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Health benefits of Figwort

Figwort Quick Facts
Name: Figwort
Scientific Name: Scrophularia nodosa
Origin Native to Europe, North America and Central Asia.
Colors Green
Shapes Ovate to oblong capsule, egg shaped
Taste Bitter
Scientifically known as Scrophularia nodosa, figwort is inherent to open woodlands of Northern Hemisphere. The name refers to the use of plants for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The plant is closely related to Scrophularia californica and Scrophularia and is found in thickets, rocky woodlands and roadsides. It is available in open woodlands such as waterside forests, broad leaved forestes, hedgerows, forest margins, ditch banks, meadows, hedgerows, gardens and waste grounds. The plant prefers rich, moist to wet soil with full sun or partial shade. It has knobby rootstock, serrate leaves and dark purple flowers in an erect stem. The flower blooms from July to October. The plant possesses offensive taste as well as odor. Having the perennial roots, it could be found in the same vicinities year after year.

The main constituents of Figworts are amino acids, flavonoids, phenolic acids (such as acid, caffeic acid, vanillic acid, cinnamic acid), saponins, phytosterols, cardiac glycoside, asparagine, essential fatty acids, diosmine, acids (such as caffeic, ferulic, cumaric), alkaloids, sucrose, mineral salts, mannitol, resin, iridoids, hesperetin. Figwort possesses depurative, anodyne and diuretic properties which promotes detoxification and cleansing, soothe pain and activates blood circulation. This herb is also used in homeopathic medicines in the forms of ointments, teas, poultices, decoctions and tinctures for treating various health conditions.


The plant belongs to Scrophulariaceae family which reaches to the height of 3 feet and blooms in summer. The knobby rootstock is whitish and fibrous inside and brown outside. The glabrous, quadrangular and erect stem is composed of ovate to lanceolate leaves that are serrate and opposite and provides an offensive odor. Flowers are red to yellow and usually in round shapes. It attracts wasps which is responsible for pollination.

Fruit and Flower

Flowers are usually reddish to brown and greenish to yellow in color. An individual flower is globular, small and double lipped with brown upper lip and green lower lip. It possesses five petals and sepals. The calyx is five segmented with ovate and narrow to tunicate margined cusps. The swollen and bilabiate corolla is globular tube. It has four stamens and one superior ovary. The fruit is ovary capsule which is pointed green with many seeds.

Stem, Leaves and Root

Figwort plant is perennial and grows up to the height of 50 to 100 cm. Root capitula have ovate and tuberous nodes. It has sharply quadrangular stem that is erect, purple, glabrous and has row of hairs at nodes. Leaves are oblong, dark green, crossed opposite, double serrate and cordate at base.

Traditional uses






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