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White Corn nutrition and uses

White Corn nutrition and uses

White Corn Quick Facts
Name: White Corn
Scientific Name: Zea mays L. var. indentata
Origin Mesoamerica, probably in the Mexican highlands
Colors Milky White
Shapes Long cylindrical consisting 200–400 kernels
Taste Sweet
Calories 606 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Carbohydrate (94.82%)
Vitamin B6 (79.46%)
Copper (57.89%)
Iron (56.25%)
Vitamin B1 (53.25%)
Health benefits Anemia Prevention, Prevents Hemorrhoids, Promotes Growth, Weight Loss, Prevents Hypertension, Lowers LDL Cholesterol, May Prevent Alzheimer, Prevents Diverticular Diseases, Weight Gain, Cosmetic Benefits
White corn scientifically known as Zea mays L. var. indentata is a sweet corn variety and is a member of the Poaceae ⁄ Gramineae (Grass family). The plant is native to Mesoamerica, probably in the Mexican highlands. It is technically classified as a grain crop, though when harvested young, it is utilized as a vegetable. Genus name comes from the Greek name for another cereal. Specific epithet comes from the Mexican vernacular name for maize. Few of the common names of the plant are Maize, Turkish wheat, Field corn, Corn, Indian corn, Grain maize and Cultivated maize.

The less white corn is cooked, the better the flavor and texture. White corn can be roasted, grilled, blanched, steamed, or pureed. White corn’s bright and sweet flavors lend well to pastas and salads. It pairs well with tomatoes, basil, cilantro, lobster, pork, chanterelles, truffles, shelling beans, cream, nutty cheeses, peas, summer squashes, fennel, citrus and scallops. Corn is dried and ground into flour for baked goods, tortillas, cereals and used as a crust/crisping agent for dishes both savory and sweet. Corn is also used for oil, as a sweetener in foods and beverages and as a base for beverage alcohol.

Plant Description

White corn is an erect, tall, fast growing, monoecious short lived annual grass that grows about 1–4 m (3 to 13 ft.) tall or occasionally 7 m; usually with a single main culm and one or occasionally 2 lateral branches in the leaf axils in the upper part of the plant. White corn is adaptable to a wide range of soils, but thrives best on well drained, well-aerated, deep soils containing adequate organic matter and well supplied with nutrients. It is sensitive to soil salinity. The plant has single erect stem made up of nodes and internodes.

Leaves are broadly linear 50–10 cm long by 3–7 cm wide arranged distichously, with leaf sheath surrounding the stem. Upper surface is hairy, lower surface hairless.  The main culm produces at least 8 leaves, with temperate hybrids producing an average of 15 leaves and tropical hybrids producing up to 48 leaves.  Conventional roots are supplemented with aerial brace roots, which protect against lodging. Flowers are monoecious, born in separate parts of the plant.  Female flowers (ears) arise from axillary bud apices.  Male flowers (tassels) arise from the apical stem. Its ears are wrapped in tightly layered pale lime green to white husks. One ear of corn can contain up to 400 kernels growing in rows lengthwise.


The fruit of maize is a caryopsis, a dry indehiscent single seeded fruit. The pericarp (ovary wall) and testa (seed coat) are fused to form the fruit wall. Fruit also called kernel or grain and seed. Kernel composed of three main parts – the embryo, endosperm and fruit wall. Each ear contains 200–400 kernels which can be variously colored blackish, bluish-gray, purple, green, red, white and yellow. Both the kernels and milk of white corn are creamy white in color. The kernels have a very high percentage of sugar and water in their composition. When at their prime ripeness (the milking stage) the kernels will be tender, sweet and succulent. As the ear matures the water content decreases, the sugar turns to starch and the kernels become tough with a doughy consistency.

Health benefits of White Corn

White Corn provides numerous health benefits due to the presence of quality nutrients within. Besides being a delicious addition to any meal, it is rich in phytochemicals and offers protection against a number of long-lasting diseases. The well-researched and widespread health benefits of white corn are listed below.

1. Anemia Prevention

This is another one of those illnesses for women that are spreading more than ever. Anemia happens due to the profound deficiency of vitamins and minerals such as iron in your body. Body requires iron and folate to form new red blood cells. White Corn is a very good source of iron, per 166 grams of serving it provides an impressive 4.5 mg of iron.

2.Prevents Hemorrhoids

White corn consists of good amount of fiber content that helps in alleviating digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids, as well as lowering the risk of colon cancer due to corn being a whole-grain.

