Wine is a wonderful accompaniment to a special meal, a great way to celebrate a milestone, and the perfect drink to enjoy and relax on occasion. There are even some health benefits to drinking a glass of wine or two in moderation. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to know when you are not being moderate anymore.
When has your habit crossed the line to addiction? We all know foodies love a fine glass of wine, but if it’s always wine o’clock at your place, you can’t stop drinking, or if your work, health, and relationships are suffering, it could be time to face the music and accept that you might be addicted to alcohol. When you’re unsure about whether or not you are dependent upon alcohol, continue reading below for some signs that your wind drinking has crossed the line.
You Have a Glass of Wine With Every Meal
Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, which can make you feel relaxed but also drowsy and unaware. While you may need some relaxation after a hard day’s work, drinking wine with every meal can be a problem. The more frequently you drink, the greater your risk of developing a physical dependence on alcohol. As you become more and more tolerant of the effects of wine, you’ll need more to get the same effects that you used to get. Furthermore, over time this behavior becomes a way to feel normal again. This is when it becomes an addiction.
You Buy Wine by the Case, Not the Bottle
When you’re buying wine by the case for a week, it’s safe to say your wine habit has morphed into something else. Not only can this habit get expensive, but it can also impact your life in various negative ways. You should start by cutting back on the number of bottles you buy each week and month. Begin limiting yourself to half a glass instead of a whole one at mealtimes. This can help you keep control of your drinking and avoid getting a tolerance on it. You don’t want to have to drink multiple bottles of wine to get drunk. It’s all around bad for you. Even cutting down can improve your health tremendously.
You Vow Not to Drink and Do it Anyway
Your wine habit might be an addiction if you tell yourself that you are not going to drink at your next meal, during the day, the day after getting very drunk and yet you do it anyway. If you can’t control yourself, it can be an indicator that you need professional help to stop. When you know that you should stop, but you can’t seem to put the glass down you might want to consider addiction counseling or group meetings. If you are physically dependent on alcohol, you should think about entering a detox center to safely withdraw. You should know that your drinking situation isn’t hopeless. You can get control of your life. There is no shame in going to rehab to get your life back on track. There are plenty of rehab facilities that cater specifically to women as well. One option is New Directions for Women in southern California. Many people choose to get treatment in this facility even if they are from out of state.
You Fantasize About Drinking Wine
Even when you are doing things like working or exercising at the gym, you find yourself always thinking about having a glass of wine. You imagine the warmth going down and how it feels as the alcohol hits your bloodstream. You think about it randomly. When wine is associated with other activities like food, a day in the park, or a night with friends, you will need to work on removing these associations. How much you think about drinking is an important indicator that you may have an addiction.
You Can’t Enjoy Your Life Without a Few Glasses of Wine
While having a glass of wine at a celebration or at dinner occasionally is no big deal, when you can’t enjoy what you are doing without a few glasses of wine, it’s time to evaluate your habits. Quitting drinking could help you restore your lust for life. Not being able to enjoy activities, events, and the day-to-day without a few glasses of wine is a problem that may indicate you have an addiction. Some people may be able to overcome addiction with outpatient rehab, which allows the patient to sleep at their own home, while others may need an inpatient program to eliminate temptations.
You’re Angry When Your Partner Doesn’t Want a Glass of Wine
If you’re angry when your partner doesn’t want a glass of wine with you, you should pull back and think about why you have feelings about this. Is it because you don’t want to drink alone? Well, no one told you that you have to drink. Often drinkers want to feel better about themselves and normalize their drinking. This is why they try to encourage others to drink as often and as much as they do. When your partner says no, and you get angry, it’s time to reevaluate why you feel this way and consider stopping completely. When someone refuses a drink, there is no reason to be angry with them. It says more about you than it does about them.
You Are in Physical Pain
Overdrinking can lead to all kinds of physical ailments and pain. Between the headaches, pain in the stomach, and overall reduced pain tolerance, there are a lot of ways drinking can make you feel bad. One of the major concerns for people with alcohol addiction is liver damage. Some liver damage is reversible if you get medical help for alcoholism. The liver is responsible for removing toxins, including excess alcohol from the body. When the liver is overloaded constantly by alcohol, it won’t be able to do its job. This causes damage to the cells and it gets less efficient at doing their job. This damage can cause pain. It’s important to keep your liver healthy by eating well and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption.
There are always signs when someone is drinking too much. However, there is a difference between drinking too much and being an alcoholic. If you or someone you love can’t stop drinking despite the consequences in their life, it’s probably time to stop drinking. If you’re concerned that your drinking could be a problem, consider talking to a professional. An addiction specialist can point you toward resources that can help you overcome your addiction and create a new life of recovery and sobriety.