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Health benefits of Indian asparagus

Health benefits of Indian asparagus

Indian asparagus Quick Facts
Name: Indian asparagus
Scientific Name: Asparagus Racemosus
Origin Africa, Australia, India and Asia
Colors Green when young turning to red and later blackish-purple as they matures
Shapes Three lobed, globose berry up to 6 mm in diameter
Taste Bitter, sweet
Health benefits For Healthy Heart, Gastric Problems, Blood Clots, Cure an array of medical conditions, Helps with Breast milk production, Treats Urinary Tract Infections, Reduces Cholesterol, For Weight Loss, Relieves stress and anxiety, Cures Epilepsy, Maintains Blood Cholesterol Level, Maintains Homocysteine Level, Relieves Depression, Male Reproductive System, Treats Rheumatism, Reduces mood swings, Acts as a diuretic, Fights PMS, Improves Fertility, Natural antibiotic, Respiratory System, Fights Tumor, Controls Diabetes, Cures Hangovers, For Eye Care, Treats Tuberculosis, Treats Neuro degenerative Diseases
Shatavari is scientifically known as Asparagus racemosus is a much-branched, spinous under-shrub of the Liliaceae (Lily Family). The plant is native to Africa, Australia, India and Asia.  It can also be found in southern parts of China. Some of the popular common names of the plants are Asparagus-fern, Sparrow grass, satawari, buttermilk root, climbing asparagus, water root, wild asparagus, wild carrot, Indian asparagus, Sataver white and Sataver yellow. In Sanskrit this plant is called shatavari which means ‘able to have one hundred husbands’ and in Ayurveda this amazing herb is known as the “queen of herbs” because it promotes love, special affinity to women health and devotion and as it increases the capacity for love making. Shatavari has long been used to support women at the end of menses by encouraging circulation, as well as healthy nervous system and hormonal function.

The herb is also an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogenic herbs are said to help your body cope with physical and emotional stress. Shatavari is considered a general health tonic to improve vitality, making it a staple in ayurvedic medicine.  Roots of this natural herb are rich in medicinal properties and are regularly used in preparation of ayurvedic medicines. Because of destructive harvesting, combined with habitat destruction, and deforestation, the plant is now considered “endangered” in its natural habitat.

Plant Description

Indian asparagus is a woody scandent, much-branched, spinous under-shrub, climbing plant that grows about 1–2 m (3 ft. 3 in–6 ft. 7 in) tall. The plant is found growing in forests, thickets, shady, moist places, plains from the coast, in scrub jungle, hill slopes, forest borders and fallow lands. The plant prefers well-drained fertile sandy-loam to clay-loam soil. It also does best in gravelly, rocky soils high up in piedmont plains. Root is numerous and fusiform, succulent, spindle shaped and tuberous with a diameter of about 0.5 to 1.5 cm and it arises as a cluster from the basal end of the stem. It is light ash-colored externally and white internally, more or less smooth when fresh, but on drying, develop longitudinal wrinkles and lack any well-marked odor. Stem is woody, sparsely covered with recurve spines. Leaves are small pine-needle-like phylloclades (photosynthetic branches) that are uniform and shiny green.

Flower & Fruit

Flower is white with a pink tinge, fragrant, about 2-3 mm long; bell-shaped with 6 petals occur in solitary or fascicled, 2.5–5 cm long, racemes. Stamens are equal, 0.7 mm; anthers yellow and minute. Flowering normally occurs from June-July. Fertile flowers are followed by three lobed, globose berries that are up to 6 mm in diameter. Fruits are initially green when young turning to red and later blackish-purple as they mature. Seeds are black in color and hard with brittle testa.


Shatavari’s binomial name is Asparagus racemosus. It was botanically described for the first time in 1799. It is considered an important part in Indian Ayurveda medicine. Since then, it has been greeted for multiple alternative health remedies.

Shatavari, or the ‘Indian asparagus’ or ‘wild asparagus,’ is a popular herb in Ayurveda medicine. It is known for its many health benefits. It has a good reputation as a reproductive tonic for both men and women, nourishes body tissues and provides vitality and strength. It comes with different names. Some of these are Vrishya, Shatuli, and Kurilo. Another name is Shatawari. In Indian, the word’s translation means “curer of one hundred diseases.”

Health benefits of Indian asparagus

Shatavari, also known as satavari, satavar, or Asparagus racemosus (A. racemosus), is said to promote fertility and have a range of health benefits, mostly for the female reproductive system. The herb is thought to be adaptogenic, which means that it may help to regulate the body’s systems and improve resistance to stress.

