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Health benefits of Long Pepper

Health benefits of Long Pepper

Long Pepper Quick Facts
Name: Long Pepper
Scientific Name: Piper longum
Origin Several parts of India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and South Asian regions
Colors Green when young, red when ripe and turn blackish-grey when dried
Shapes Ovoid (broad at the base, like an egg) spikes, of about the length of matchstick about 2.5–3.5 cm long and 5 mm thick
Taste Sweet, Bitter, acrid, pungent that produces numbness on the tongue
Health benefits Good for menstrual problems, Fights Rheumatoid Arthritis, Helps Boost Metabolism, Detoxifies Your Liver, Helps Defend against Alzheimer's disease, Toothache, Improves Effectiveness of Tuberculosis Treatment, Weight loss, Fights Insomnia, Boosts Digestion, Fights against bacterial infections, Boosts Reproductive and Sexual Health, Helps Manage Diabetes, Treats Respiratory Problems
Long pepper, Pippali or piper longum is mostly a type of herb, known for its medicinal properties. The plant belongs to the family Piperaceae and is one of the most extensively used medicinal plants in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, particularly for diseases of respiratory tract. The family Piperaceae comprises 12 genera and about 1400 species, mainly found in tropical region. The plant is native to several parts of India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka and South Asian regions.  Four types of pippali namely ‘pippali’, ‘vanapippali’, ‘saimhali’ and ‘gajapippali’ are mentioned in Ayurvedic literature Rajanighantu. Some of the popular common names of the plant are Indian long pepper, Jaborandi pepper, Long pepper, Thai Long Pepper, Balinese pepper, Bengal pepper, Pippali , Indonesian Long Pepper and Java Pepper. Long pepper can be used in four different ways: as a spice, as a home remedy, as a medicinal herb and as a catalyst to increase the effect of other herbs.

P. longum has immense potential in medicines, as it is reported as a good remedy for treating gonorrhea, menstrual pain, tuberculosis, sleeping problems, respiratory tract infections, chronic gut-related pain and arthritic conditions. Almost all parts of it, namely roots, stems and fruits are medicinally important and used especially in the treatment of respiratory tract disorders like bronchitis, asthma, cough etc.

Plant description

Long Pepper is a slender, much branched, aromatic, perennial climber or small shrub that is found growing in shady places, rainforests, along streams, among bushes, moist deciduous, evergreen, semi evergreen forests, plains and wastelands. The plant can be cultivated successfully in laterite soils with high organic matter content, water holding capacity and well drained fertile black cotton soil. However, light, porous and well-drained soil rich in organic content is most suitable for its cultivation. The plant has large woody root and numerous ascending, cylindrical and globose stem. They are swollen and irregular knotty with each piece quarter inch long, irregularly thick, hard and of a brownish color. Branchlets are erect, prostrate or creeping, soft and grooved when dry.


Leaves were 5-9 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, sub-acute, entire, glabrous, cordate with broad rounded lobes at base. Leaves in long pepper were numerous, simple, stipulate and petiolate or sessile. Shape of the leaf blade also varies in the same plant. The upper leaves were generally sessile, ovate or ovate oblong, acute and most often unequally sided or unequally cordate at base. They are 6.5-9 cm long and 3-5 cm wide. Lower leaves were broadly ovate, pale dull beneath; cordate at base. In the case of lower leaves, petioles were 5- 7.5 cm long and stout but in that of upper leaves it was very short and absent. Stipules were about 1-3 cm, membranous, lanceolate, obtuse and falling soon.

Flower & Fruit

Flowers are monoceous, i.e. having the male and female reproductive structures in separate flowers but on the same plant. Female spikes are 1.25-2.00 cm long arising singly from leaf axil is cylindrical, short and stout. Male spikes are longer, slender and are 2.5-7.5 cm long. The male spikes are dehiscent and non-productive. Flowering normally takes place from May to September. Fertile female spikes give rise to multiple ovoid (broad at the base, like an egg) spikes, of about the length of matchstick about 2.5–3.5 cm long and 5 mm thick, are oblong, blunt, which is shining dark green when immature, red when ripe and turn blackish-grey when dried. The fruits of this plant are often confused with chili peppers, which belong to the genus Capsicum, originally from the Americas.


