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False daisy (bhringraj) Health benefits and facts

False daisy (bhringraj) Health benefits and factsFalse daisy (bhringraj) Health benefits and facts

False daisy Quick Facts
Name: False daisy
Scientific Name: Eclipta prostrata
Origin India and southwest America
Colors Brown or black
Shapes Achene, densely warted, 2−3 mm long
Taste Sweet, bitter, sour, pungent
Health benefits Soothe the Stomach, Cancer Prevention, Liver Health, Urinary Infections, Respiratory Issues, Bowel Inflammation, Hair Health, Eye Health, Get Rid of Anaemia, Good for Diabetic Patients, Asthma, Tooth ache , Used For Soft Skin , Treat Baldness, Sinus Infection, Recurrent Miscarriage
Eclipta Prostrata commonly known as False Daisy or bhringraj is actually a plant belonging to the family Asteraceae (sunflower family). The plant is commonly found growing in tropical areas as well as warm temperate areas throughout the world. Yet it is widely distributed throughout India, Thailand, China, Nepal and Brazil. It is also known with the name of Eclipta Alba and other popular common names of the plant are Eclipta, tattoo plant, White Eclipta, White twin heads, swamp daisy, white heads, Bhringaraj, Congo lana, Thistles, Trailing Eclipta, yerba de tago and yerba de tajo. The generic name Eclipta comes from the Greek ekleipta, to be deficient referring to the absence of pappus on the achenes. The specific name prostrata is from the Latin “prostratus” and refers to the prostrate growth habit. It is a common weed in the American tropics, but in some of the northern states in the U.S., such as Wisconsin and New York, it is considered an endangered or threatened native plant.

Plant Description

False daisy is a much-branched, variable, prostrate, ascending or erect, rough-hairy annual herb that grows about 90 cm tall. The plant is found growing in poorly drained areas of moist black soil prairies, muddy borders of ponds and rivers, ditches, poorly drained areas in fields, gardens and edges of yards. This plant is most often found in disturbed wetland habitats, but it occasionally occurs in areas that are drier and more developed. The plant prefers wet to mesic conditions, and a loamy or mucky soil are preferred. The plant has well developed, cylindrical and grayish roots along with fleshy, non-woody, slender, reddish stems up to 30 centimeters or more in length covered with short, stiff hairs, rooting at the lower nodes.


Leaves are opposite, simple, rough, dull green, ovate to oblong-lanceolate. They are 2-10 cm long and 1-3 cm wide. Apex is acute or blunt, base attenuate, margin entire or slightly serrate, pubescent, mostly sessile. The lower leaves are occasionally short-petioled, basally swollen hairs on both surfaces, veins prominent.


Flower heads are up to 1 cm in diameter, a cluster of sessile white flowers, in upper axils or terminal, solitary or two heads together. Peduncle, thickened at the top, variable in length, 0.5-7 cm long, hairy. Involucral bracts 5-6, green, ovate, in two rows, outer ones 4-6 mm long, inner ones usually shorter, prominent, and hairy. Ray flowers are marginal, pistillate and fertile. Corolla is white, ligulate, 2-3 mm long. Disk flowers are numerous, central, perfect, fertile, corolla whitish, tubular, minute, 1.5-2 mm long. Stamens are five, separated filaments, anthers coalesced to form a tube around the style.


Fruit is a light-brown to black, laterally-flattened achenes, wedge-shaped, 2-3 mm long, 0.9 mm wide. Apex with short, usually white hairs that are easily broken off but two hornlike projections often remain pappus absent. Rest of the achene is glabrous and covered with many small warts.

Chemical Constituents of Eclipta Alba

Primary constituents of Eclipta Alba consists of derivatives of thiophene, wedelolactone, dimethyl wedelolactone, desmethyl-wedelolactone-7glucoside isoflavanoids, flavanoids, glycosides, triterpine, ß-amyrin, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin, stigmasterol ,alpha-terthienyl-methanol, beta-amyrin wedelic acid, ecliptine, alkaloids and saponin.

