Physiotherapy is a broad treatment option; healthcare practitioners often recommend it for various health conditions and a broad spectrum of injuries.
The benefits of physiotherapy include improved range of motion, boosted flexibility, enhanced quality of life, and the effects of the treatment can speed up recovery from injuries. What’s more, other benefits include reduced pain, migraine relief, and even avoiding the need for surgery.
The specifics of physiotherapy sessions are typically tailored to the patient’s particular needs. As a result, treatments are targeted instead of generic.
If you want to know if you can benefit from booking a Broadmead Physiotherapy consultation, we’ve listed a few health ailments that can be managed or treated with guided physiotherapy sessions. However, because physiotherapy is also used to treat several other conditions, you should book a consultation if your healthcare provider has recommended the treatment option for you.
Sports Injuries
If you have endured a sports-related injury or are an athlete, sports physiotherapy can be exceptionally beneficial. For the latter, your regular physiotherapy sessions will help you build muscle, prevent injuries, boost muscle and joint flexibility, and improve performance as a result.
On the other hand, sessions can benefit sport-related injuries by speeding up the recovery process significantly and assisting with pain management and effective pain reduction.
Because commercial pain medications are not suitable for prolonged use, physiotherapy is wiser when managing post-injury pain flare-ups. You will learn specialized exercises and techniques during sessions that you can practice at home to manage pain.
Arthritis is a painful condition, and even though it is commonly considered an age-related condition, many young individuals can develop the condition.
Factors that lead to arthritis include injury, metabolic abnormalities, genetic factors, particular infections, and immune system dysfunction. And the standard treatment plan for arthritis aims to reduce pain, slow and control damage to joints, and maintain quality of life. As a result, treatment plans typically include physiotherapy, medications, and patient support.
That said, physiotherapy proves to be significantly effective in managing arthritis-related pain, which is the most significant and challenging symptom of the condition to live with.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This is a fairly common health condition that affects the hands and fingers of an individual. This health ailment can be exceptionally painful, and it’s caused by compression of the nerve that passes over and through the carpal bones at the front of the wrist.
Common causes include repetitive movements, fluid retention, diabetes, thyroid problems, high blood pressure, and autoimmune disorders such as arthritis.
Physiotherapy will benefit those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome by improving range of motion, joint health and effectively managing pain symptoms.
Chronic Pain Syndrome
Physiotherapy is effective for various kinds of aches and pains, even chronic kinds. Whether you have chronic pain syndrome, everyday nagging back, neck, or shoulder pain, or any other sort of pain that you are battling to manage, physiotherapy is likely the solution you have been searching for all along.
There is a range of physical exercises that strengthen muscles and joints to reduce pain.
When managing constant pain, reaching for painkillers all the time can be a risky decision. Pain medications work by blocking off signals to the brain to cause the sensation of pain. Therefore, you won’t be treating the cause, only numbing your body’s reaction to the problem.
On the other hand, physiotherapy will assist in treating the problem to reduce the pain. Therefore, if you have a pinched nerve, painkillers will prolong your suffering while a physiotherapy session will massage the nerve, and you will no longer feel pain as a result.
Pediatric Conditions
Cerebral palsy, spina bifida, acquired brain injury, developmental disorders, and neuromuscular disorders such as myopathies and dystrophies mention a few pediatric conditions that can be treated with the help of regular physiotherapy sessions.
The sessions will aim to improve quality of life, mobility, and enhanced functionality for this category of health conditions.
Post Surgery Recovery
Because physiotherapy can effectively speed up the recovery process, it is typically recommended as a post-surgery treatment for all kinds of patients.
Surgical practices can be taxing on the body, and healing can be challenging. For this reason, physiotherapy has become a staple recommendation for post-surgery recovery. Physical activity will encourage healing through strengthened muscles and joints while also assisting with pain management.
The decision to remain stagnant too long after surgery can prolong recovery substantially. What’s more, extended recovery can also lead to surgical complications.
Road Accident Injuries
Road accident victims are commonly referred to as professional physiotherapists. Whether to treat whiplash, prevent the need for surgery, or assist with speeding up recovery, this type of treatment is exceptionally beneficial to anyone that’s been involved in a road accident.
Furthermore, these sessions can also assist with treating old injuries. So, even if you have been living with the aftermath of an old injury, you can still seek relief by booking a consultation with a physiotherapist near you.
Sprains And Strains
Muscle sprains and strains can happen to just about anyone, and while these types of injuries are not as severe as broken bones, they can be almost as painful to experience.
Fortunately, physiotherapy can assist with these types of injuries by restoring full motion to the injured muscle. Moreover, you will also learn how to avoid these types of injuries from reoccurring. The treatment program for sprains and strains typically includes specialized techniques and movements to improve coordination and strength while restoring motion.
This specialized treatment is widely used in modern medicine. Many individuals book physiotherapy sessions to enhance overall physical well-being even if they haven’t endured injuries or developed conditions that render the treatment necessary. There are different types of physiotherapies, and each session is tailored specifically to the patient’s unique needs.
Because physiotherapy proves to be an effective and safe treatment option for so many health ailments, it’s a worthwhile consideration if you are suffering from any of the above or the benefits of the sessions can enhance your quality of life.