People often struggle to find a workout routine that they love and cannot wait to do regularly. They may have one but find that they are now stuck at a plateau and cannot overcome it. Past injuries, overtraining, and busy schedules are three of several reasons a person might struggle to engage in workouts routinely, but these obstacles can be overcome. What does a person need to do to get back on track with their health and fitness goals? A personal trainer might be the answer.
Set Goals
Many people fail to set goals when it comes to their workout routines. A lack of goals may leave them wondering if they are making progress. Each goal helps a person focus on where they are and where they need to go. This information makes it easier to develop a plan to get from point A to point B. However, the goals themselves are also important.
One thing a person learns when they go to obtain personal trainer certification is the importance of SMART goals. For a person to benefit fully from having goals, the goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timed. A specific goal lets a person know exactly what they are working toward. Measurable goals are objective and quantifiable, so results can be seen.
One reason people often struggle with their fitness goals is that the goals they set aren’t realistic or achievable. A person cannot lose 50 pounds in a week. That simply won’t happen. A personal trainer helps clients develop short- and long-term goals. With each short-term success, the person receives the motivation needed to continue working on long-term goals.
A person must have a time frame for achieving each goal. If the goal is to lose 50 pounds, that will not happen in a week. However, it can easily happen in a year, as that translates to a pound a week. The person knows they have a date by which they should achieve this goal and it helps push them to continue with the plan.
Goals provide the motivation many people need to keep moving forward. The goals keep them focused. They are no longer working out to fill time. Each workout has a purpose and will allow them to achieve a goal.
Try Something New
Many people get into a rut and find their exercise routine is no longer working for them. Every person needs to be challenged, even when they are working out. There are many ways to switch up a workout, and some methods are very effective when it comes to producing results.
A person might want to start simply by running a farther distance or trying a new sport. The goal is to step out of the comfort zone, as doing so forces the body to adapt and overcome plateaus. Experiment with different things to find those that are enjoyable and can be used to make workouts fun again. When trying new things, include a mix of strength training, aerobic, and flexibility exercises.
One thing many people find to be of benefit is interval training. Research shows interval training boosts a person’s cardiorespiratory level while aiding in weight loss. Any person can do interval training. Exercise normally for four minutes and sprint for one minute. Continue this pattern of light effort followed by a hard workout three to five times.
For those trying interval training for the first time, the hard training periods don’t have to last for 30 seconds. They can be as short as five or ten seconds. The goal is to allow the heart rate to drop and the breathing to even out again before engaging in the next period of hard effort.
When strength training, mix things up by doing higher reps or practicing high-volume training. Change a grip or a stance to see how that affects the workout. Try new exercises. Doing these simple things will give the system a shock while making the workout more interesting.
Make Nutrition a Priority
Many people overlook nutrition when they are trying to elevate their fitness journey, and doing so is a mistake. However, it can be challenging for a person to know how to change their diet to get optimal results. Most people have a general idea of what they should be eating for good health. However, when they need more information, they often don’t know where to turn.
Doctors receive little nutritional training, so they aren’t of much help to patients wishing to learn more about how to improve their diet. The doctor might partner with a nutritionist to meet the needs of patients, but many medical practices have yet to take this step. The fact that nutritional guidelines keep changing based on the latest research, and it is no wonder people are so confused about what they should and should not put into their bodies.
A nutritionist spends their time helping men and women learn what they should eat and when. They remove any confusion when it comes to the latest information. For example, a bodybuilder might find they can take their workout to the next level simply by eating more protein. This protein provides the body with an anabolic boost.
The nutritionist might also recommend using a food scale, as many people measure portions incorrectly. They have no idea how much they take and it is hurting their fitness goals. The nutritionist will provide information on what the body needs based on the workouts being done. They monitor the latest research to ensure they are providing clients with accurate information that will benefit them.
Every person can elevate their fitness journey using these simple tips. They can apply to any activity a person chooses to engage in, which is why they are so effective. Try one or more of these tips today to see how they make the workout routine better. If additional help is needed, work with a personal trainer. They can help any person find ways to alter their fitness program to see great results. It never hurts to have an outside opinion when working toward this goal.