Health benefits of False Daisy

False Daisy scientifically known as Eclipta prostrata is actually a powerful healing herb which is wonderful for liver and kidney disease. It is beneficial for dermatitis and eczema and helps with cancer, promotes hair growth, and it’s a wonderful antimicrobial agent… and it’s been used for thousands of years without side effects. Listed below are few of the popular health benefits of false daisy

1. Soothe the Stomach

When consumed orally, Eclipta prostrata has been found to calm any disturbances in the stomach, namely indigestion or constipation. It works great for normal functionality to these areas of the body due to its rich variety of chemicals and organic compounds found in the plant’s extract. (1)

2. Cancer Prevention

Research has shown that Eclipta prostrata helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the liver. Research has been limited, it appears that the organic molecules found in Eclipta prostrata disrupt the DNA molecules for the proliferation of cancer cells, thus having a cytotoxic effect and killing those dangerous, mutated cells.(2)

3. Liver Health

Jaundice is considered as one of the dangerous health issues many people in the world are suffering from that severely affects the liver and its functionality, leading to the discoloration of the skin. Eclipta prostrata has been used for thousands of years to effectively balance the liver and ensure its normal function. (3)

4. Urinary Infections

Eclipta prostrata consists of good amount of antibacterial and antiseptic properties that make it highly effective at preventing and treating infections. When taken for a urinary tract infection, it  can effectively reduce discomfort and neutralize the bacteria to restore normal function to your bladder. (4)

5. Respiratory Issues

Eclipta prostrata is quite beneficial for people suffering from chronic respiratory infections and coughs. Antibacterial nature of the extract can clear up the infection, while the expectorant qualities can force out any remaining phlegm or mucus where additional pathogens may be developing. (5)

6. Bowel Inflammation

If you suffer from the uncomfortable and embarrassing condition of hemorrhoids, finding relief can often be difficult. Eclipta prostrata has shown outstanding results in reducing the inflammation in that sensitive area and providing soothing, analgesic relief. (6)

7. Hair Health

Premature hair loss or thinning, dandruff is main hair problems, the whole world are facing in this recent time. Bit of Eclipta prostrata to your hair care routine is a very good idea for curing such problems. You can mix it with shampoos to moisturize the scalp, preventing dry skin and consequent dandruff. Additionally, it can strengthen follices and follicle beds, preventing hair loss and slowing down conditions like male pattern baldness, while also providing a rich luster to your locks.(7)

8. Eye Health

High carotene content is found in the leaves of bhringraj, which is considered as a crucial antioxidant substance for the health of your eyes. Carotene helps to eliminate the free radicals that cause macular degeneration and the formation of cataracts, so including some Eclipta prostrata to your herbal diet regiment can keep your vision clear for years! (8)

9. Get Rid of Anaemia

As bhringraj consists of high amount of iron, simple homemade soup made with its leaves helps to treat anaemia. Regular use of it is considered one of the best remedy for anaemia, thus use it regularly.

10. Good for Diabetic Patients

Bhringraj has also showed outstanding results when it comes to sugar problems like diabetes. Active molecules present in Bhringraj help in controlling and lowering the glucose in your body, which is quite important for the people suffering from diabetes, or having high sugar levels.

11. Recurrent Miscarriage (Habitual Abortion)

Bhringraj is considered effective for preventing pregnancy loss. Women suffering from a recurrent miscarriage can take Bhringraj Juice in a dosage of 3 ml on empty stomach in the morning along with Cow’s Milk. Traditionally, this remedy is used to prevent miscarriage and strengthen the uterus. For best results, it must be taken along with Ashwagandha, which is also used for similar purpose.

12. Asthma

Bhringraj juice along with equal amount of honey is given 3 to 4 times a day or until child gets relief from breathing difficulties. It is also beneficial for relieving cough, high-pitched wheezing, as well as chest congestion.

13. Tooth ache

Bhringraj is considered as a good cure for toothache. Simply rub the powder on the gums and you can notice the difference in just few minutes. Ethanolic extract and alkaloids present in bhringraj help in this pain relief.

14. Used For Soft Skin

Bhringraj has the healing property for almost all skin problems that occurs due to the skin impurities. It helps to purify the blood naturally, which directly affects helps in reducing the skin diseases. It can be taken orally or applied on the skin to improve the look of the skin. Apart from giving you a young and healthy skin, it also helps in healing various wounds with a good speed.

15. Treat Baldness

Hair pack made with bhringraj leaves can help to prevent baldness. Simply take few fresh leaves and grind it to a paste along with a little yogurt and apply it to the scalp. Wait for 15 minutes before washing it off. The fresh leaves can be replaced with dried powder too. Bhringraj extracts have been proven effective in promoting hair growth. This hair pack is supposed to be used at least once in a week for best results.

16. Sinus Infection

Sinus is a serious problem that must be cured effectively. Take a handful of bhringraj leaves in a pan. Add some coarsely grounded peppercorns to it along with 3 pinches of organic turmeric powder. Add water and boil till it reduces in quantity and then strain. This home remedy works very well in treating sinus-related problems. Make sure that pepper corns are coarsely and not finely ground, else the mixture will be very spicy. This remedy can be used for young children too, but make sure you reduce the quantity of peppercorns before serving them.

Traditional uses and benefits of False daisy (bhringraj)

Ayurvedic Health benefits of Bhringraj

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