1. For Healthy Heart

Shatavari provides human body few vital vitamins including Vitamin B1, folic acid and Vitamin b6 which are necessary for proper functioning of cardiovascular system. It decreases risks of heart diseases and guarantees health of your heart. As you know that Shatavari extract decreases high blood pressure.

2. Gastric Problems

Shatavari is known to treat gastric problems. Dried roots are turned into powder and it can be made into a juice. The consumption of this juice is perfect to cure ulcers and other ailments occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. If this plant is consumed frequently, it can also cure gastroparesis. This disease usually causes diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and heartburn.

3. Blood Clots

Shatavari supplies body with sufficient quantities of vitamin K. Vitamin K plays vital role in clotting of blood. It is vital in preventing blood clots in arteries. It helps reduce risk of coronary artery disorder. You can also have Shatavari capsules for your better health.

4. Cure an array of medical conditions

Shatavari is very beneficial for the body and can act as a diuretic so that excess fluid can be removed from the body. Boiled leaves on the Shatavari can be used to cure hormonal imbalances, rheumatism, fever and headaches. In most cases, it can also help diabetes patients by controlling their blood sugar levels to a great extent.

5. Helps with Breast milk production

Young mothers usually find it hard to breast feed their newborns due to very little milk production. This can happen due to a variety of reasons such as anaemia, low blood pressure or simply stress. Consuming Shatavari everyday helps to facilitate and regulate milk production. This method is ideal for the nourishment of young babies so that their immune system becomes stronger. Also Shatavari is a natural herb so it doesn’t cause any harm to the child.

6. Treats Urinary Tract Infections

An Asparagus racemosus consists of antiurolithiatic effect, which helps to cure urinary tract infections. Due to the vegetable’s diuretic properties, consumption of this herb increases the frequency and volume of urination. This helps to detoxify and flush the toxic waste out of the body.

7. Reduces Cholesterol

Shatavari root powder has numerous compounds like saponins, flavonoids and ascorbic acid which increase the excretion of cholesterol. Asparagus Racemosus helps reduce bad cholesterol and promotes the generation of good cholesterol which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

8. For Weight Loss

Diuretic effect of Shatavari may reduce bloating of body. Shatavari is often considered part of weight loss diet. Apart from the above there is not much evidence about Shatavari reducing weight. However, as a diet it offers various nutrients and very less calories along with enough dietary fibers, which makes it good food for weight loss diet.

9. Relieves stress and anxiety

Due to work pressure, performance pressure, education and mental traumas stress has become a daily part of our lives. We usually ignore it and the next thing we know is, it makes us under-perform and makes it difficult to lead a happy life. Stress and tension can easily be reduced by Shatavari due to its ability to strengthen the immune system. This helps our mind and body to relax and cope up with everyday challenges which might cause tension and anxiety.

10. Cures Epilepsy

Epilepsy is one of the chronic disorders that affects your brain and leads to recurrent convulsions or seizures. Brain transmits abnormal signals as a result of irreversible changes in the brain tissues. The roots of Shatavari can be used as an antiepileptic for curing the symptoms of epilepsy.

11. Maintains Blood Cholesterol Level

The wealth of antioxidants present in Shatavari has the potential to treat oxidative stress, along with other disorders such as hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia. These diseases indicate the presence of high fat and also high cholesterol content in the body, which can further pose a major threat for fatal conditions like cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis. Shatavari plays an important role to treat these diseases.

12. Maintains Homocysteine Level

Deficiency of vitamin B in the body can elevate the levels of homocysteine and increase the risk of damage to blood vessels, venous thrombosis in which clotting of blood happens in the veins, atherosclerosis, and other cardiac disorders.

Shatavari herb is generally rich in B vitamins that help in maintaining healthy levels of homocysteine, which is produced in the blood when an amino acid (methionine) breaks down in the body. Vitamin B, especially folate, B6, and B12 plays an important role in converting homocysteine into cysteine, which then gets converted back to methionine as per the normal methylation cycle.

13. Relieves Depression

Shatavari is used as one of the anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs. It helps in enhancing the memory, increases the production, and secretion of estrogen and it also has a revitalizing and calming effect on the nervous system.

14. Male Reproductive System

Although, Withania somnifera is considered a potent male tonic; Asparagus racemosus has also been tested for its aphrodisiac properties to potentially boost male sexual health. Investigations have purported that the herb supports a healthy sperm count, improves sexual debilities like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, increases reproductive fluids, and improves semen quantity and quality.

