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Top 11 benefits of Chokeberry (Aronia Berry)


Chokeberries (Aronia Berry) Quick Facts
Name: Chokeberries (Aronia Berry)
Scientific Name: Aronia melanocarpa
Origin Eastern North America
Colors Black, purple or red, glossy (Fruit)
Shapes Diameter: 1/3-1/2 inch, pea sized (Fruit)
Taste Distinctive
Calories 47 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Manganese (28.26%)
Vitamin C (23.33%)
Total dietary Fiber (13.95%)
Vitamin E (7.80%)
Iron (7.75%)
Health benefits Lose weight, Assist digestion, Antioxidant properties, Prevents cancer, Cognitive ailments
More facts about Chokeberries (Aronia Berry)
Aronia melanocarpa, commonly called Chokeberry, Aronia Berry, Black chokeberry, Apfelbeer, Svartaronia, Kahle Apfelbeere is native to Eastern North America. These are the perennial flowering plants with black, purple or red glossy berries from the family Rosaceae. The plant thrives best in well drained soils.


Chokeberry plant is a woody shrub growing to 4-8 feet tall. The glossy leaves are alternate, elliptic-obovate, dark green; 1-3 inches long and ¾-2 inches wide. The flower occurs from July to August. The hermaphrodite flowers are showy, white which have five petals. The fruits are about 1/3-1/2 inch in diameter of pea sized. Each fruit possess one to five small seeds of deep purple. The fruit have dry, sour and sharp flavor with distinctive taste. The fruiting season begins from Late August to Mid-September. The tree of Chokeberry has perennial lifecycle which has the lifespan of 40-60 years in wild. Thirty berries are contained in a bunch.


Choke berry (Aronia Berry) berries are originated from East Canada and Eastern parts of North America. Around 1900, it was migrated to Europe and Germany to Russia. In the recent days, it is cultivated in Germany and East European countries.

Nutritional value

100 grams of Chokeberries grants 26.26% of manganese, 23.33% of vitamin C, 13.95% of total dietary fiber, 7.80% of Vitamin E, 7.75% of Iron, 7.38% of carbohydrate, 6.25% of vitamin B9, 4.82% of zinc, 4.76% of magnesium, 3.45% of potassium, 3% of calcium, 2.80% of protein, 1.43% of total fat and 0.07% of sodium.


Health Benefits of Chokeberries (Aronia Berry)

The research shows Chokeberries are rich in antioxidants which prevents cells from the oxidation of free radicals. In 100 g of Chokeberries, about 1480 mg of anthocyanin is found and 1752 mg of polyphenol. Anthocyanin provides dark purple color to the berry. The research made on the anthocyanin on Chokeberries  shows that in 100 foods only 24 included it. The research also shows that Chokeberries have the ability to prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancer, ulcers, diabetes, eye inflammation, joint pain, liver disease, flu, cold and allergies. It promotes the memory, slows down the ageing process and enhances the wellbeing.

These berries enhance the circulation of blood, enhance the blood vessels and restrain virus. The berry holds anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties which help to maintain overall health. It also prevents the formation of cardiovascular ailments as well as cancer. It has tart or bitter taste similar to blueberry.

  1. Help Lose weight

Chokeberries (Aronia Berry) have low amount of fat and calories along with dietary fiber and nutrients. These berries help to remain healthy without having extra pounds.

  1. Assist digestion

Chokeberries is rich in dietary fiber which assists in digestion by passing the food easily through gut. Fiber helps to add bulk to the stool and eliminates diarrhea, constipation, bloating, cramping and stomach discomfort. These berries prevent the harmful bacteria in the gut due to the presence of antioxidant and immune enhancing properties. (1)

  1. Loads with Antioxidant properties

There are various antioxidant properties packed in this berries. It possesses caffeic acid, quercetin, malvidin, epicatechin, carotene and zea-xanthin. The presence of antioxidant properties enhances the overall health by eradicating free radicals from eyes, skin, bloodstream, tissues and organs. The free radicals lead to the mutation of healthy cells. It is packed with impressive flavonoid and anthocyanin properties. (2)

  1. Prevents cancer

The research shows that the presence of anthocyanin in Chokeberries helps to lower the chances of colon cancer. The berries have the ability to prevent various forms of cancer. (3)

  1. Cognitive ailments

Free radicals damage the pathways of cognitive and brain. The presence of anthocyanins in Chokeberries are associated with the raise of activities of neural pathways and also lower oxidative stress in brain. It lowers the chances of dementia, Alzheimer’s and cognitive ailments. (4)

  1. Immunity

Chokeberries are loaded with antioxidants due to the presence of adequate amount of Vitamin C which helps to regulate the activities of white blood cells. WBC is vital for the collagen production. Collagen is essential for the repair and growth of new organs, tissues, cells and blood vessels. (5)

  1. Eye ailments

Chokeberries contain carotenes which help to lower oxidative stress in eye. It also prevents the chances of macular degeneration and prevents the cataract development. Carotene is an antioxidant which is found in meaningful amount in Aronia berry.

  1. Skin ailments

Chokeberries enhance the skin health as well as appearance. Due to the presence of oxidative stress, the skin ages such as age spots, wrinkles and appearance of scars and blemishes. Antioxidants found in Aronia berries prevent the age symptoms. It helps to tighten the skin. (6)

  1. Heart health and blood pressure

Chokeberries are high in potassium which is healthy for the heart. Potassium acts as a vasodilator that provides relief from the stress on cardiovascular system. It helps to relax arteries, blood vessels, drops of blood pressure, increase in blood flow and reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. Antioxidants and dietary fiber is essential to lower the level of cholesterol and eliminates free radicals. (7)

  1. Antibacterial properties

The research shows that Chokeberries have a direct effect on gut infections, common flu and respiratory tract infections. (8)

  1. Prevents diabetes

Dietary fiber found in Chokeberries are associated to raise in the regulation of insulin that helps to normalize the level of blood sugar, prevents drops and spikes which could be harmful for the diabetic patients. These berries help to prevent diseases. (9)

Types of Aronia Berry

There are various types of Aronia berry such as:

1. Aronia red:

It reaches up to a height of 2 to 4 m which rarely reaches to 6 m. Foliage is about 5 to 8 cm broad. The flowers are white to pale pink and measures 1 cm broad. Fruits are 4-10 mm wide and red.



2. Aronia black:

It reaches up to the height of 1-3 m. The foliage is small and has the width of 6 cm. The flower is white and fruits are black of about 6-9 mm wide.



3. Aronia violet (purple):

It is the mixture of above two kinds of Aronia berry. Fruits are about 7-10 mm wide and is dark purple to black.




3 Ways to Add Chokeberries to Your Diet

a) Eat Them Straight

The intake of 100 gm of berries provides about 35% of Vitamin C. It is consumed with oatmeal, yogurt, baked goodies and smoothies.

b) Drink Aronia Juice

A glass of Chokeberrie juice provides 21.7 g of total carbohydrates, 25 mg of sodium, 250 mg of potassium and 33.3 mg of calcium.

c) Take Aronia Supplements

Chokeberries could be included in the meals by taking natural supplements of Aronia. The supplements benefits the various components such as probiotics.

Traditional uses


How to Eat         





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