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Horny goat weed (Barrenwort) facts and benefits

Horny goat weed (Barrenwort) facts and benefits 

Horny goat weed Quick Facts
Name: Horny goat weed
Scientific Name: Epimedium
Origin Mediterranean and Asia, but can mostly be found in China
Taste Sweet, acrid
Health benefits Anti-Ageing Properties, Controlling Asthma, Soothes Sore Joints, Supports Skeletal Health, Cancer Prevention, Considered a Natural Aphrodisiac, Relief from Menopause Symptoms, Bone Health, Balances Hormones, Muscle Strength
Horny goat weed, which has the scientific name Epimedium grandiflorum, is a species of flowering plant belonging to the Berberidaceae family. It is also known by many other names such as Fairy wings, bishop’s hat, rowdy lamb herb, randy beef grass, and Barrenwort, xian ling pi chien-hsieh, yin-yang-hua, Horny Goat Weed, Inyokaku and Herba Epimedii. Its origins are rooted in China but it is also cultivated in other parts of Asia as well as the Mediterranean. The genus of these herbs contains about 60 different types of plants. This herb is traditionally used for its aphrodisiacal qualities and is often called the poor man’s Viagra. The plant contains the active ingredient called icariin, which is responsible for most of its health-promoting effects. The legend says that it got its name when a Chinese shepherd noticed his male goat’s affectionate reaction to the female goats after digesting the weed. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners have been using horny goat weed for its various medicinal purposes for 2,000 years now.

Plant Description

Horny goat weed is a dense, rhizomatous, clump-forming, usually deciduous perennial plant that grows about 10-15 inches tall and 18-20 inches wide. The plant is found growing in moist deciduous woodlands in the hills as well as calcareous rocks in moist woodland. The plant prefers average, acidic, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. It also prefers loose, organically rich loams with consistent moisture in part shade. The plant has bright red stems.


Leaves are both basal and cauline and can either be biternate or triternate. Narrow ovate to broad ovate leaflets (to 2-4” long) have spiny-toothed margins, cordate bases and acuminate to acute tips. New leaves emerge in spring with beige to bronze cast but quickly mature to medium green.


Individual flowers are divided into 4 parts with 4 smaller sepals outwardly. These are greenish in color and shed as the flower opens. On the inside, there are 4 large petal-like sepals which are mostly brightly colored. Inside these sepals are the true petals of the flower. They have a complex shape along with a ‘spur’ which produces nectar. This spur is longer than the sepals and the flower has 4 stamens. A particular genus called the ‘bishop’s hat’ has a peculiar shape of the flowers with the spurs longer than the petals.

Health benefits of Horny goat weed (Barrenwort)

Horny goat weed has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat a wide array of conditions and ailments. Currently there is no scientific confirmation backing up the following claims, however, anecdotal evidence recommends taking Horny goat weed may be effective for the following health conditions:

1. Muscle Strength

Horny goat weed consists of Icariin which is actually a powerful active ingredient that is responsible for many of its effects, including the increased production of proteins, which can boost cell growth and help to increase muscle strength at a rapid rate.(1)

2. Bone Health

Research has discovered that regular consumption of this herb is able to improve mineral uptake and lower the risk of osteoporosis. By increasing bone mineral density and preventing the leakage of minerals by the body, this herb can keep you strong and flexible as you age.(2)

3. Aphrodisiac

Perhaps the most famous use of this herb, it is able to regulate the levels of stress hormones in the body, which can prevent symptoms of low sex drive and menopause. Additionally, the antioxidants present in this herb can dilate the blood vessels and increase circulation. This means that proper blood flow to sensitive reproductive areas will be increased, thus alleviating the symptoms of erectile dysfunction in some men.(3)

4. Cancer Prevention

With antioxidant properties in this potent herb, supplementation can aid in preventing many different chronic diseases, such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and coronary heart diseases. Antioxidants can eliminate free radicals in the body before they can cause cellular mutation.(4)

5. Balances Hormones

Horny goat weed naturally balances hormone function without being an actual hormone itself. This could be helpful for women experiencing hormonal fluctuations during PMS or menopause. The herb may also reduce the incidence of dangerous side effects related with many hormone therapies.

6. Relief from Menopause Symptoms

Horny goat weed may encourage balanced estrogen and estradiol levels in women, hopefully providing a beneficial effect for those with menopause. In one animal research, researchers compared epimedium extract against a common menopausal treatment. They found that the natural plant chemicals in epimedium, like icariin, proved dynamic effects of bioactivity longer than a conventional menopause drug. Further testing is needed before we can determine if these same effects are replicable in humans.

7. Considered a Natural Aphrodisiac

Horny goat weed may be able to help normalize cortisol levels and reduce some of the negative effects of stress on the body, which can include lowered sex drive, mental fatigue and various problems with hormonal balance or sexual performance. By helping to normalize testosterone and estrogen levels, it may be useful for combatting symptoms like low energy, involuntary ejaculation and vaginal dryness.

8. Supports Skeletal Health

Research has demonstrated that icariin, among other active phytochemicals in epimedium, may prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women. One research found a significant difference in bone health between groups of women taking an epimedium supplement than the group taking placebo.

9. Soothes Sore Joints

Traditional Chinese medicine often make use of epimedium as a natural therapy for joint discomfort — a condition that can negatively affect a person’s quality of life and be a huge, constant energy drain. Mainstream research has been a little slow in reviewing the traditional use of the herb, but so far animal models support the traditional application against the condition.

10. Controlling Asthma

Research carried out in China has shown that Epimedium can be helpful in alleviating airway inflammation by decreasing the activities of some proteins that are responsible for the production of leukocytes in inflammatory areas in the lung, thus helping with controlling the effects of asthma.

11. Anti-Ageing Properties

Flavonoids contained in the Epimedium extracts reset the age related metabolites to a younger level such as saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids and amino acids. Hence it can be used as an effect anti-ageing drug.

Traditional uses and benefits of Horny Goat weed

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Horned Goat Weed

Horny goat weeds Precautions and warning

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Horny goat weed is possibly unsafe when taken by mouth during pregnancy. There is a concern that it might harm the developing fetus. Avoid using it. Not enough is known about the safety of using Horny goat weed during breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid using.

Bleeding disorders

Horny goat weed slows blood clotting and might increase the risk of bleeding. However, it is not known if this is a big concern. In theory, taking horny goat weed might make bleeding disorders worse.

Hormone sensitive cancers and conditions

Horny goat weed acts like estrogen and can increase estrogen levels in some women. It might make estrogen-sensitive conditions, such as breast and uterine cancer, worse.

Low blood pressure

Horny goat weed might lower blood pressure. In people who already have low blood pressure, using Horny goat weed might drop blood pressure too low and increase the risk of fainting.


Horny goat weed slows blood clotting and might increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.

Allergic Reactions

It is possible to have allergic reactions to this herb, such as nausea, dizziness, and vomiting, particularly if taken in large amounts. Additionally, drug interactions are possible, so any use of this herb should be discussed with your doctor first.





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