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Health Benefits of Pecans

Pecans Quick Facts
Name: Pecans
Scientific Name: Carya illinoinensis
Origin Native to Mexico and the Southcentral and Southeastern regions of the United States.
Colors Reddish-brown
Shapes Smooth, cylindric, oblong, brown, 3-5 × 2-3 cm
Flesh colors Dark brown, golden brown
Taste Buttery
Calories 753 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Total Fat (224.14%)
Manganese (213.26%)
Copper (145.33%)
Vitamin B1 (59.92%)
Zinc (44.91%)
Health benefits Provides energy, Oxidative stress prevention, Heart health, Lower inflammation, Prevention of osteoporosis
Pecan tree is a large deciduous tree which grows from 20 to 40 meters high. It spreads 12 to 23 meters with trunk 2 meters diameter. Leaves are alternate, 30 to 45 cm long and pinnate with 9 to 17 leaflets. Each leaflet measures 5 to 12 cm long and 2 to 6 cm broad. Pecan is a fruit of other members of hickory genus which is a fruit having a single stone or pits which is surrounded by a husk. Husks are produced from exocarp tissue of flower. Husk is aneneous, oval to oblong measuring 2.6 to 6 cm (1.0 to 2.4 inches) long and 1.5 to 3 cm (0.59 to 1.18 inches) broad. Outer husk is 3 to 4 mm (0.12-0.16 inches) thick which is green when start out turning to brown at maturity. Pecan seeds are edible having rich and buttery flavor. It is consumed fresh or used in cooking in sweet desserts.

Pecan is a vital food source for many animals and birds such as crows, blue jays, deer, squirrel, rats and raccoons.  Various animals helps the pecan trees as dispersal agents that spreads pecan so that it could germinate some distant from parent tree. Pecan trees show bi-level functionality, meeting individual needs for sunlight, carbon dioxide from air and water and nutrients from soil. It directly provides food and shelter to animals and forest understory and generates large amounts of oxygen through photosynthesis.

Nuts have become ever more popular as a crispy as well as healthy snack. Pecans are among the most widely used delicious nuts indigenous to North America and also Mexico. The pecan tree is really a big deciduous tree belonging to the hickory family. An average pecan features a buttery rich shell that is golden brown outside as well as beige inside. The kernel occupies 40% to 60% of the space within the shell. This particular kernel features a grooved surface yet is a little more oval in shape. The pecan features a sweet, rich as well as buttery flavor as well as texture which may be related to its higher amounts of monounsaturated oils. Pecans have got a fat content of over 70% that is the greatest among all the nuts. Shelled pecans can be found throughout the year whilst unshelled pecans can be found in autumn.

Pecans are available in various sizes like mammoth, extra-large, large, medium, small and midget. They’re also obtainable in various forms like whole pecans, pecan halves, pieces, granules and meals. Their rich buttery flavor makes them ideal for both savory as well as sweet dishes. The well-known “pecan pie” is really a classic South American dish which utilizes pecan like a main component. Raw pecans could be salted or sweetened and make for the delicious snack. They may be spread over desserts, especially sundaes and ice creams. They’re also traditionally used in confectionery as an addition to biscuits, sweets and cakes. Pecan nut butter is a well-liked spread for breads, toast etc.


Pecan is the member of Juglandaceae, a walnut family. The family members of Juglandaceae possess large and aromatic leaves which are alternate and opposite in members of genera Alfaroa and Oreomunnia. Leaves are ternate or pinnately compound and are usually 200 to 100 centimeters long. The pollination takes place by wind. Flowers are small, yellow to green catkins and fruit is a true botanical nut. Fruit is an oval or globose nut usually 2 to 5 centimeters long and 1.5 to 3 centimeters in diameter which is enclosed in a four valved husk that splits only at maturity. The shell of nut is thick and bony in most species but few have thin.


Pecans were consumed widely before European settlement and traded by Native Americans. Pecans are a natural choice for preagricultural society as a food source. It could provide 2 to 5 times more calories per unit than wild game. In 16th century, pecans were firstly known to Europeans. Spanish explores were the first Europeans which is now Texas, Mexico and Louisiana to come into contact with pecans. Pecan was called tuerca de la arruga by Spanish explorers which translate to wrinkle nut. It was named due to its resemblance to wrinkles. Genus Carya do not existed in the Old World. Due to the familiarity with Juglans genus, early explorers referred the nuts as nueces and nogales which is the Spanish term for fruit of walnut and walnut trees. It noted particularly thin shell and acorn like shape of the fruit which indicates that they were indeed referred to pecans. In the beginning of 16th century, Spaniards took pecan into Asia, Europe and Africa.

