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Health benefits of White Oak

Quercus Alba, commonly called white oak is a large deciduous Missouri native tree belonging to Beech family Fagaceae. The plant is native to eastern and central North America and found from Minnesota, Ontario, Quebec, and southern Maine south as far as northern Florida and eastern Texas. Apart from white oak it is also known as White Oak, Northern White Oak, Eastern White Oak, Stave Oak, Ridge White Oak and Forked-leaf White Oak. White oak is the Illinois State Tree. Genus name comes from the classical Latin name for oak trees. Species name of Alba means white in reference to the light ash-gray bark.

Although called a white oak, it is very unusual to find an individual specimen with white bark; the usual color is a light gray. The name comes from the color of the finished wood. In the forest it can reach a magnificent height and in the open it develops into a massive broad-topped tree with large branches striking out at wide angles.

Plant description

White oak is a medium to large, spreading, slow growing, and long lived, deciduous tree that grows about 60 to 80 feet (18-24 m) in height.  On favorable sites, individuals may grow to more than 100 feet (30 m) in height and exceed 5 feet (1.5 m) in diameter. The plant is found growing in dry woods, gravelly ridges, sandy plains, rich uplands, moist bottoms, upland woodlands, well-drained areas of bottomland woodlands, sandy woodlands, bluffs, wooded slopes, savannas and sandy savannas, edges of limestone glades, and high riverbanks above the flood zone. It is found growing on many soil types, white oak does best on coarse, deep, moist, well-drained, with medium fertility, and slightly acid soils. It is well adapted to heavy soils and north and east-facing slopes. Natural stands are often found in areas with loam and clay soil. White oak is moderately resistant to ice breakage, sensitive to flooding, and resistant to salt spray and brief salt-water submergence.

The plant has taproot and widely spreading lateral roots. Bark is whitish or ashy gray, varying from scaly on smaller stems to irregularly platy or blocky on large stems. On older trees smooth patches are not uncommon. Twigs are red-brown to somewhat gray, even a bit purple at times, hairless and often shiny; multiple terminal buds are red-brown, small, rounded (globose) and hairless. Wood is light brown with paler sapwood; strong, tough, heavy, fine-grained and durable.


Alternate leaves occur along the twigs and young shoots. New leaves are pubescent, but they become hairless later. Mature leaves are 5 to 8.5 inches (13–22 cm) long and 2.75 to 4.5 inches (7.0–11.4 cm) wide they are broadly elliptic or obovate in outline and pinnatifid with 3-5 pairs of deep to medium lobes. The lobes have round tips and round sinuses; sometimes a few small secondary lobes are present. The upper surface of mature leaves is medium green and glabrous, while the lower surface dull light green or gray-green and hairless (or nearly so). The leaf bases are narrow and wedge-shaped (cuneate). The petioles are ¼-¾ inch long; light green to yellow, and glabrous. Because of the short petioles and their stiff texture, the leaves are resistant to fluttering in the wind. They usually turn red or brown in autumn, but depending on climate, site, and individual tree genetics, some trees are nearly always red, or even purple in autumn. Some brown, dead leaves may remain on the tree throughout winter until very early spring. The lobes can be shallow, extending less than halfway to the midrib, or deep and somewhat branching.

Leaf Arrangement Alternate
Leaf type simple
Leaf margin Lobed, parted
Leaf Shape Obovate, Oblong
Leaf Venation Pinnate
Leaf Type and Persistence Deciduous
Leaf Blade length 2 to 8 inches
Leaf Color blue green and shiny on top, paler green to almost white underneath with slight pubescence
Fall Color Red
Fall Characteristics Showy



White Oak is monoecious, separate male (staminate) and female (pistillate) flowers are produced on the same tree. Male flowers are produced in greenish yellow catkins about 2-3½ inches long that develop near the tips of last year’s branches. Individual male flowers are 1/8 inches (3 mm.) across or less, consisting of an irregularly lobed calyx and several stamens. Greenish red female flowers are produced at the tips of new shoots on very short peduncles (less than 1/8 inches or 3 mm. long). Individual female flowers are 1/8 inches (3 mm.) across or less, consisting of a pubescent calyx that surrounds an ovoid ovary with 3 stigmata. The blooming period occurs from mid- to late spring for about 1-2 weeks. The flowers are cross-pollinated by the wind.

Flower color male – yellow-green

female – reddish-green

Flower characteristics not showy;

Male – 2 to 4 inch long catkins;

Female – spike that emerges from leaf axils

Flowering mid spring, with the leaves


Fruit/ Acorns

Fertile female flowers are replaced by acorns that become mature by the fall. Mature acorns are ½-1 inches long, consisting of a shallow cap and a nut. The cap is light tan or light gray with warty scales; it extends downward to about one-fourth the length of the acorn. The nut exterior is greenish brown to light brown, ovoid in shape, and glabrous, while the meat of the nut is white and usually slightly bitter.

Fruit Shape Oval
Fruit Length ½ inch
Fruit Covering dry or hard pubescent acorn; cap is bowl-shaped, thin, flattened, slightly pubescent, and covers 1/3 to 1/2 of the nut
Fruit Color orange-brown
Fruit Characteristics attracts squirrels/mammals; not showy; fruit/leaves a litter problem
Fruiting Early fall


Health benefits of White Oak

Listed below are some of the popular health benefits of White Oak

1. Respiratory Health

White oak bark can help to treat infections of the respiratory tract. Its saponin content means that it might have expectorant properties suitable for getting rid of mucus and phlegm from the respiratory system. Tea made from the herb is often used to treat coughs, colds, bronchitis and other respiratory conditions.

2. Promotes Shinier Hair

If you suffer from dry, dull hair, you know how frustrating it can be especially in terms of breakage. On a daily basis, your hair is exposed to a number of stressors. In order to remain healthy, it needs to be cared for. By providing your hair with this level of support you can ensure that your hair is as shiny and healthy as possible.

White oak bark is also often recommended when aiming to take the coarseness out of hair. This is mainly true for graying or silver hair. That is why for optimal hair health, be sure to include a hair serum into your daily routine.

3. Oral Health

In the days before dentistry, the Native Americans used white oak bark to help treat oral infections and other dental issues like gingivitis and toothache.

Bark consists of antibacterial and antiseptic properties which can help prevent and treat oral infections as well as being an astringent that will help oral sores to heal. You can make a natural mouthwash by boiling up a cup of white oak bark tea and allowing it to cool.

4. Visibly improves a flaky scalp

White oak bark is known to offer soothing properties, potentially benefiting those suffering from a dry, flaky scalp. When applied topically, it can help target problematic skin including the skin found on your scalp. Often studied because of its potential impact on eczema and other dermal problems, white oak bark may help reduce inflammatory symptoms of the scalp.

In terms of a potential infection, white oak bark’s tannin influences its antiseptic property. This means that it may help actively prevent and fight the build-up of bacteria. Medical professionals often recommend white oak bark for various conditions based on this beneficial effect.

Traditional uses and benefits of White oak

Ayurvedic Health benefits of White oak

How to make White Oak Bark Tincture

As long as you have access tom the tree, it is not hard to make your own white bark tincture. These are the steps to follow:

You will need white oak tree twigs, some pruners, a vegetable peeler, a mason jar and some vodka,

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