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Intellect tree health benefits

Intellect tree health benefits

Intellect tree Quick Facts
Name: Intellect tree
Scientific Name: Celastrus paniculatus
Origin India
Colors Bright yellow
Shapes Capsules that are depressed, globose, tri-lobedwith 1-1.3 cm diameter, containing 3-6 seeds per capsule
Flesh colors Orange-red
Taste Acrid, bitter
Health benefits Improving Intellect, Dysmenorrhea, Memory loss & Dementia, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Beriberi, Knee Pain, Atherosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Osteoarthritis,Impotence
Celastrus paniculatus is actually an unarmed woody climbing shrub commonly known as Black Oil Plant, Climbing staff plant, Intellect plant, Oriental bittersweet, Celastrus, Staff tree, Malkangni, Kangani, Jyotishmati, Sphutabandhani and Svarnalota. The plant is found growing throughout India up to a height of almost 1,800-2,000 meters and belongs to the class Angiospermae and family Celastraceae. Apart from that it is also found in Malaysia, Thailand, Indo-china, China, Taiwan, Myanmar, Australia, Sri-lanka and Philippines. Oil from the seeds is used as a traditional medicine in Indian Unani and Ayurvedic medicine.

Plant description

Intellect tree is an unarmed woody, large deciduous twining shrubs that grows about 10 m tall and is found growing in moist deciduous and semi evergreen forests. The base stem of this shrub grows up to 10 centimeters in diameter and 6 meters in length. Being a rambler by nature, it produces many woody branches that cling to surrounding flora for support. The stem has a rough, pale or reddish brown exfoliating bark covered densely with small elongated white lenticels. The inner bark is light and cork like with yellow sapwood. The leaves are simple, broad, and oval, obovate or elliptic in shape, leathery and smooth, alternately arranged on short petioles with toothed margins. They grow on singular stems ranging from light to dark green color.

Flower & Fruit

Flowers are borne in large panicles at the end of branches. Male flowers are minute, whitish green to yellow green. Sepals are nearly circular and toothed. Petals are oblong or obovate-oblong and entire. Female flowers have sepals, petals and disk similar to those of male flowers. Flowers are followed by capsules that are depressed, globose, tri-lobed, bright yellow colored with 1-1.3 cm diameter, containing 3-6 seeds per capsule/ seed pod which are enclosed by an orange-red aril. The seeds are small and oval shaped growing in round pods that gradually change from a light yellow to a deep red color as they mature. They are known to cause yellow orange stains on anything their oils come into contact with. Parts of the plant which are generally used for their economic importance include seeds, bark and leaves.

Botanical description and properties of different plant parts of Celastrus paniculatus

Plant part Botanical Description/ Properties
Bark Pale yellow corky bark; rough and cracked, exfoliating in small scales
Stem Woody climber
Leaf Ovate, Oblong-elliptic, broad, glabrous, simple, alternate, very variable, slightly serrated, sometimes pubescent beneath along the venation, up to 6 × 11 cm; base cuneate, obtuse or rounded; apex acute, acuminate or obtuse
Flower Unisexual, small, greenish white or yellowish green; panicles large, terminal, pubescent; racemes terminal, compound or supra-decompound, calyx-lobed rounded, ciliated, margin of the disk thin, free. Male flowers are minute, pale green; calyx lobes sub orbicular, toothed; petals oblong or obovate-oblong, entire; disk copular. Female flowers have sepals, petals and disk similar to those of male flowers
Capsule Globose, yellow, transversely wrinkled; trivalved, 3-6 seeded
Seed Grow inside capsules; ellipsoid or ovoid, yellowish or reddish brown in color, enclosed in orange red fleshy aril


Health Benefits of Intellect Tree

In the Indian traditional system of medicine, called Ayurvedic medicine, Celastrus paniculatus extract has been used to improve intellect, memory and for the treatment of various mental disorders. Seeds of Celastrus paniculatus appear to be protective against cell death from glutamate at very low concentrations, but the maximal protection observed is not too high. Listed below are some of the health benefits of Intellect tree

1. Improving Intellect

Intellect tree is considered beneficial for improving intellect, and is mainly recommended for its memory enhancer action. It helps to improves concentration, alertness, and other cognitive functions. It may act on acetylcholine level in the brain, which enhances the cognition.

2. Memory loss & Dementia

Intellect tree is one of the best memory booster herb, which improves recall powder and retention span. Generally, it is used as brain tonic for increasing memory. Seeds and oil both are effective in forgetfulness and memory disorders. Intellect tree should be used in dosage of 5 to 15 drops in milk. Seeds can be taken in powdered form in dosage of 1 gram with milk.

According to research study, it increases glutathione and catalase levels and decreases malondialdehyde in the brain, which might be responsible for its antioxidant, neuro-protective and cognitive-enhancing actions.

3. Neurodegenerative Diseases

Intellect tree might have neuroprotective effects, which might be due to its antioxidant action, which helps reducing oxidative damage of the neurons.

Nootropic effect of Intellect tree is well-established in Ayurveda and it is widely used for this purpose. Actually, it acts as nervine stimulant according to Ayurveda. It encourages alertness, improves concentration, reduces rate of cell death of neurons, improves ability of thinking and reasoning and helps tackling stress disorders.

4. Atherosclerosis

Intellect tree seeds have anti-lipidemic effects and help to reduce atherogenic index. Its use reduces total cholesterol and anti-inflammatory property helps reducing inflammation of blood vessels, which helps stopping or slowing down the progress of atherosclerotic lesions.

5. High Cholesterol

Intellect tree significantly lowers the elevated cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, which helps in preventing cardiac diseases and atherosclerosis.

6. Osteoarthritis

Intellect tree Seeds possess significant antinociceptive characteristic and anti-inflammatory property, which helps reducing joint inflammation and joint pain. In osteoarthritis, 1 grams seed powder is recommended and taken with cow’s milk. It has thermogenic action, which also induces heat sensation in the body, so its use is suggestible in winters. In other seasons, Safed Musli, Ashwagandha, Gokshura, Mulethi, etc. are more advisable.

7. Impotence

Seeds of Intellect tree have powerful aphrodisiac, erectogenic and stimulant action. For improving male performance, it should be used along with milk.

8. Dysmenorrhea

Roasted seeds of Intellect tree along with China rose flower powder are used to promote easier menstruation and reduce menstrual cramps. It is also a good ayurvedic herbal remedy for primary and secondary dysmenorrhea.

9. Beriberi

Intellect tree Oil consists of a good amount of Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Beriberi occurs due to nutritional deficiency of Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Thus, it is used in dosage of 15 drops thrice a day added in the milk.

10. Knee Pain

Intellect tree seeds are traditionally used for knee pain treatment. It decreases pain, joint crepitation, inflammation and stiffness. It also improves joint movement and strengthens the joints. It is best to use during the winter season it has very hot potency.

Its optimum dosage (500 to 1000 mg twice daily) can be used during winters. It has very hot potency and one can experience excess heat sensation in the body. Its lower dosage with milk is suggestible in summers.

Traditional uses and benefits of Intellect tree

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Intellect tree





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