Author: chefalice

I love beets. You would kind of guess that from a guy who named his restaurant The Little Beet. Here, I combine beets richly purple and deeply golden with crisp, paper-thin shaved fennel, goat cheese, mint, and dill. The crunchy fennel adds snap, but just as important, its light licorice flavor brings out the sweetness of the beets. Mint does too. That makes them ideal partners for beets, which are known for their sugar content. This is a great winter salad because the colors and textures make it feel fresh as a spring breeze.

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Tomato soup with grilled cheese is the ultimate comfort food on a cold winter’s night. It was my father’s staple “warm up the kids” dish when I was a child. It’s also a great dish to serve at parties. Pass out mugs of tomato soup and grilled cheese squares for a tasty finger food, perfect for dunking. Make the grilled cheese squares while the soup is simmering. You can find sliced Daiya vegan cheese at the deli counter at Whole Foods.

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For adult palates, try making this dish more spicy by increasing the amount of jalapeño peppers or the cayenne pepper. Allow older children to choose the amount of sauce they would like on their own tacos by placing the sauce in a plastic squeeze bottle and passing it around the table.

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A warm, comforting hot cereal for a cold morning. Blend the coconut in a blender for a finer texture. If the porridge is made in advance, the coconut will be even softer. Add additional protein to make a complete meal; eggs (cooked any way) and bacon are delicious!

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Guacamole is one of my favorite foods. I love to serve it with Zucchini Chips, or as a topping or flavorful side dish for any number of foods. But I have to admit that it becomes unappealing when it turns brown. There is a solution, though! You simply need to use the pit and keep the guacamole sealed as airtight as possible. Place the pit in the middle of your bowl of guacamole, then cover the guacamole with large chunks of onion. The onion releases gases to inhibit the oxidation of polyphenol, which is what causes the fruit to turn…

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