Willian Bartram in 1792 reported in his botanical book, Travels, a nut tree (Juglans exalata) which some botanists argue today was an American pecan tree but others argue it was hickory (Juglans exalata). The pecan trees are inherent to United States and writing about pecan tree goes back to nation’s founders. Pecan trees (Carya illinoinensis) were planted by Thomas Jefferson in his nut orchard at his home Monticello, in Virginia.

Health Benefits of Pecans

Pecan nuts have been increasingly popular as nutritious and crunchy snack. It is one of the popular edible nuts inherent to North America and Mexico. The tree is large, deciduous which belongs to the hickory family. Pecan has buttery rich shell which is golden brown outside and is beige inside. Kernel occupies about 40 to 60% of space inside shell. Kernel is slightly more oval shape and has grooved surface. Pecan possess rich, sweet and buttery flavor and texture which attributes its high content of monounsaturated oils. Pecans provide 70% of fat content and are highest among all nuts. Pecans could be found in various sizes such as mammoth, large, extra-large, medium, small and midget. Its rich buttery flavor makes it suitable for adding in sweet and savory dishes.

  1. Provides energy

The diet with low content of dietary fat is not beneficial. The diet with high content of fat keeps one full. Healthy fats found in pecan impact hormone grehlin which is an essential part for maintaining weight. The high content of grehlin in brain is related with increasing level of stress and constant feeling of munchies.

Moreover, pecan has high level of healthy fats which contains more than half the daily required amount of manganese that could be used in various ways such as weight loss efforts. It is helpful for obese or overweight women and men. Copper is required for production of ATP. The body requires other nutrients to complete task including thiamine which promotes level of energy in production of ATP but also in the red blood cell production process which is used by the body as energy fuel.

  1. Oxidative stress prevention

Pecans have high content of healthy fats that promotes high antioxidants. The dietary issues and environmental issues promote oxidative damage in the body so it is important to consume high antioxidant foods in order to counteract this damage. The damage caused by oxidative stress is paired commonly with high chances of heart disease, cancers and other diseases in which cells mutate. The study shows that consumption of pecans increase antioxidants in bloodstream in 24 hours of consumption. Other study examines the effect of nut consumption which is associated with the formation of degenerative diseases. The people who consume more nuts in a week have lower chances of common fatal diseases.

  1. Heart health

Pecan contains ample amount of antioxidants which is a vital ingredient in diet for maintaining heart health. Other tree nuts or pecans are known to lower systolic blood pressure in patients without diabetes. Pecans if added to diet are associated with lowering serum lipids or amount of fat in bloodstream. It is an indicator of chances and occurrence of high cholesterol. The consumption of nut lowers the chances of degenerative diseases such as heart diseases. Moreover, thiamine found in pecans helps to promote heart functions.

  1. Lower inflammation

The functions in the body rely on proper amount of inflammation as the defense of the body against damaged cells. Chronic inflammation results in cell mutation and undue stress on various parts of functional systems. Lowering inflammation is the role of antioxidants and process which affects these conditions are very complicated. Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme which controls the distribution of superoxide radical that has large part in inflammation and protection from oxidative stress. The function and production of Superoxide dismutase are essential for lowering the chances of heart problems and also assist in lowering inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Copper found in pecans contributes anti-inflammatory properties for stiffness and pain which is common in arthritis.

  1. Prevention of osteoporosis

Manganese, zinc and copper with other nutrients assist in treating the symptoms of osteoporosis. Research have shown that these nutrients is helpful for treating women suffering from bone loss and assist in promoting bone mass and lower bone loss.

  1. Brain health

Minerals in pecan contribute proper functioning of brain. Copper is a nutrient essential for functioning of brain health as it has impact on brain pathways including galactose and dopamine. It stops an occurrence of free radical damage which contributes degenerative damage and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The synaptic process of brain depends on manganese which is essential for quick reactions and brain signaling. The deficiency of manganese is closely associated with mood problems, learning disabilities, trouble focusing, epilepsy and mental illness. Pecan have all these compounds so is considered as brain foods.

  1. Lowers PMS symptoms

The consumption of pecans offers manganese which helps to lower PMS symptoms such as cramps and mood swings. When dietary manganese is consumed with calcium, it seems to have meaningful impact on the symptoms of PMS.

  1. Diabetic treatment

The dietary supplements with pecans (manganese rich foods) help to manage the symptoms of diabete. The high content of manganese is related with better secretion of insulin and increase glucose tolerance.

