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Can Excessive Hair Growth Affect Your Self Confidence?

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Hirsutism is a condition in which a person’s hair grows excessively. High levels of androgen, menopause-related hormone shifts, or abnormalities of the adrenal glands or ovaries can all cause hirsutism. It responds to treatment in the majority of cases. It affects 5% to 10% of women who are of childbearing age. Women frequently acquire coarse, black hair growth on the upper lip, chest, chin, abdomen, or back, rather than the fine hair known as “peach fuzz” that ordinarily grows in such locations. Although this ailment can be quite distressing, it is treatable.

Managing Excessive Hair Growth

In adolescent females, hirsutism is linked to a lower quality of life, a higher prevalence of anxiety disorder, and reduced self-esteem. The following are some of the ways to manage unwanted hair growth.

Anxiety and depression linked to excessive facial hair can have a similar impact on quality of life as a gynecological or breast cancer diagnosis. Taking actions to address excessive hair growth has been demonstrated to help people regain their confidence and improve their general well-being.

Causes of Excessive Hair Growth

Several conditions might induce hirsutism. These are some of the conditions:



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