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What is the Potato pancakes and its nutrition?

Potato pancakes Quick Facts
Name: Potato pancakes
Calories 59 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Sodium (11.20%)
Total Fat (9.29%)
Vitamin B6 (7.62%)
Vitamin C (6.78%)
Carbohydrate (4.71%)
Potato pancakes are made from raw or cooked mashed potatoes. Potato pancakes are also caked deruny, draniki, boxties, raggmunk and latkas which are shallow fried pancakes of grated or ground potato, matza meal/flour and binding ingredient such as applesauce or egg which is often flavored with grated garlic/onion seasoning. It could be topped with various condiments such as savory, sweet or could be served plain. Sometimes, dish is made from mashed potatoes for making pancake shaped croquettes. Variations could add sweet potatoes.

How to make Potato pancakes?



  1. Peel or cube potatoes and onion. Put the vegetables in food process and process it for two minutes.
  2. Transfer the mixture into a fine strainer and squeeze almost all the liquid into a mixing bowl.
  3. Discard liquid. The white powder on the bottom of the bowl after squeezing the liquid, is potato starch. It provides texture to the pancakes.
  4. In a bowl, put the potato with egg, flour, salt and pepper. Mix it well.
  5. In a large, non-stick skillet, heat vegetable oil over medium heat. Add spoonful of potato mixture and spread it slightly. Fry it for about 2 to 3 minutes on each side till the pancakes becomes crispy and brown.
  6. Place pancakes on a paper towel in order to absorb the excess oil.

Culinary uses





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