in any hot and  humid  region,  cultivation  and  harvesting  require abundant  cheap  labor,  and  India  remains  the  unrivaled world producer as well as the chief fiber processor. Kolkata (Calcutta) is the main center. Europe and the United States import large quantities of jute fiber and cloth. 

Traditional uses and benefits of white Jute

Ayurvedic Health benefits of White Jute

 Culinary uses

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