Addiction is becoming less stigmatized. It is a national health problem. The opioid epidemic has revealed just how easy it is to become addicted to a powerful drug. Addiction is the combination of nature and nurture. Genetics play a role in the formation of an addictive personality, but anyone can become dependent upon opioids or alcohol if they consume them enough. Luckily, there are a lot of options for addiction recovery centers, rehabs, and detox facilities. There are also different types of treatment for different situations. If you or your loved one is struggling with addiction, below is the ultimate guide to recovery programs.
Denial & Acceptance
When someone is in the throes of addiction, there could be denial involved. It’s the nature of addiction. If someone denies they have a problem, they may or may not know deep down that they do. It’s the first step to accept that there is a problem. Once the person has overcome denial and accepted that they have an issue with addiction, there could still be a period where they don’t want to get help. There is nothing anyone else can do if the person refuses help. They will have to come to it on their own. When they have accepted that they can’t do it on their own, then friends and family can help them find treatment and seek help.
Inpatient Treatment
The most common form of addiction treatment is inpatient. Inpatient treatment is when the person goes to a facility for about a month to begin recovery. During this time, they will detox, begin professional counseling, start group meetings, and begin whatever comprehensive treatment they need. This is a great way to avoid temptation and overcome the initial hurdles of addiction recovery. Depending on the drug, you might go through withdrawal that requires professional supervision and medical attention.
Detox is the process of withdrawal from a substance the body has become accustomed to. When a person goes through withdrawal from a powerful substance, there can be all kinds of physical and mental effects of detoxification. Alcohol withdrawal can be quite dangerous. So can detox from heroin and opioid. If you can’t stop on your own because the side effects are bad when you stop using, it’s necessary to go under professional detox with supervision from medical personnel. If you will go through detox, you don’t have to do it alone. It can be rough. Get the help you need.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment is a lot like inpatient treatment except you don’t stay there overnight. You will go to the facility for routine check-ups and meetings, but you will go home to sleep. This allows people to go to work and live their lives during their recovery process. Outpatient treatment is the best way to get treatment if the person can avoid temptations and keep their life moving forward. If it’s best for the person to keep their life going by staying busy, this can be an effective way to go through treatment. It all depends on what the person needs and what they are going through. Whether it’s outpatient or inpatient treatment, it should include dual diagnosis.
Dual Diagnosis
Dual diagnosis is a comprehensive approach to mental health care. The dual refers to the diagnosis of an underlying mental health issue. So often the person who is drinking, doing drugs, has become addicted to sex or food, or generally trying to escape has a mental illness under the surface. People self-medicate their depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, and other mental health issues.
Even if you don’t think you are struggling with mental health, addiction itself is a mental health issue. When a facility takes this approach, it shows that they are focused on helping their patients pursue a comprehensive treatment. It’s important for everyone with an addiction to get a full analysis of what is really going on with them. Dual diagnosis is necessary in modern addiction treatment.
Residential Treatment
When a person needs long-term addiction recovery away from the temptations of life, there are residential treatment options. Residential treatment is when a person goes to live in a home for treatment that is longer than a month. It can last if the person needs it to. With residential treatment, you have the support of other people who live in the house. You will live in a sober environment while providing the opportunity to do group meetings every night to strengthen abstinence from the addiction.
12-Step Program
It doesn’t matter what kind of addiction recovery program you are enrolled in, most of them are based on the 12-step model. This is the basis for Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and other group meetings. During your time in treatment and after in long-term recovery, you should work the steps and attend a meeting every week or so. You will work the steps and get a sponsor who helps guide you through the process. You call them when you want to use it, and they will talk you down from the ledge. Eventually, you will become a sponsor too and give back to the recovery community. This is how you strengthen addiction recovery over time.
Luxury Rehab
If you have the money and want to take a break from life, there is the option for luxury rehab. This has become a phenomenon for the rich and famous. They pay extra to go to rehab in a beautiful, secluded location with the best doctors, counselors, and addiction professionals. These rehabs often have amenities like a pool and fitness classes. They host retreats and other events. With highly professional mental health staff and all the resources, luxury rehab combines the best treatment with high-end amenities.
Addiction is multifaceted and dynamic. Therefore, the solutions need to be just as varied. Depending on the person, addiction, and situation, the treatment program will vary and so will the long-term recovery. When you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, the guide above will help guide everyone involved to the right solution and way forward.