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Rowan berry – Sorbus domestica


Rowan berry Quick Facts
Name: Rowan berry
Scientific Name: Sorbus domestica
Origin Native to Western, Central & Southern Europe, Northwest Africa and Southwest Asia
Colors Bright orange, red, pink, yellow and white (Fruit)
Shapes Pome, obovoid or pyriform, apple or pear shaped; Length: 2-3 cm, Diameter: 2 cm (Fruit)
Taste Bitter
Major nutrients Protein (0.11%)
Vitamin E (1.12%)
Vitamin C (0.10%)
Health benefits Prevent cancer, Enhance immunity, Antibacterial agent, Supports digestion, Respiratory problems
More facts about Rowan berry
Rowan berry, with scientific name Sorbus domestica, is a small deciduous tree in the rose family Rosaceae, native to the Western, Central & Southern Europe, Northwest Africa and Southwest Asia. Rowan berry tree produce an edible fruit and is cultivated for both the domestic and commercial purposes. Most Rowan berries are processed into the products such as sauce, juice, jam, wine and also dried. It performs well in a moist soil with cold climate. The plant bears flowers from Late April to Mid-May and fruits from July to October. The plant usually lives up to 100 years in wild. Some vernacular names of Rowan berry are: Zahmer Eberesche in German; Rjabina Krymskaja in Russia; Sorbo in Spain and Nanakamado in Japan. Other common names of Rowan berry are: Beam Tree, Chess Tree, Checker Tree, Service Tree, Sorb Tree, Mountain Ash, Whitty Pear and True Service Tree.


Rowan berries are small, deciduous tree up to 15-20 m high with trunk diameter of 1 m. Leaves are imparipinnate, alternately arranged and 15-25 cm long with oblong to oblanceolate leaflets of 3-5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. The flowers are hermaphrodite with five creamy white petals of 15 mm diameter and 5-10 mm across. The fruit is a pome of 2-3 cm long and 2 cm diameter. The color of the fruit ranges from bright orange to red, pink, yellow and white. Fruits are obovoid or pyriform which resembles the shape of apple or pear but has bitter taste. The trees have brown, smooth, fissured and flaky bark.

Nutritional Value

100 grams of Rowan berry provides 0.0545 grams of protein, 15 grams of total sugars, 4.75 grams of glucose and 9.8 grams of fructose. 100 grams of Rowan berry seeds provides 3.29 grams of protein, 20.53 grams of fat, 2 grams of total sugars, 0.57 grams of glucose and 1.83 grams of fructose.


Health Benefits of Rowan berry

Rowan berries are loaded with various amounts of nutrients such as Vitamin C, dietary fiber and scorbic acid. It also possesses antioxidants that assist the body to prevent the diseases. Rowan berries helps to enhance the immune system, digestion, respiratory system, prevent cancers and lower the bacterial infections. The fruit, bark and leaf of Rowan berry are useful. In folk medicine, Rowan berries are used to prevent diabetes, anemia, hemorrhoids, kidney & liver ailments and gastrointestinal problems. The fruit have diuretic, cholagogue, diaphoretic and hemostatic properties. Rowan berries are included in the diet in the form of jams, jellies, fruits, pies, juices and desserts.

  1. Prevent cancer

Rowan berries are high in antioxidants which help to prevent the chronic diseases along with cancer. Scorbic acid and quercetin both acts as antioxidants that helps to prevent damage made by free radicals in the body. Free radicals are the harmful byproducts of the cellular metabolism that leads the mutation of healthy cells into cancerous cells. Rowan berries helps to enhances the antioxidant levels that helps to prevent the growth of cancers, lowers the risk of premature ageing, promote the skin health, raise the regeneration of cells, speeds up the healing and lowers the chances of macular degeneration. (1)

  1. Enhance immunity

Though Rowan berries do not have various vitamins, it is rich in Vitamin C content. Vitamin C is essential for maintaining the health because it helps to enhance the white blood cells production and also functions as an antioxidant. In addition, Vitamin C assists in the functioning of bodily processes which includes the collagen production, enhancing the muscle tissues and repairs the blood vessels. (2)

  1. Antibacterial agent

Scorbic acid is associated with lowering the effects of bacterial and microbial agents in the body as well as skin. The extracts of Rowan berry is used in the cosmetic use and also as a food source. It acts as an antimicrobial and antibacterial booster. (3)

  1. Supports digestion

Rowan berries contains adequate amounts of dietary fiber which promotes the digestion and lowers constipation by adding bulk to the stool and stimulating the gastrointestinal system. Additionally, the organic compounds found in Rowan berries helps to treat diarrhea but the exact mechanism is not clear. (4)

  1. Respiratory problems

The juice of Rowan berry was used in traditional medicine to cure the respiratory tract inflammation, relieve congestion, asthma and sore throat. This may be due to the presence of antioxidant properties which acts as an anti-inflammation. Vitamin C helps to alleviate the symptoms of asthma. Rowan berries are used as an aid for the respiratory problems. (5)

Traditional uses


How to Eat

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