Fiber has long been encouraged as a way to reduce colon risk, but insufficient and conflicting data exist for fiber’s relationship with preventing cancer, although whole-grain consumption has been proven to reduce that risk. Fiber helps bulk up bowel movements, which stimulates peristaltic motion and the production of gastric juice and bile. It can also add bulk to overly loose stools, which can reduce the chances of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea. (1), (2)

3. Promotes Growth

White Corn is rich in vitamin B constituents, particularly thiamin and niacin. Thiamin is vital for maintaining nerve health and cognitive function. Niacin shortage leads to pellagra; a disease characterized by diarrhea, dementia, and dermatitis that is commonly observed in malnourished individuals. It is also a good source of pantothenic acid, which is an essential vitamin for carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism in the body.

Deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women can lead to the birth of underweight infants and may also result in neural tube defects in newborns. White corn provides a large percentage of the daily folate requirement, thus preventing this condition. Kernels of corn are rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that is essential for growth and protection of the body from illness and diseases. (3)

4. Weight Loss

Losing weight can be quite tough job. However, to lose weight consuming the right kind of nutrient rich foods is essential. White corn is the best snack for this, it is a wonderful source of energy and will also leave you feeling full for longer due to its fiber content. Popped corn without any salt, cooked with a tablespoon of coconut oil is the way to go.

5. Prevents Hypertension

White Corn consists of phenolic phytochemicals that help regulate blood pressure and prevent hypertension. There is also a good amount of vitamin B that is beneficial for the optimal functionality of your adrenal glands.

6. Lowers LDL Cholesterol

According to the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, consumption of corn husk oil helps to lowers plasma LDL or bad cholesterol by decreasing cholesterol absorption in the body.  As mentioned earlier, this reduction in LDL cholesterol does not mean a reduction in HDL or good cholesterol, which can have beneficial effects on the body. They include the reduction of heart diseases, prevention of atherosclerosis, and a general searching of free radicals throughout the body.(4), (5)

7. May Prevent Alzheimer

It has been researched as a source of thymine, which is an antioxidant that sharpens brain functions. It also helps synthesize acetycholine, which in turn leads to an improved memory.

8. Prevents Diverticular Diseases

These diseases are often quite painful and lead to a lot of discomfort and suffering. Although researches are still being conducted on this subject, there has been an observation made on about 47,228 men that shows the benefits of consuming popcorn to prevent the symptoms of this disease from developing.

9. Weight Gain

White corn is a rich source of calories and is a staple in many places. The calorific content of corn is 606 calories per 166 grams, which is among the highest for cereals. This is why, it is often turned to for quick weight gain, and combined with the ease and flexibility of growing conditions for corn, the high-calorie content makes it vital for the survival of dozens of agricultural nations.(6)

10. Cosmetic Benefits

Cornstarch is used in the manufacturing of many cosmetic products and may also be applied topically to soothe skin rashes and irritation. Corn products can be used to replace carcinogenic petroleum products which are major components of many cosmetic preparations. Many of the traditional skin creams consists of petroleum jelly as a base material, which can often block pores and make skin conditions even worse.(7)

Traditional uses and benefits of White Corn

Ayurvedic Health benefits of White Corn

Culinary Uses


White Corn Chowder



  1. Holding each ear of corn by its pointed end and steadying its stalk end on a cutting board, cut down along the ear with a sharp knife to strip off the kernels, turning the ear with each cut. Alternatively, remove the kernels with a kernel cutter. You will need 4 cups corn kernels. Set aside.
  2. In a large saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter. Add the onion and celery and sauté until soft, about 10 minutes. Add the potatoes, stock, water and thyme and bring to a simmer. Cover, adjust the heat to maintain a gentle simmer and cook until the potatoes are almost tender, about 8 minutes. Add the corn, cover and continue to simmer gently until the corn is tender, 3 to 5 minutes more.
  3. Transfer about 4 cups of the soup solids to a food processor along with enough of the cooking liquid to achieve a puree. Secure the lid and cover with a kitchen towel. Process until smooth and return to the pan. Stir in the half-and-half and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Reheat the soup gently over medium-low heat. Ladle into warmed soup bowls and garnish with the chives, dividing evenly. Serve immediately.

Sweet White Corn Casserole



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. Combine whole kernel corn, cream-style corn, muffin mix, onion, butter, eggs, and red bell pepper in a 2-quart casserole dish; stir.
  3. Bake in preheated oven until golden brown and the center is set, about 1 hour.

Rice with White Corn



  1. Rinse and drain the corn kernels.
  2. Heat the canola oil in a large saucepan over medium heat, add the rice to the oil, and cook, stirring, for about 1 minute, until the rice turns pale white, then add the corn.
  3. Pour in the boiling water and salt to taste and stir to combine.
  4. Cover the pan and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes or until there are air holes visible in the cooked rice.
  5. Fluff the rice up with a fork and serve.

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