It helps to maintain levels of blood sugar in those suffering from diabetes. Diabetes increases the chances of cardiovascular problems so it is essential to consume healthy diet which has essential minerals and nutrients. Not only for diabetic patients, is its consumption aspiring for other people to prevent this medical condition. Research shows that intake of nuts such as pecans lower the chances of type 2 diabetes development.

  1. Prevention of gallstones

Intake of nuts such as almonds, peanuts and pecans is related with lowering the chances of gallstones. The findings shows that the consumption of nut effect on the chances of gallstones suggested that its frequent consumption lowers the chances of gallstones in men.

  1. Toxicity prevention

Compound cyclophosphamide is related with life threatening effects such a cancer. The study suggested that pecan shell with its antioxidant effects protect vital organs such as kidney, heart and bladder of the body from Cyclophosphamide induced toxicity.

Types of Pecans

1. Amling





A new, fast-growing hybrid variety along with outstanding scab resistance. It provides a good kernel quality and it has an early harvest season. Along with these characteristics, it really is comparatively low-maintenance and offers ample shade.

2. Caddo 





Caddo is really a prolific variety which yields oblong elliptical to oblong shaped nuts. It yields about 60 nuts per pound with excellent shelling characteristics. Pecans mature mid season. Moderate scab resistance.

3. Candy

A great new variety developed by the Louisiana Experiment Station. It yields a medium size nut with a reasonably thin shell. It really is well filled with a beautiful kernel which has excellent flavor. This variety is really a relatively heavy and incredibly consistent bearer.

4. Cape Fear





This particular variety was initially introduced by the North Carolina Agriculture Experiment Station. The nut resembles Stuart in size and shape, yet is superior in cracking quality. Its yield averages 52-62 nuts per pound, having a full kernel of wonderful flavor. This variety is particularly suggested to pollinate Wichita.

5. Cheyenne





This very productive tree yields a medium-soft shelled nut which is well adapted to shelling by commercial machinery. It has an outstanding flavor, perfect for cooking. This particular pecan ripens at the end of fall. The tree is really a true genetic dwarf.

6. Chickasaw 

This particular vigorous growing tree is extremely disease resistant. It is just a prolific producer, yielding 55-75 nuts per pound. The nuts mature at the end of September or early October and bear heavily if cross pollinated with another variety.

7. Choctaw





A superb tree which comes into production early, bears heavily, and provides a good shade tree. The result of a Success and Mahan cross, it yields an unusually thin shell along with a kernel which has a high oil content and incredibly rich flavor. For a bigger yield, cross pollinate with another pecan variety. Choctaw ripens in late fall.

8. Creek

The Creek pecan was originated by the USDA and stands out because of its disease resistance and precocity. This pecan tree starts bearing harvests while young, and yields a long, narrow, elliptical shaped nut.

9. Curtis 





This pecan is usually recommended for Florida along with other coastal areas. Nut size is medium and also the form is ovate, conical, and compressed. 60-75 nuts per pound. The shell is extremely thin, and also the kernel is extremely plump and thick having a bright color. Texture firm and crisp. Flavor sweet and rich. Very disease resistant.

10. Desirable





A regular and heavy producer of huge, round, fat pecans along with excellent flavor. The nuts are well shaped and generously filled. This particular well branched tree is valued for home in addition to commercial plantings. Desirable ripens at the end of fall.

11. Elliott 





This thin shelled pecan is particularly great for cracking purposes. The kernel is plump, smooth, and straw-colored. Its flavor is fantastic and also the quality outstanding. The tree is resistant against scab and quite prolific.

12. Forkert 





An excellent flavored pecan. The nut is big and slender along with a very thin shell. An abundant bearer at an early age. Moderate scab resistance. Ripens in late fall. 39-40 nuts per pound with 57-60% crack out.

13. Gloria Grande





This can be a South Carolina introduction and incredibly disease resistant. It comes down into bearing in seven to eight years. Has thin shell. Very prolific. Roughly 45-50 nuts per pound. 50% shelling percentage.

14. Hastings 





A large nut with the appealing kernel of the highest quality along with a flavor much like Stuart. A true papershell which has a shell no thicker than the usual fingernail. It produces a higher amount of meat which is mainly in unbroken halves. Additionally, it makes a beautifully shaped tree, well suited for lawn planting.

15. Jackson





From Southern Mississippi, a superb pecan in both size and meat. Approximately 30 nuts per pound. Very disease resistant. Consistent bearer.