15. Treats Rheumatism

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the joints. As the consumption of folate-rich food like Shatavari, which also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, may help to relieve the pain and ease the overall poor functioning in the body associated with arthritis

16. Reduces mood swings

Mood swings are more common in women than in men. This can occur due to menstruation, pregnancy or hormonal problems. Mood swings can not only spoil our mood but also make it difficult for us to interact with people. Consuming Shatavari on a regular basis can help to combat mood swings easily.

17. Acts as a diuretic

Shatvari helps to fight against urinary tract problems and infections. It also maintains health of the urinary bladder. Apart from this, regular consumption of Shatavari can help to reduce kidney stones in size and sometime cure it completely.

19. Fights PMS

Shatavari extract can be used effectively for easing premenstrual bloating. Presence of essential nutrients in it helps to combat depression and fatigue, as well as reduce menstrual cramps. It also helps in controlling blood loss and maintaining hormonal balance during menstruation.

20. Improves Fertility

Root of Shatavari herb is widely respected in Ayurvedic therapy and which means ‘one who has 100 husbands’. Shatavari has aphrodisiac properties and it is used to regulate the hormones and also cures male and female sexual disorders. It has anti-anxiety properties and helps in curing physical and mental debility in males. It also helps in enhancing the libido and boosts sperm count and its motility.

In females, Shatavari has been proven to be effective in menopausal syndrome and anemia. Shatavari has been trusted as a galactagogue and it is also valued for its effectiveness in improving the quality and quantity of the breast milk while boosting the appetite of nursing women.

21. Natural antibiotic

Often we experience diseases which are a result of certain infection; Shatvari acts as a natural anti-biotic to cure diseases like Staphyoloccus, E.coli, dysenteriae and cholera. It also helps to make the immune system much stronger so that it can prevent life threatening diseases from occurring.

22. Respiratory System

Shatavari is traditionally used in enhancing respiratory health since it exerts a cooling and moistening effect soothing dry and inflamed mucous membranes in the respiratory tract. Its immune-modulatory properties help the body improve its defenses against foreign bodies that infiltrate the respiratory tract.

23. Fights Tumor

Shatavari herb consists of a particular variety of phytonutrients known as saponins. As you all know that saponins generally possess anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Along with the chemo-preventive efficiency, it also helps in elevating the levels of glutathione, an antioxidant and detoxifying compound. It also helps in the prevention of many diseases like HIV, AIDS, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, anemia, cancer and also various cardiac disorders.

24. Controls Diabetes

Anti-inflammatory nutrients present in Shatavari helps in reducing the risk of chronic health ailments, including type 2 diabetes. This amazing beneficial effect is also attributed to the presence of the mineral chromium, which plays a vital role in regulating the blood sugar levels of the body. That also helps in keeping a check on blood sugar levels, improves insulin secretion, and provides an anti-diabetic effect.

25. Cures Hangovers

Shatavari herb extract consists of few essential amino acids that are more effective in curing hangovers. As you know a hangover refers to the unpleasant physiological effect caused due to substantial consumption of alcoholic drinks. Its symptoms include anxiety, fatigue, and stomach disorders like nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. Leaves and shoots of Shatavari consist of a good amount of inorganic mineral content, which also aids in the protection of the liver cells from the toxic effects of alcohol.

26. For Eye Care

Shatavari is a good source of vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy vision. Due to the presence of antioxidants in this herb it helps in defending the retina from the damage caused by the oxygen-free radicals. Presence of the amino acid glutathione in it also helps in reducing the risk of eye ailments such as cataracts and night blindness. You can also have Shatavari capsules for an easy way to protect your eyes.

27. Treats Tuberculosis

Herb is also known for its effectiveness in curing bronchitis and tuberculosis. It improves the functioning of lung tissues and helps in treating throat infections as well.

28. Treats Neuro degenerative Diseases

Shatavari is effective in treating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases. These beneficial effects are attributed to the presence of phytoestrogens in it that have certain neuro-protective effects. Neurodegenerative diseases are genetic or periodic conditions affecting the neurons of the human brain and the body does not normally have the ability to replace the damaged neurons.

Traditional uses and benefits of Indian asparagus

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Indian asparagus

How to Take Shatavari Root

Including Shatavari into your herbal regimen is pretty straightforward. Shatavari can be effective when taken on its own or as part of an herbal formula.






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