
Indian Pudding
Indian Pudding is a classic American dessert, deeply rooted in the early colonial history of New England. Stemming from British hasty pudding, it was adapted by the settlers using local ingredients, namely cornmeal, which was introduced to them by the Native Americans. This dessert is typically made from a mixture of milk (or soy milk for a modern alternative), molasses for sweetness, and cornmeal as the thickener, flavored with ginger and salt. The cooking process involves simmering the milk mixture with the cornmeal until thickened, then baking it slowly in the oven until it develops a characteristic dark brown crust. This dish is often served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, creating a delightful contrast between the hot pudding and the cold ice cream. Indian Pudding's taste is a unique blend of sweet and spicy flavors, with the earthiness of the cornmeal balanced by the richness of the molasses and the warmth of the ginger, culminating in a comforting, deeply flavored dessert that speaks to the simplicity and resourcefulness of early American cooking.
Setting the Stage
Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C). Prepare a nest for your pudding by buttering a 7-by-11-inch glass baking dish, ensuring every inch is kissed by butter.
The Heart of the Pudding
In the embrace of a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, gently mix the milk with molasses, a whisper of ginger, and a hint of salt over a medium-high flame. Stir with the tenderness of a wooden spoon as you bring this sweet mixture to a gentle simmer. With a steady hand, rain down the cornmeal, stirring with unwavering attention to prevent any lumps from forming. Lower the heat to a soft murmur and continue to stir, watching as the mixture thickens to a luscious, pourable consistency and playful bubbles across the surface for about 15 precious minutes.
The Transformation
Carefully pour your it into the buttered sanctuary you prepared earlier. Slide it into the oven and wait patiently as it bakes into a deep, rich brown delicacy, its surface telling tales of a perfect crust, about 1 hour and 30 minutes. The pudding's heart should be tender, barely moving with a gentle shake of the pan. After allowing the pudding to cool in its cradle for 10 minutes, spoon this soul-warming dessert into bowls, each serving a testament to your culinary care. Crown each with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, its coolness contrasting beautifully with the warm, spiced depths of the pudding.