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The Best Immune Health Vitamins for the Coming Flu Season

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Flu season is upon us, and it’s the perfect time to talk about immune health. The flu and other viruses can wreak havoc on your body, causing fatigue and making you feel like you’re perpetually coming down with something. And then when you get really sick, you get hit hard. The flu can knock people down for 2 weeks or more if their immune health is suffering already.  

If you want to avoid this feeling all winter long, here are some of the best vitamins for immune health that can help keep your body strong, and help you fight off sickness this coming flu season:

Vitamin D3 K2

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for many functions in the body, including immune health. It helps modulate inflammation and can also help fight infections. Vitamin D also plays a role in bone health and mood, mental health, skin and hair, and muscle strength. One of the reasons why people experience more sickness in the winter months is due to vitamin D deficiency.

Because the primary way that people produce vitamin D is through sunshine, when the fall and winter months come, people spend more time indoors. This can leave them without the levels they need. The best thing to do is take a high-quality vitamin D3 K2 supplement to ensure they are getting enough of this important nutrient.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an essential vitamin that helps the immune system function properly. It also helps with vision, skin health, and overall growth and development. Vitamin A promotes healthy eyesight by helping to maintain healthy mucus membranes in the eye. This prevents inflammation of the eyes and keeps them moistened. It also has antioxidant properties that can help keep you feeling well during cold and flu season.

Vitamin C

When people think of vitamins for immune health, vitamin C is probably the first one that comes to mind. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which helps your body fight off infections and maintain a healthy immune system. It also aids in wound healing by promoting collagen production, and it helps to promote healthy tissue growth.

Vitamin C is water-soluble, meaning that the body doesn’t store it and any excess will be excreted through urine. This makes it difficult to overdose on vitamin C—you’re more likely to get too little than too much, and when you’re sick, you can take much higher doses than normal to help your body fight off everything.


Zinc is a mineral that is essential for the immune system. It also plays a role in wound healing and other processes. Zinc is found in proteins and enzymes that are used by many of the body’s cells and tissues. Zinc deficiency can lead to immunodeficiency, which means your immune system doesn’t function properly and you’re more likely to get sick or develop an infection. By getting enough zinc in your diet or through quality supplements you can stay healthier during flu season.


Selenium is a mineral that is used by the body to support the immune system. It can be found in nuts, seeds, seafood, and meat. Selenium is also an antioxidant. Selenium has been demonstrated to help prevent infections of all types including colds, flu, and other viral infections. Selenium works with vitamin E as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals released during exercise or stress which can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to getting sick.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps support the immune system. It can be found in nuts, beans, whole grains, and leafy greens. Magnesium is also found in many multivitamins and Epsom salts. Detox baths are a great way to stay healthy. Some people do them on a regular basis using Epsom salts that contain magnesium. Others take a supplement to get their magnesium levels up. Be sure to use the right form of magnesium to help your needs.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps with immune function and other cellular processes. Vitamin B6 is an essential coenzyme in the production of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting off infections. It also helps maintain energy levels and mood, which may be lower during a bout of the flu or illness, thereby making you more susceptible to getting sick in the first place.

You can also use B6 for digestion and hormone balance. When you aren’t feeling well, your digestive system slows down and food can sit in your stomach longer than normal, causing indigestion or constipation—which can be uncomfortable and make it harder to recover from whatever bug you’re dealing with.


While ginger isn’t a vitamin, it was important to note it for its powerful immune-boosting properties. Ginger is an excellent source of antioxidants and has been used for centuries as an immune booster. It’s easy to incorporate into your daily diet by drinking ginger tea or taking tinctures. You can also add it to food like stir-fries and soups or use it in baked goods like cookies or muffins. Ginger contains vitamin C and potassium, two nutrients that are essential for maintaining proper immune health.


Garlic is one of the best immune health aids out there, although it’s a food and not a vitamin, it can be dried and taken in capsules to give you the best of all its benefits. It has anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. Garlic also has anti-inflammatory and tumor-shrinking properties.

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce inflammation and support the immune system. It also helps your body detoxify, which is so important as we start to get sick more often in the winter months. NAC also supports lung health which can alleviate symptoms when you are coughing and sick.


Echinacea is a great thing to have on hand and can be found in capsules as well. Echinacea is a powerful immune booster, and it’s safe for children and pregnant women. It can be taken in tincture form, in a gel capsule, or as a tea—just make sure you’re buying echinacea root, not a less potent variety that uses other parts of the plant. Echinacea has been shown to be effective against both viral and bacterial infections.



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