Everyone experiences back pain now and then, but if it persists and begins to interfere with your quality of life, you obviously want to get it treated. The pain can often come and go, brings temporary relief,and then leads to frustration when it returns. Of course, finding the reason behind the pain is important because that helps in the treatment, but you can also explore non-surgical treatments for managing the pain and reducing the flare-ups. What are they? Let’s take a look at them below:
Physical therapy
The foundation of back treatment is exercise. It is the first treatment that people should try under the guidance of a spine physical therapist and their physician. However, it is important to remember that the same set of exercises don’t work for everyone. They must be adjusted to your specific symptoms and condition. Also, the success of the treatment depends on maintaining the exercise routine when you are at home. Physical therapy for back pain includes aerobic exercises, flexibility, and stretching exercises, core strengthening, retraining your posture, and testing the limit of pain tolerance.
Mindfulness and meditation
Back pain can be physically as well as emotionally straining. You may have to consult a rehabilitation psychologist for managing the depression, irritability, frustration, and other psychological aspects of dealing with regular back pain. The specialist may recommend tai chi, yoga, meditation, and other relaxation and cognitive strategies to prevent your mind from focusing on the pain.
Some diets can prove to be highly inflammatory, particularly those high in processed foods, refined sugar, and trans fats. Consult your doctor to discover if your diet is the source of your chronic back pain and what changes you might make. Maintaining a healthy weight might also help relieve back pain by reducing the pressure on your spine.
Injection-based treatments
Nerve ablations, epidural steroid injections, nerve blocks, and other types of injection-based treatments can also be found for back pain. These are effective when you know the source of the pain and can also help ruleout certain causes in case the treatment doesn’t work. Injections may lessen or stop pain for a certain period, but they shouldn’t be used in isolation and they are not recommended as long-term solutions.
Alternative treatments
Some alternative non-surgical spine treatments can be considered as well because they are capable of making a difference. These include electrical nerve stimulation, laser therapy, biofeedback therapy, massage, and acupuncture. Vertos Med Inc. has come up with a procedure known as ‘Mild’, which is minimally invasive and can be extremely helpful in the treatment of back pain due to spinal issues.
Lifestyle modifications
When you are suffering from back pain regularly, you have to understand your limits and learn to adapt accordingly. This means you must pay attention to your body and pace yourself appropriately. Make several trips when you have to carry groceries or take a break from mowing the lawn. Make note of the activities that are making your pain worse and avoid them as much as possible. Not only will this help your back in feeling better, but it can also stop the underlying condition from advancing. You should also try to give up smoking because nicotine is scientifically known for delaying healing and accentuating pain.
Weight Loss
Increased weight puts additional strain on your joints and spine. Now it’s a question of how long your body will respond positively to it because belly fat leads the pelvis and lower back to slant forward over time. This causes back discomfort by creating a persistent circular arch in the back.
We understand that losing weight is difficult, but if you want to avoid using painkillers or having surgery to relieve back pain, start moving as much as you can right now, eat small, healthy meals, maintain perfect posture, get enough of rest, and, most importantly, buy a dog.
The good news is that acupuncture appears to be an effective treatment for chronic low back pain, according to a study. Needling the acupuncture sites causes the neurological system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain, including endorphins, encephalin (a form of endorphin), and other neurochemicals, according to modern scientific theory. These natural chemicals may alter pain perception or stimulate the release of other chemicals and hormones that affect the body’s internal regulating system. This has the potential to normalize neuroendocrine (nervous and hormone) function. Acupuncture’s improved energy and metabolic balance stimulate the body’s innate healing capacities while also improving physical and emotional well-being.
Posture Correction
Your bones and joints are aligned when you maintain good posture. This eliminates abnormal joint wear, relieves tension on the ligaments that hold your spine together, and allows your muscles to work more efficiently. Back and neck discomfort, poor balance, difficulties breathing, headaches, incontinence, constipation, sleeping issues and heartburn, exhaustion, and mood disorders are all symptoms of poor body placement and alignment.
To avoid back discomfort, the best strategies to maintain proper body postures should be chosen.
Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of the ancient practice, which stresses stretching, strength, and flexibility, not only to prevent back pain and improve body function but also to avoid pain medication and surgery. The practice aids in stretching and developing muscles that support the back and spine, such as the paraspinal muscles, which help you bend your spine, the multifidus muscles, which help to stabilize your vertebrae, and the transverse abdominis, which also aids in spine stabilization. Unfortunately, if done incorrectly, yoga can create a variety of back problems, particularly in the elderly.
As a result, do it under the guidance of a professional or expert.
Quit smoking
Smoking can cause back pain or worsen it if you already have it. how?
Surprised? Nicotine reduces blood supply to the discs that cushion your vertebrae and speeds up their deterioration, which can result in back pain. As a result, you’ll have chronic back pain. Smoking also raises your chances of developing osteoporosis, a bone-thinning illness. Overall, smoking is bad for your health, so you should take precautions to avoid this life-threatening habit.
You may learn to manage and treat your back pain with the help of these non-surgical therapy alternatives, greatly enhancing your lifestyle and allowing you to function properly. Patients with severe back pain who have failed to respond to standard therapy may consider surgery. Back discomfort can be avoided by making little changes to your routines and lifestyle, which will benefit your general health as well as your back pain. So why don’t you take charge right now? Because prevention is better than cure.