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Why Blood Tests Are Important For Diagnosis

Blood tests are a crucial aspect of the early diagnosis of various medical disorders. A simple complete blood count (CBC) can help doctors find out if you have an infection or determine the right medications to relieve the symptoms you’re currently experiencing. Because of this, it’s no wonder why a blood test is always required as a part of a routine general check-up when a patient visits a doctor for the first time.

In this post, you’ll learn the importance of blood tests for diagnosing various medical conditions. That way, you’ll become aware, confident, and prompted to seek medical attention as needed, and avoid delays whenever you, or a family member, feel ill.

 Determine What Exactly Are Causing Your Symptoms

While the doctor can perform a physical assessment, like checking your pulse rate, breathing pattern, and your overall appearance, blood tests should still be carried out to confirm any diagnosis. A wide variety of testing options are available for your convenience and peace of mind.

Normal blood test results, along with other confirmatory tests, eliminate unnecessary diagnoses. Doing a blood test, then, helps you determine what’s causing your signs and symptoms.

Here are the results of the most common blood tests (adults):

Complete Blood Count (Normal CBC Results)

Blood Glucose

Lipoprotein Panel (Normal Results)

Determine Organ Function

A doctor or healthcare professional can assess the overall health of your organs with the help of a blood test. For instance, an increased level of creatine kinase or troponin in the blood is an indicative sign of heart muscle damage or heart attack as shown in a blood enzyme test.

Here are the different blood tests along with the target organs involved:

 Early Treatment or Medical Intervention

Once your doctor confirms that there’s something wrong with your blood test results, a healthcare plan will be created. Early treatment avoids the progression of a medical problem, prevents complications, or may completely cure a disease.

For example, if your blood test results show abnormal levels of clotting factors (blood proteins responsible for blood clotting), your doctor might prescribe medicines, such as heparin or Warfarin to avoid bleeding or blood loss.   

Here are examples of some of the most common medical interventions implemented with the corresponding blood test results:

 Prevent Complications

Undiagnosed medical problems may lead to life-threatening conditions, such as convulsions, diabetic neuropathy, heart attack, and stroke. Blood tests are essential for early detection, prevention, and treatment.

Here are examples of blood tests that help prevent complications:


Blood tests play a vital role in figuring out the best medical intervention to treat the signs and symptoms of a particular disease. Through CBC, platelet count, glucose test, blood clotting test, allergy test, and other types of blood tests, your doctor can confirm the real cause of your medical condition for prompt medical treatment and your peace of mind.   



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