P. longum was first written about by Hippocrates, who described it as a medicament rather than a spice. Long pepper reached Greece in the 6th or 5th century BCE and long pepper was an important and well-known spice before European discovery of the New World. The history of black pepper is linked to (and often confused with) that of long pepper, although Theophrastus distinguished the two in the first work of botany. The Romans knew of both and often referred to either as just piper; Pliny erroneously believed that dried black pepper and long pepper came from the same plant. Round or black pepper began to compete with long pepper in Europe beginning in the 12th century and had replaced it by the 14th century. Today long pepper is a rarity in general commerce.

Health benefits of Long Pepper

Long pepper has been used as one of the spices in cooking. Long pepper consists of various nutrients such as fats, proteins, sugars, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins C and A, dietary fiber and sodium ions. Long Pepper has a strong spicy taste that adds taste to food. The spice grows as a fragrant plant containing hairy branches. All its parts are used for various benefits for human consumption and health wise. Pepper fruits are small with alkaloid piperine. Listed below are popular health benefits of using long pepper

1.Treats Respiratory Problems

Long Pepper is well-known for its effectiveness against conditions affecting your respiratory tract, like colds, coughs, bronchitis, and asthma. It works as a counter-irritant and eases inflammation. It is even used in treating bronchial asthma in children. It not only helps fight infections by virtue of its antibacterial properties but also works locally to help thin phlegm and ease congestion.

Long pepper is also used to treat chronic fevers due to its anti-pyretic properties. You could have a soothing cup of ginger tea made with a quarter teaspoon of pippali churna or powder. Add Tulsi and honey to amp the power of the tea. Drink this twice or thrice a day to soothe your cough, flu, or fever. Pippali can also help those suffering from asthma, helping reduce not only the intensity of an attack but even the frequency of occurrence.

2. Helps Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is perhaps the worst condition that can hit anyone because it wreaks havoc in almost every system of the body. India has one of the highest cases of people diagnosed with diabetes. Long pepper is beneficial for diabetics because it can regulate the rate at which glucose is released in the blood. Insulin production is also boosted by pippali herb. Hence, regular consumption of long pepper is beneficial for all diabetics.

Just remember pippali or its extracts are not an additional for your diabetes medication. Do consult your doctor if you plan to use this natural remedy. (1)

3. Boosts Reproductive and Sexual Health

Long Pepper can also act as a rejuvenating tonic for your reproductive organs. It is said to help with problems like infertility and impotence as well as premature ejaculation. It can also be used in the treatment of gonorrhea. In women, the remedy is also used in the treatment of the pain related with menstrual cramps.

To improve sexual drive or libido, Ayurvedic treatments combine Long Pepper and ghee with ashwagandha for men and shatavari for women.

It is also used in postnatal care to help the mother’s recovery. It can help purge any leftover blood or tissue from the uterus after the delivery. The powdered root and fruit are given mixed into warm Jaggery water. The treatment is carried out for 2 to 3 days after the birth of the baby.(2)

4. Fights against bacterial infections

Long pepper has strong antibacterial qualities. As bacteria are something that is always present around you, not much can be done in order to prevent your body’s exposure to the same. However, you can surely prevent bacterial infections from occurring. Long pepper protects the body from bacterial infections. It also has anti-amoebic properties that help it do so. Root or stem of the pepper can be consumed in order to gain this protection.

5. Boosts Digestion

If you have digestive problems like flatulence and heartburn or are experiencing a dulled appetite, pippali can help. It encourages your digestive system and boosts your appetite due to its carminative properties. It can also fight and protect against ulcers.

