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Understanding The Benefits Of Fish Oil

Your health is your wealth, so they say. In practical terms, there is every grain of truth in this statement. People who take fish oil regularly can attest to having a robust immune system. That is how beneficial a fish meal is to our body.

Oily fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, a common dietary supplement consumed often for its wide-ranging health benefits. Omega-3 is great for the heart, for starters. But there is so much more to gain with a plate of fish. Here are the details.

What Is Fish Oil?

Fish oil refers to the oil derived from the tissues of an oily fish. These oils contain eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid compounds found in omega-3 fatty acids. 

They are the two most essential fatty acids in their group. They make fish oil so healthy. You get the oils by eating the fish directly or taking supplements. But, not all fish are oily. You can only get Omega-3 from tuna, salmon, herring, and mackerel. In addition, supplements are not as effective as whole fish because they have different amounts of oil.

What Are The Benefits Of Taking Fish Oil?

A considerable chunk of the benefits of eating fish is premised on omega-3 Fatty acids. Therefore, what do you gain from this oil?

1. How Much Fish Oil Should You Take In A Day?

You are now aware of the benefits of fish oil but remain dark on the amount to take. Here is the answer. There is no dosage on the amount of fish you should take in a day. It is recommended that you take oily fish at least twice a week. However, if you decide to take omega-3 supplements, limit it to 300 mg. According to, vegan omega-3 supplements are in plenty with a dosage of 60 capsules. The difference in them is that the omega-3 comes from algae and not fish. But the benefits remain more or less the same as those for omega-3 from oily fish. 

The capsules have no after-taste and are easy to swallow on the go. They contain DHA only as opposed to oily fish that has this compound and EPA as well. 

2. Good For Heart Health

Studies conducted indicate that Omega-3 fatty acids keep the heart-healthy. Regular consumption of fish cushions against risk factors leading to a heart ailment. Fish oil has high amounts of HDL cholesterol (the good one) that keep the heart healthy. In addition, it lowers triglycerides and reduces blood pressure in people who suffer from hypertension. 

Also, the oil prevents fatal arrhythmias characterized by unusual heartbeat. It can lead to a heart attack in dire cases. All these risk factors combined can lead to heart-related diseases.

3. Treats Mental-Related Illnesses

Scientists cite that a human being’s brain contains almost 60% fat, a considerable percentage of this is omega-3 fatty acid crucial for brain functioning. Studies also show that people who have a mental disorder have low omega-3 blood levels. Science further indicates that fish oil suppresses psychotic tendencies, bipolar and schizophrenia.

4. Losing Weight

Obese people are at risk of lifestyle diseases fueled by a high body mass index (BMI). There is at least 39 percent of the world population suffering from obesity. 

But eating fish, research shows, improves your body’s composition and tones down risk factors. Weight loss becomes more effective when coupled with regular exercising.

5. Supports Good Vision

Regular eating of fish improves your sight and prevents eyes disease from attacking you. Older people are encouraged to eat more fish as it also reduces age-related macular degeneration (AMD) that may affect their sight.

6. Reduce Inflammation

Oli fish fight chronic inflammation that is dangerous to people suffering from lifestyle diseases such as diabetes. When you eat fish, the suppression of cytokines that produce inflammation happens.

7. Stops Menstrual Cramp Pains

Menstrual cramps are a nightmare for every woman. However, regular intake of fish treats the pain during the cycle. 

8. Good For HIV/AIDS Treatment

People taking HIV treatment are likely to suffer from high cholesterol levels due to increased triglycerides in the blood. Having fish oil effectively reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

9. Improves Liver Health

A fatty liver is common in people who take little amounts of alcohol. It also occurs in people who do not take alcohol at all—taking fish oil counters non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).

10. Reduces Severity Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis affects joints in the body due to increased inflammation. It is painful and is associated with aging. Nonetheless, you often take fish oil as it relieves the pain and reduces swelling in the joints.

11. Glowing Skin

You may have heard about nourished skin, but have you ever wondered what constitutes ‘healthy’? Well, oils play a big part in the glow and also keep skin diseases at bay. Omega-3 fatty acids protect your skin from skin disorders such as dermatitis.

12. Good For Pregnant Women

The healthy growth and development of the fetus are heavily dependent on what an expectant mother eats. And studies indicate sufficient amounts of omega-3 support the fetus’s development and early development in vision and coordination.

13. Reduces Depression

Depression is a dangerous mental disorder accounting for over 50% of mental illnesses across the world. Omega-3 fatty acids compounds reduce symptoms of depression.

14. Is Fish Oil Bad For You?

A significant side effect of taking large doses of fish oil is preventing the blood from clotting. Failure to clot leads to excessive bleeding. If you have an older adult who has undergone an organ transplant, ensure they do not take high doses of fish oil. It makes it hard for their bodies to fight off infection.

Other side effects include belching, nausea, bad breath, rashes, heartburn, and in extreme cases, nose bleeding. Another shortcoming with fish is that they could be poisonous if they eat contaminated material. Your body will react to anything foreign that is infected.

The gains from fish oil are overwhelming. You improve your sight, cushion your heart from cardiac-related diseases, reduce inflammation, glow your skin, among others. Research encourages people to take whole fish more than take supplements. Nevertheless, supplements also play a significant role in advancing the benefits of omega-3s.



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