16. Kernodle 





Regarded as our best branded variety. A few government experiment stations inform us this variety is out-performing all others. It creates a big nut which is lighter in color compared to most varieties. Its flavor is similar to a Persian Walnut and it is thin shell cracks easily.

17. Kiowa 





This can be a current pecan variety released by the USDA. The big nuts that yield 40 to 50 per pound resemble Desirable except there is a thinner shell. The tree is energetic and somewhat prone to scab. Its shell markings and huge size make Kiowa attractive for “in-shell” trade.

18. Mahan





This particular prolific, early bearing tree was initially introduced in 1927. Its nut is large and it has a thin shell. The kernel features a rich flavor. This pecan will make a good shade tree and does well in warm winter areas. It ripens at the end of fall.

19. Mahan Stuart 





This huge pecan takes only 26 nuts to make a pound. Since its name indicates, it is just a cross between two excellent varieties, maintaining the best characteristics of each. Mahan provides it with size, and Stuart fills it out and provides it disease resistance, excellent shape, and appearance.

20. Mohawk 





At an early age, this attractive sample makes an outstanding tree in addition to a productive bearer. It produces a big, soft shelled nut and a kernel which shells out easily. Mohawk is self-pollinating as well as ripens in mid-fall.

21. Oconne





Oconne is really a extensive pecan tree for Northern climates due to its cold resistance. It has an earlier harvest date and yields large nuts having a high kernel quality. It’s also a great sheller.

22. Owens 





This particular pecan tree comes from the northern Mississippi delta. Bears each year and is also very disease resistant. Meat is bright and incredibly tasty. Roughly 35-40 nuts per pound.

23. Pawnee 





A new release from the USDA which has a higher yield potential of high quality nuts. Nut maturity is one to two weeks sooner than Mohawk. Nut quality is great. Kernel percentage is greater than most. Kernel color is excellent. It is uniquely suited to the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday market.

 24. Melrose 





A new variety from Louisiana which displays promise. The tree has an upright growth habit along with powerful branching. The nuts are generally medium large (54 nuts per pound) having a shellout of 55%. Exhibits a higher degree of resistance to scab as well as shuck disease. Ripens in mid-October.

25. Schley 





A medium size nut which produces 45-60 nuts per pound. Its form is oblong having a cornical apex. The shell is extremely thin and cracks effortlessly. Its kernel is long, fine textured having a sensitive, sweet as well as rich flavor.

26. Shoshoni 





Another release of the USDA. The nuts are medium to big with 55 to 60 nuts per pound. This tree is extremely precocious and incredibly prolific. Its foliage is resistant against disease. The nuts mature at the begining of to mid-October.

27. Starking Hardy 





Vigorous, hardy, as well as medium productive. This particular variety yields tiny pecans, roughly 78 nuts per pound which are flavorful with high oil content. Heat-tolerant. Bears in 10-20 years. Tree reaches 75-100′ tall. Ripens from late September to late October.

28. Stuart





The best all-around pecan, producing large nuts averaging about 40-50 nuts per pound. Its shell is reasonably thin and fragile, therefore cracking easily. The kernel is plump, firm textured having a rich delicate flavor. Stuart is a great pollinator and ripens in late fall.

29. Sumner 





This is a great pecan both for home and orchard. It is recognized for its resistance to disease and high quality yields on nuts. The pecans mature at the end of fall and bear heaviest if cross pollinated with another variety.

30. Western Schley 





A pecan that is a productive producer of elongated, thin shelled nuts. The plump kernel features a fine rich taste. This tree is widely flexible, especially to dry areas and high altitudes. It bears early and really should be planted along with another variety for cross-pollination.

31. Wichita





A vigorous tree suitable for drier locations. It is really an early and heavy bearer. The moderately long nut is well full of a top quality kernel that ripens within the late fall. Wichita will cross-pollinate well with Western Schley.

 Selection And Storage

Pecans can be found throughout the year in supermarkets and supermarkets. It’s available in shelled, unshelled, sweetened and salted forms. Unshelled pecans are healthier when compared to processed ones. Pecans can be found in bulk bins as well as air-tight pots. Avoid buying in bulk. Stay with those that come packed in air-tight pots along with expiry dates. Buy healthy-looking, off-white pecans. The nuts ought to be free of cracks, molds as well as rancid smell.

The high fat content in pecans could make them go rancid quickly; proper storage is important. The unshelled pecans could be kept in a cool as well as dry place whilst shelled pecans ought to be kept in a refrigerator to avoid them from getting rancid. If properly stored, pecans may last for a lot more than 4 months.

