As the pandemic continues, many people practice social distancing and wear masks to keep from getting Covid-19. They wash their hands frequently. Many are working from home now if it is possible for them to do so.
Others, though, are trying to take things a step further. They are asking lifestyle questions that didn’t occur to them before. For instance, many people are looking at their diet as a possible way to prevent illness.
It’s true that changing your diet won’t protect you from the coronavirus. However, there are significant benefits to eating some types of food, and one of them is that it makes contracting certain diseases and infections less likely.
We’ll look at nine of those superfoods right now.
Millions of people every year contract the flu. In fact, the CDC states that every year in the US, between 20,000 and 52,000 people die from it.
That’s tragic, and you can lessen the chances that you’ll catch the flu by doing things like washing your hands often and avoiding physical contact with people outside your home.
You can also eat apples. Apples:
- Contain phytochemical antioxidants
- Help boost immunity
They won’t actually prevent you from catching the flu, and other maladies. However, eating them will help you to fight these illnesses if you contract them. It is true what they say about an apple each day keeping your doctor away.
Garlic is a great sickness-fighting ingredient that you can add to many meals. You can use it:
- In stews and soups
- In pasta recipes
- On pizza
There are many other ways to utilize it. Garlic comes equipped with antioxidant properties, like apples.
It can lower your cholesterol level as well. It’s also ideal for regulating both your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Eggs can boost your immune system quite effectively. They pack a hefty dose of Vitamin D. This is the vitamin that strengthens your immunity.
If you consume high Vitamin D amounts in the winter, you have less chance of catching colds. You can also avoid upper respiratory tract infections. You can get your dose of eggs in a sandwich every morning on your way to work.
Like garlic, there are so many other uses for eggs. You can make egg salad with them, canapes, or you can fix them in traditional ways, like frying, boiling, and scrambling.
Whole-Grain Breads
Whole-grain breads can help you in a variety of ways. It has fiber, which helps you with regular bowel movements.
It also increases healthy bacteria production. Your immune response comes from your gut. If you eat whole-grain bread sandwiches, then your improved gut health can fight off cold-causing germs.
You can make toast out of whole-grain bread and put butter or jam on it. You can make a sandwich using lunchmeat, or an old-fashioned peanut-butter-and-jelly works as well.
People also think of spinach as a superfood because of some excellent qualities that it has. It has that digestion-regulating fiber that you want, and also Vitamin C.
Vitamin C can help you fight cold and flu bugs. It’s a powerful nutrient that you want to consume more of during the high-sickness months. You can use spinach in a variety of salads and soups.
Green Tea
Green tea makes the list for several reasons. It helps with weight loss, so if you want to drop some pounds, get in the habit of drinking it in the morning or evening.
As far as fighting illness goes, it contains flavonoids. They are an immunity-boosting antioxidant. It’s also an anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a major issue these days, as people grapple with it from eating foods with chemical additives.
Green tea does contain caffeine, so use it sparingly, and don’t have any right before bed. Caffeine is okay in moderation.
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Extra-virgin olive oil tastes great and is a staple in many cuisines. It also helps boost your body’s immunity. If you consume more of it, it guards your body against infection.
It also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are autoinflammatory agents.
You can use extra-virgin olive oil to dip your bread in for an appetizer. You can use it in chili or drizzle it over pasta. Many Italian dishes use it, and lots of other cuisines as well.
If you are trying to prevent a cold, you’d do well to eat some broccoli. It is a cruciferous vegetable. What that means is that it boosts immunity.
There is a chemical in broccoli called sulforaphane. It switches on your natural antioxidant genes. The immune cells in your body then fight against free radicals. You’re less likely to get sick, and your illness should not last as long.
You can prepare broccoli with some simple seasonings, or broccoli with melted cheese is another favorite. You can also have it as a side dish along with a meat or fish course.
Dark Chocolate
It’s lucky that dark chocolate tastes so good because consuming it can help you alleviate coughing. That’s because it contains theobromine, a natural suppressant. If you have bronchitis, you should eat more dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate tastes good by itself, but you can also find it in many trail mixes and energy bars. If you have a cold and you can’t seem to stop coughing, a dark chocolate infusion should make you more comfortable.
A couple of other foods that help fight illness include salmon, which has zinc, and tomatoes, which have a lot of Vitamin C. You can also drink ginseng tea to combat upper respiratory tract infections.
If you want to stay healthy and cold-free, try to limit your consumption of heavily processed foods. They contain inflammation-causing chemical preservatives, and many of them are also high-sodium.
Try to cook for yourself rather than dining out as much. Use fresh ingredients, and drink lots of water.
Your healthy food choices can impact how often you get sick, and for how long. By eating better, you can save yourself a lot of misery.