Whether you are focused on weight loss or becoming stronger, there is a lot you can do to help boost the effectiveness of your workouts. Here are some ideas you can try.
1. Nurture the habit
It takes about six weeks for an activity to become a habit, which is the point at which you start doing it without thinking. If you have already reached the point where exercising is a habit, you must nurture that habit.
Consistency plays a big role in whether or not you’ll reach your fitness goals, so having an exercise habit is very useful. However, if you skip working out for several days because you’re traveling or busy, you may find that you need to build the habit back up from scratch when you come back.
It’s better to keep your exercise routine going for as long as possible. If you are busy or traveling, you can scale back the intensity of the exercise, but you should get some exercise done. You can exercise at home to save time, or look up the best gyms Dubai before you leave so you’ll have a place to work out when you are there. Many gyms have special prices for travellers, and even if your chosen hotel happens to have a gym, you may find that a third-party gym has better equipment, trainers, and more options when it comes to different classes throughout the week.
2. Don’t skip on recovery
Recovery is an important part of getting into fitness. Most athletes set aside at least one day a week for recovery and you should probably do the same. It’s also important to let your body rest as much as possible when you are not in the gym and to get plenty of sleep after a big workout.
Failing to recover properly can lead to your body accumulating lesions over time, which can cause serious damages. Keep an eye out for signs that you might be overtraining yourself. Constant fatigue, irritability, and intense pain are all common signs of overtraining.
On top of time, it’s also important to be mindful of habits that can bolster or hinder your body’s ability to recover. For example, sleep and eating habits play a big role in how well your body recovers — you’ll need plenty of protein to repair damaged muscles, for example. And lack of sleep can slow down your recovery, limiting your ability to build up muscles in between workouts.
3. Watch what you eat
As mentioned, your eating habits can have a big impact on how fast you achieve those results. If you want to get results fast and get the most out of every hour you spend at the gym, it’s a good idea to work alongside a nutrition expert to figure out what you should be eating. Protein is only a small part of the equation — you’ll want to make sure your body is getting the right nutrients and vitamins. And it’s best to avoid substances that can impact your hormonal balance and reduce muscle gain. For example, research suggests that alcohol can temporarily hinder your body’s ability to produce testosterone, which will limit your body’s ability to build up muscle mass.
It’s also important to make sure you are getting enough calories to support your workout schedule. Combining heavy exercise with a low-calorie diet can push your body into starvation mode, which can have devastating health consequences.
4. Watch you drink
Some beverages can help your workout, while others can harm it. Water or sugar-free energy drinks can both help your body function properly before, during, and after your workouts. And since caffeine boosts your metabolism, coffee can make it easier for you to lose weight while exercising. Just bear in mind that caffeine can have a dehydration effect, so you’ll want to pair a good coffee with a healthy dose of water.
Soft drinks and sugary soft drinks, on the other hand, are both full of calories and bad for your health. While a sugar rush may make you more motivated to exercise, it is best to avoid these beverages.
5. Mind your form
Whether you are swimming, running, or lifting weights, making sure you are using the proper forms is crucial for you to get the most out of your exercise. Failing to use the proper forms not only makes you more likely to suffer injuries, but it can also lead to you overworking certain muscles while underutilizing others, which can slow down your progress and make you more prone to injuries.
Many people prefer to exercise outside of a gym, and not everyone appreciates having a personal trainer, but it is a good idea to get some professional help when exercising as a beginner. A personal trainer or gym instructor can help you figure out the proper forms for different types of exercise, and it’s much easier to correct and change your form when you are a beginner, and doing exercises in a certain way hasn’t become a habit yet.
6. Use the right equipment
Investing in high-quality equipment can both prevent injuries and improve your performance. Not every type of exercise requires specific equipment, but you shouldn’t underestimate its importance for the exercises that do require some equipment. For example, good running shoes can protect your joints by absorbing the impact of the run. Low-quality shoes that don’t fit you properly, on the other hand, will offer little protection and may even cause accidents by making you more prone to slipping or twisting an ankle.
Ropes, elastic bands, weight lifting bands, gloves, and a whole range of other equipment can be used to make exercising easier and safer. Make sure you keep an eye out for gear that is worth investing in and learn how to properly use all the equipment available in your gym. It’s also important to be smart about your buys the most expensive and trendiest running shoes won’t necessarily be the ones that offer the most protection.