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Prickly Pear Seed Oil benefits and uses

Prickly Pear Seed Oil benefits and uses Quick Facts
Name: Prickly Pear Seed Oil benefits and uses
Scientific Name: Opuntia cactus
Origin Prickly pear is native to South America and Mexico. It is nutritious and edible cactus which is widely grown in Australia, South Africa, Southern Europe and Southwestern United States.
Colors Clear-Light yellow-Green
Health benefits Absorption, Skin elasticity, Nourish skin, Pore tighten, Brighten skin
Prickly pear is a member of the cactus family Cactaceae which is also known as prickly pear cactus and nopal. It could be found in Australia, Africa and Mediterranean. The oil is extracted by pressing the seeds which requires about eight tons of cactus fruit for making 1 liter of oil. It contains phytosterols, linoleic acid and Vitamin E. It helps to moisturize, nourish and protect the skin health. It has high content of tocopherols that helps balance cell membranes and protect the tissues of eyes, skin and breast. It has high content of tocopherols as well as omega 6-fatty acids that helps to maintain skin health. Due to its extractive method and enormous amounts of seeds, its cost is expensive.


Prickly pear is native to South America and Mexico. It is nutritious and edible cactus which is widely grown in Australia, South Africa, Southern Europe and Southwestern United States.

Though the origin of Prickly pear is uncertain, it is believed to have been originated from South American country Mexico. It was imported in 16th century from America. It could be found in semi-arid areas such as South America, South Asia, Southern Europe, Australia and islands with temperate climates. It was included in Global Invasive Species Database. Moreover, it has additional function to support cattle and people during famine and drought. Prickly pear was introduced to Northern Ethiopia for this purpose. Today, its plantation covers an estimated area of 350 hectares. It was a threat to both animals and plants.

In recent years, it has been prized for the oil that could be derived from very small seeds found in the fruit named prickly pear. Prickly pear seed oil possesses anti-ageing properties. It is used for medicinal purposes in pharmaceutical laboratories.

Health benefits of Prickly pear seed oil

Let us discuss on the health benefits provided by Prickly pear seed oil are:

  1. Absorption

Prickly pear oil has essential fatty acids about 60% of Linoleic acid. It is easily absorbed into skin. It deeply penetrates the skin without leaving a greasy residue behind.

  1. Skin elasticity

Due to antioxidant activity, it stimulates the renewal of cells by providing fresh and new skin. It lowers hyper-pigmentation and redness.

  1. Nourish skin

Prickly pear seed oil helps to hydrate skin and is helpful for mature and dry skin. The high content of linoleic acid calms the dehydrated skin by deeply penetrating it.

  1. Pore tighten

Prickly pear oil has essential fatty acids that moistens the collagen layer of skin and makes the pores tight.

  1. Brighten skin

Prickly pear oil helps to eliminate dark spots and also brighten the skin. It lightens dark circles under eyes and also lowers spider veins.

  1. Slows down aging process

It has high content of Betalains which are antioxidants having anti-aging effects.

  1. Eliminate free radicals

Prickly pear oil has ample amounts of Vitamin E that eliminates free radicals and assist to renew cells. It lowers wrinkles and adds firmness by preventing free radical damage.

  1. Unclog pores

Being non-comedogenic and high content of linoleic acid and oleic acid, it won’t clog the pores as well as breakout.

  1. Soothe inflammation

Prickly pear oil has soothing, deeply nourishing and non-irritating activity that helps to calm inflammation and also hydrates skin.

Traditional uses


Prickly pear seed oil facts

Name Prickly Pear Seed Oil benefits and uses
Scientific Name Opuntia cactus
Native Prickly pear is native to South America and Mexico. It is nutritious and edible cactus which is widely grown in Australia, South Africa, Southern Europe and Southwestern United States.
Common/English Name Oil of Opuntia, Cactus seed Oil, Indian fig oil, Barbary fig oil, Prickly cactus seed oil, Indian fig seed oil, Barbary fig seed oil
Name in Other Languages of Prickly pear Hindi: Nagfani;
Telugu: Nagajemudu;
Malayalam: Kallimullpazham
Gujarati: Dindla
Method of extraction Cold pressed
Color Clear-Light yellow-Green
Odor Characteristics





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