The anti-amoebic and antibacterial properties of long pepper, along with its ability to stoke your digestive system, can help overcome diarrhea or other gastrointestinal infections. It can also kill worms and other parasites in your digestive system.

6. Fights Insomnia

Powdered Long Pepper along with honey is used as a remedy for sleeping problems like insomnia. You could also take it with milk at bedtime to help you sleep better. In one research; people with stress-induced insomnia were given an herbal formulation called pippalimulyadi vati at night. This combined pippali with other herbs like ashwagandha and jatamansi. At the end of the trial, the subjects reported better sleep and showed significant improvement in overall well-being, alertness, and fitness, scoring on both subjective and clinical markers of sleep. Pippali’s sedative or tranquilizing effects are put to use not just in insomnia but also in epilepsy treatments.

7. Weight loss

The world is extremely passionate with the idea of weight loss not just because of beauty standards and self-image, but because of health reasons. Long pepper helps with weight loss. It basically decreases the fat in the body and also gets rid of fatty toxins, which helps you lose the additional weight. Unlike diets or weight loss drugs, long pepper does not have any adverse effects on your body when used for weight loss.

8. Improves Effectiveness of Tuberculosis Treatment

One appetite-boosting, detoxifying remedy for tuberculosis combines one-eighth of a teaspoon of pippali churna with a quarter teaspoon each of anti-inflammatory turmeric and appetite-stimulant ginger in a quarter cup of warm water, with a spoon of honey to sweeten it. This drink can be had twice a day – once when you wake up and later in the afternoon or as suggested by your Ayurvedic doctor.

9. Toothache

If you have a toothache, long pepper is a good remedy. Instead of salt water gargling and ice packs, make a paste of long pepper, salt, and water. Now smear this on the pained gum area and keep it there for an hour.

10. Helps Defend against Alzheimer’s disease

Long Pepper may also be useful against epilepsy, another neurological disorder. Animal research has shown promise with test subjects who were given extracts of the long pepper fruit showing anti-seizure activity.

Long pepper has strong antioxidant activity which helps counter the free radical damage that’s responsible for aging-related diseases like Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The chemical compounds in the pepper can control the production of a protein called amyloid precursor protein that is involved in AD and, in doing so, can be beneficial in warding off the illness.

11. Detoxifies Your Liver

Active component of long pepper, piperine, can counter hepato-toxicity or chemical-driven liver damage. Piperine has the potential to protect your liver, restricting fibrosis and improving regeneration. However, do note, if your problems involve cirrhosis or acute damage, it may not offer adequate protection.

12. Helps Boost Metabolism

If you are trying to shed those extra pounds, Long Pepper could help your cause. In one animal study, test animals with dyslipidemia or high cholesterol/fat levels in the body saw their fat and lipid levels come down after being given piperine for a few weeks, even though their appetite wasn’t dulled or altered. The anti-hyperlipidemic (lipid lowering) property of pippali has even been compared to that of a commercial anti-hyperlipidemic drug. Additionally, it also revs up your metabolism, which might help those with sluggish metabolism and associated weight gain.

13. Fights Rheumatoid Arthritis

Long Pepper also has pain-relieving properties when used as a topical treatment. It can help with inflammation as well as muscular pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an inflammatory disease that causes severe joint pain and can impair mobility and hamper quality of life, could be eased with the use of long pepper. Called “amavata” in Ayurveda, RA can be treated by Long Pepper due to its ability to purge the ama or toxins from the body and ignite metabolic and digestive fires.

14. Good for menstrual problems

Long pepper has been used to fight menstrual problems since time immemorial. It can help curb heavy menstrual flow and can also help with menstrual cramps. It even combats fatigue and some of the symptoms of PMS. Additionally, long pepper has been used by pregnant women who are in labor to encourage the contractions of the uterus and speed up the delivery. Many women also consume this spice after the baby is born in order to encourage the quick healing of the uterus. It is said to be extremely beneficial in these cases.

Traditional uses and benefits of long Pepper

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Long Pepper

Culinary uses

Other facts






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