Culinary Use

Pecan nuts are subjected to dehydration, that is essential to eliminate the moisture and enhance their quality.

Recipes of Pecans

1. Henrietta’s Pumpkin Bread With Pecans







  1. Preheat oven to 350º F.
  2. Mix together oil, sugar, eggs as well as pumpkin.
  3. Combine all dry ingredients in the separate bowl, and add to pumpkin mixture.
  4. Add chopped nuts.
  5. Prepare three small loaf pans or one large Bundt pan with cooking spray. Pour in batter.
  6. Bake for around an hour or so or till toothpick comes out clean.

2. Apple Pecan Cherry Salad







  1. To toast pecans, put chopped nuts in one layer on the large-rimmed baking sheet. Put on middle rack in a 350° oven for 10-15 minutes, stirring once during cooking time.
  2. Meanwhile, in the huge bowl toss chopped apples along with lemon zest and juice. Stir in cherries, celery and red onion.
  3. Lightly mix in mayonnaise.
  4. If serving instantly, stir in toasted pecans. Otherwise, refrigerate as well as stir in pecans just before serving.

3. Homemade Butter Pecan Ice Cream







  1. Combine first butter, salt, pecans as well as 1 tablespoon sugar, and spread on the baking sheet in one layer.
  2. Roast at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Stir and roast 15 minutes longer; cool.
  3. Combine leftover sugars, cornstarch, syrup and eggs in top of double boiler.
  4. Gradually add milk.
  5. Cook over boiling water till mixture thickens. Remove from heat and chill two hours or overnight.
  6. Stir in toasted pecans, cream as well as vanilla.
  7. Place in ice cream freezer as well as freeze in accordance with manufacturer’s directions.
  8. Allow to ripen in ice cream freezer or firm up in refrigerator freezer an hour or so before serving.

4. Blueberry-Pecan Pancakes







  1. Whisk all-purpose flour, whole-wheat flour, blueberries, pecans, brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl.
  2. Whisk eggs, egg whites, buttermilk as well as oil in a medium bowl. Create a well in the middle of the dry ingredients; add wet ingredients and stir until just mixed. Use about 1/4 cup batter for every pancake.

5. Pecan-Berry Coffee Cake









  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line an 8-inch-square pan with foil, leaving an overhang on all sides. Lightly coat the foil along with cooking spray.
  2. To prepare cake: Whisk 1 cup flour, cornmeal, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl. Beat softened butter and oil in a large bowl with the electric mixer on high speed for 2 minutes. Scrape down the sides. Add 3/4 cup sugar and beat on medium-high till smooth, about 2 minutes. Add eggs, milk, lemon zest and vanilla and beat on medium-high until smooth, about 1 minute. Scrape down the sides. Add the flour mixture and beat on low speed just until incorporated.
  3. Place berries and apple in a tiny bowl, sprinkle together with the remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons flour and toss very gently to coat. Sprinkle the fruit over the batter and incredibly gently fold in till just combined. Scrape the batter in the prepared pan, smoothing the top.
  4. To prepare topping: Mix cold butter and 1/4 cup sugar in a bowl. With two knives or perhaps a pastry blender, cut them together till the butter is in small pieces and uniform crumbles form. Add pecans and toss till evenly incorporated. Sprinkle the topping within the batter.
  5. Bake the cake till a tester inserted within the center comes out clean and the nuts really are a deep brown, 50 to 55 minutes.
  6. Let the cake cool within the pan on a wire rack for around 2 hours. Lift it out of the pan, utilizing the edges of the foil, onto a cutting board, and cut into 16 squares. Use a spatula to lift the cake from the foil.

6. Maple Pecan Protein Shake







  1. Soak the dates in water for 2 hours
  2. Put the dates and pecans within your blender/food processor for around 5 minutes till smooth.
  3. Add maple syrup, protein, and egg to the mix. Continue mixing till smooth.You may also added a small amount of cinnamon!

7. Pecan Praline



In a large sheet of parchment paper, apply butter and leave it aside. Then combine granulated sugar, milk and brown sugar in a large pan. Stir it constantly till the temperature reaches 235 degrees Fahrenheit. Add vanilla extract and butter and still until the butter melts and the mixture thickens. Eliminate mixture from the heat and pour in parchment paper. Let it become cool and cut it into pieces.

8. American Pecan Pie



9. Stuffed Peppers with Pecans



10. Cinnamon Pecans (Vegan)



Traditional uses


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