Snoring and sleep apnea are uncomfortable sleeping issues that bother people from all over the world. Whether one lives in Argentina, Japan or USA, this issue is likely to plague people from all walks of live. Although there are numerous treatments and tips that offer instant remedy, the issue persists for many. If you’re dealing with these, then rest assured knowing you are not alone.
However, if you’re looking for a remedy, there are some good news: a dentist. That’s right, we all know that dentists deal with the help of teeth, gums and mouth, but did you know that a skilled dental specialist can help with sleep apnea and snoring? Read on to find out more about this.
There are oral appliances that help with sleep apnea
One of the most common treatments for sleep apnea is the CPAP therapy. This therapy is often the one that gets recommended first. It involves a machine also known as air generator. This air generator gets connected to the tube that feeds into a mask that you wear during the sleep. A CPAP machine then provides a constant flow of air, which keeps the airway opening thus preventing breathing interruptions during the sleep. It also avoids reduced oxygen intake which causes snoring.
From technical perspective, this seems like a practical solution. In reality, however, this can be quite uncomfortable, especially to those who toss and turn in their sleep. A lot of patients also agree to this type of treatment, but then don’t do it once they arrive home.
This is why sleep apnea oral appliances are a great alternative. The appliance is basically a specialized mouthguard. So each mouthguard is customized to fit each patient, so if you choose this option, it’s safe to say it will be tailored to your needs. Once you start wearing it at night, it will keep the airway open and gradually remodel it. Also, your tongue will become trained to remain forward.
There are many benefits to this solution
If you’re unsure whether to give this a try, rest assured knowing that this solution is beneficial on many different levels. However, before you start using one, it’s important to check out whether you fit all the pre-approved criteria. Also, if you’re worried about the pricing, it’s important to mention that adjustable models might be more costly, but they’re still more affordable than a CPAP machine. And when you factor in all the practicality and convenience, the math is clear.
Before you start using it, you should go and get officially diagnosed with sleep apnea. After that, it’s time to get your adjustable mouthguard. Also, it’s essential to point out that it might take some time for you to get used to it. This is by far the biggest side effect of using an oral appliance. With a bit of practice, things will fall into place quite nicely.
Since an appliance is customized, it will be comfortable to use. Yet, in order to be sure that you’re getting the best medical attention, it’s important to find a reliable and experienced dental professional. In the USA, dental health is of huge importance. Hence, that is why people pay a lot of attention to their teeth and everything related to their dental health.
If you’re struggling with sleep apnea, and you live in Arizona or nearby, then check out the best sleep apnea treatment in Scottsdale. The choice of dental professional plays an enormous role when you’re turning to them for an issue that isn’t strictly dental-related. Knowing you’re in good hands can do a lot for your anxiety and future self-esteem.
Snoring also deserves to be treated
Another common sleeping issue is snoring. Aside from being unpleasant to those around you, it can also cause certain health problems, as well as make you feel dehydrated when you wake up. Snoring could also be a sign of sleeping apnea, which is why they’re often lumped together. What happens is, that tissues in the neck tend to “collapse” during the sleep which often leas to one waking up with a loud snore, feeling startled sometimes.
In case you tend to wake up feeling a lack of energy, then it’s very likely you’re suffering from sleep apnea, and snoring is just a symptom. Aside from snoring, other symptoms are tiredness, anxiety and irritability during the day, all due to low sleep quality.
The best treatment for snoring is to treat the core issue which is sleep apnea. However, if sleep apnea is eliminated, then there are other treatments that can be effective when it comes to snoring. Some snoring dental devices such as specialist mandibular advancement device will hold your lower jaw and tongue by keeping them forward. This will also prevent tissue from collapsing, and stop you to sudden waking in the middle of the night.
There are also off-the-shelf snoring devices, however, if you’re looking to treat this problem, it’s always recommended to opt for a dental device. This is due to the fact that dental devices are professionally made and personally customized for you, which gives you better odds at recovery.
Snoring also has some side effects, and seeing a dentist can help treat them. Gum diseases, burning mouth syndrome and teeth grinding are all dental issues, so if you’re suffering from some of them, then be sure to find the best and most reliable dentist in your area.
Regular dentist and GP check-ups can make sure that you’re healthy enough, and also discover all the health issues in early stages, which is hugely important.
Choosing to treat sleep apnea or snoring can significantly increase the quality of your life. You will be able to sleep better during the night, which also influence your mood and productivity during the day. Using professionally made mouthguards, and finding a trustworthy dental professional with help with those issues, as long as you’re motivated to treat them, of course. You deserve to have a good night’s sleep, and these tips will help you achieve that.