It is always necessary to take care of your health, especially when the viruses are spreading around the world. Instead of meaningless panic, it is much better to start strengthening your own immune system. You can do this by including healthy foods in your daily diet. We hope that these simple nutrition rules will benefit your immune system.
Eat Products with Vitamin C
It is well known that vitamin C strengthens our immune system and protects it from viruses and bacteria. Some people say that only a piece of lemon per day is enough to get an optimal portion of the vitamin. However, there is quite a huge list of products, which contain this vitamin and make a positive impact on our bodies. Meanwhile, if you want to buy groceries with a good discount check here the latest deals and sales at Kroger. We recommend starting your shopping from the following:
1) Bell pepper
It contains more vitamin C than lemons and oranges, which makes this vegetable our №1 recommendation. Just one large pepper covers the daily portion of rare vitamin P, which is necessary to protect the heart and blood vessels. When choosing peppers, pay attention to the peel of the fruit. The less damage there, the better the vitamins are preserved. Red fruits are considered the sweetest and most beneficial, although the concentration of anti-inflammatory substances is much higher in green pepper.
2) Blueberry

This berry takes first place among other fruits and vegetables by its antioxidant properties. It reduces inflammation and slows down the aging process. Besides, it contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, vitamin K and C. These substances improve memory, increase learning abilities, and help prevent heart attacks. For those involved in sports, the berry is twice useful. It stabilizes the heart rate and accelerates muscle recovery after training.
3) Spinach

The spinach contains quite a rare composition of rich nutrients: protein, iodine, fiber, calcium, and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, C, and E. Moreover, 100 g of spinach contain only 23 kcal. The leaves of this plant remove toxins, strengthen immunity, and improve the functioning of the pancreas and intestines. After cutting, the plant quickly loses its useful properties, so it is better to eat it immediately after purchase.
Consume More Protein
Proteins are the building components for immunoglobulins — the antibodies that constitute our immune system. To replenish your protein balance, include meat, fish, dairy products, and eggs in your diet. Remember, that you can always save money on food during coronavirus if planning your weekly diet in advance. We also suggest you pay attention to the following food:
1) Salmon

This fish is one of the leaders by the number of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. If you include these fats in your diet, you can increase your life expectancy. Also, the fish contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, chromium, vitamins B, PP, and D. When you eat salmon, the condition of the skin and hair improves and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease decreases. However, you should not eat this fish constantly.
2) Cottage cheese
The advantage of cottage cheese is that its fat content can be adjusted depending on the diet and the needs of the body. It consists of pure protein. Just keep in mind that nutritionists do not recommend eating foods with zero fat — the body must receive all the necessary substances even during diets.
3) Beef

This meat contains excellent animal protein, which is better to eat boiled or stewed. Beef includes vitamins B (including B12), a well-balanced amino acid composition (arginine and glutamine), zinc, selenium, and magnesium. This meat saturates cells with oxygen, prevents the development of the anemia, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and is a very tasty dish.
Add Some Vitamin E
Vitamin E is considered a powerful antioxidant. An adult needs to consume 15 mg of vitamin E daily. That is a substance, which acts as a natural shield for humans. Our body contains some “built-in” antioxidants, but sometimes they are not enough, especially in the cold season. Therefore, vitamin E is an excellent helper in the fall and winter. It can be found in nuts, avocados, vegetable oils, and grain bread. To make it more clear for you, we recommend you to focus on the following products:
1) Avocado

In some countries, avocado is considered a vegetable, in others — a nut. Unlike other fruits, avocados are rich in proteins, vitamin E, and healthy monounsaturated fats. It helps control the appetite, remove harmful cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease. By the way, the avocado contains potassium, which restores the metabolism and increases stress resistance.
2) Almond

Almonds are a universal snack and an addition to desserts, salads, and breakfasts. There is also an almond vegetable milk, which is quite delicious to drink. This nut is rich in fiber, contains 25 mg per 100 g of vitamin E and antioxidants that stop the oxidative processes in the body that damage cells. Two handfuls of almonds replenish the daily portion of the vitamin E.
3) Wheat germ oil
Image credit: germ oil contains the most vitamin E compared to other foods. In one tablespoon of oil, there are 25 mg of vitamin E, while in 100 ml — as much as 150 mg. Specialists from Europe claim that wheat germ oil helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. It can be added to salads as a dressing.
Finally, try to avoid junk food and do not overeat. This advice is really universal. Nutritionists believe that fatty, heavy foods can damage the immune system. For instance, try to limit the refined, smoked, pickled, too sweet and salty products.
Additionally, overeating weakens the immune system because it takes too much energy to digest large amounts of food. However, this resource may be needed by the body at any time to protect against viruses.