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Health Benefits of Mango Ginger

Mango Ginger Quick Facts
Name: Mango Ginger
Scientific Name: Curcuma mangga
Origin The species is indigenous to Malesia and cultivated in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
Curcuma manga belongs to Zingiberaceae family. It is also known as temu pauh in Malaysia, Khamin Khao in Thailand and temu mangga in Indonesia. It got the generic name mango ginger or mango turmeric because it produces mango like smell when the fresh rhizome is cut. In Java, rhizomes are used as a seasoning for food and used to treat stomach aches, cancer and fever. It is found in tropical countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. It is an herbaceous and perennial plant that produces clumps of erect pseudostems 30–110 cm long from branched rhizome. The pseudostem comprises of five to seven leaves with blades that ranges in size from 16-60 cm long and 7-15 cm wide. In Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Java, it is cultivated as a food crop. The crop duration is shorter.

Plant description

Mango Ginger is a tillering, erect and herbaceous perennial which measures 50 to 200 cm high with subterranean rhizome which is yellowish-brown outside, white at the top and citron yellow inside and smells like mango or kwini when crushed or sliced. Rhizome is globose or ellipsoid, lateral rhizomes are cylindrical or clavate, smaller and copiously branched. Stems are robust, erect having 2 to 4 scales or sheaths at the base and have 3 to 7 leaves higher. Leaf sheaths are conduplicate and 30 to 65 cm long. Leaf blades are elliptical oblong to oblong lanceolate measuring 15-95 cm by 5-23 cm and green with light or dark purple-brown along the midrib. An inflorescence is lateral i.e. flowering shoot terminal arises from lateral rhizome. Peduncle is slightly hairy, spike is cylindrical and measures 10–20 cm long having numerous leafy green bracts. Flower is slender having narrow throat. Labellum is obovate and 15-25 mm by 14-128 mm wide having yellow median band. Staminodes are white subelliptical and anther is long narrow spur.

Climate and soil

It prefers hot and humid tropical climate having high rainfall. It is found in open conditions but also tolerate low levels of shade. The cultivation is best for partially shaded portion. It grows well in sandy loam soil.

Health Benefits of Mango Ginger

1.      Relieve pain

Mango ginger acts as a calming agent that provides relief from pain. Mix 25 grams of Curcuma manga with 100 grams of sesame and heat on low flame till it is lukewarm. Massage with this oil to relieve pain.

2.      Treat skin diseases

Curcuma manga is used for treating skin problems. It detoxifies the body and improves skin complexion, skin problems and acne. It has antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. It treats skin issues. It detoxifies the body and improves skin complexion. It uses various cosmetics and skin care products. Add 2 tbsp of milk or rosewater and 2 tsp of mango ginger juice and apply it to face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

3.      Relieve Itching

The root is anti-allergenic and provides relief from itching. Combine 2 tsp of mango ginger juice to 2 tbsp of milk or rose water and coconut oil and apply it on irritated skin. Or mix 1 tsp of Mango ginger powder with a cup of milk. Boil and then cool before drinking.

4.      Metabolic problems

The plant helps to rectify the metabolic problems. It soothes three Doshas in the body especially Pitta. It prevents the growth of triglycerides in the body which helps the metabolic complications. The mango ginger is helpful for those with diabetes. Mix a tablespoon of Mango ginger powder to a glass of milk before drinking.

5.      Relieve Cold and Cough

Mango ginger is an analgesic and expectorant which is often used to provide relief from cold and cough. It provides relief from bronchitis and asthma. Mix teaspoon of dried Mango ginger powder with water or fresh juice. Drink this mixture to provide relief.

6.      Relieve digestive problems

In human and animals, enterokinase found in Mango ginger assist digestion. The enzyme breaks down proteins to organic compounds which are easier to digest. Root also detoxifies the body. It provides relief from gas, promotes digestive strength and improves appetite.

7.      Relieve inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties prevent swelling in joints. It provides relief from swelling in liver, rheumatism, arthritic joint pains and swelling caused by injuries, bruises and sprains. Boil 200 gm of Moringa bark with water and make a paste. Combine this paste with 100 gm of Mango ginger powder and 100 gm of black pepper powder. Mix this together and apply it on joints to provide relief from pain.

8.      Relieve head lice and dandruff

Mango ginger has anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties. Use it as a medication to provide relief from head lice and dandruff.  Mix 10 grams each of mango ginger, Brahmi, fenugreek, Amla powder and 20 gm of Shikakai powder. Add it to 100 ml of coconut oil for forming a paste. Apply paste to scalp and let it remain for 30 minutes. Clean with herbal shampoo followed by conditioner.

Culinary uses

Medicinal use






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