Author: chefalice

No need for a long list of ingredients or spices to make a delicious butternut squash soup! This simple recipe always produces a delicious and satisfying soup. You can easily change the flavor of the soup with herbs and spices. Thyme, curry powder, chili flakes, or ground sumac will enhance the savory flavors while warming spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice will produce a sweeter result. Freeze ¾ cup portions in Mason jars and season them after thawing for a different take on the soup every time you eat it! Try substituting the Swanson Chicken Broth with my Homemade…

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Guacamole is an amazing creamy dip, but I have to admit that it becomes unappealing when it turns brown. But there is a solution: you simply need to use the pit and keep the guacamole sealed as airtight as possible! Place the pit in the middle of your bowl of guacamole, then cover the guacamole with large chunks of onion. The onion releases gases to inhibit the oxidation of polyphenol, which causes the fruit to turn brown. Cover tightly with plastic wrap, pressing the wrap directly onto the surface of the onions, and refrigerate until ready to serve. Just before…

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Cuban rice, named for the fried bananas served on the side, is loved by Spanish children as much for its pretty colors as for the sweet-salty combination of flavors. Leftover paella makes a particularly good version.

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