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Health benefits of Bogbean (buckbean)

Health benefits of Bogbean (buckbean)

Bogbean Quick Facts
Name: Bogbean
Scientific Name: Menyanthes trifoliata
Origin Europe and North America
Shapes Spherical, 1-parted, many-seeded capsule
Taste Bitter
Bogbean scientifically known as Menyanthes trifoliate belongs to the plant family Menyanthaceae. Other common names of Bogbean are Moon flower, buckbean, marsh trefoil, Water Trefoil, Marsh Clover, bean trefoil, bitterworm, bog nut, scarfano, vattenklover, bukkeblad, Horblaoka, treefold, bitterklee, bog Hop, Boonan, Raate, Sumpfflee, bitter trefoil, brook bean and water Shamrock. This rhizomatous emergent aquatic perennial plant is native to shallow water in pond/lake margins and in bogs of Europe and North America where it is found growing from Labrador to Alaska in the north and southwards to West Virginia and extending to Wyoming. In some states of the US, this species has become rare or turned into an endangered species. The generic name Menyanthes probably comes from the Greek menyein, meaning disclosing, and anthos, meaning flower.

Plant Description

Bogbean is a rhizomatous emergent aquatic perennial plant that grows up to 15 to 30 cm in height (above water). The plant is found growing in various wetland habitats such as fens, pools, marshes, older woods, ditches, bogs, lake shores, swampy prairies, particularly in acid or oligotrophic conditions. Roots are thick, creeping and can both be attached to the ground or may be free-floating in water. Flower stalks and leaves rise well above the water surface from thick creeping rhizomes that spread indefinitely. Trifoliate leaves are alternate, long-stalked and have three elliptic leaflets. Leaflets are stalk less, elliptic–obovate, with entire margins, glabrous. Leaflets are 1½ to 2½ inches long and to 1 inch wide, becoming larger later in the season. Flowers are star shaped, five-petaled and fringed with extravagant white, cottony hairs which have a pinkish flush on the outside of the petals. Flowering normally takes place from May to July. Fruit is spherical, 1-parted, many-seeded capsule which contains numerous 2-3 mm long, lens shaped, yellow seeds.

Traditional uses and benefits of Bogbean

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Bogbean


Dosages for oral administration (adults) for traditional uses recommended in older and contemporary standard herbal reference texts are given below.

Culinary Benefits

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