Experts agree that what you eat is more important than when you eat it when it comes to weight gain. Consuming more calories than you burn leads to weight gain, regardless of when you eat. Choosing healthy snacks like soup, salads, or fruit after dinner can help maintain a healthy weight. Eating soup before a meal can make you feel less hungry and reduce calorie intake by over 20%. Boiled potatoes are a better option than fries, as they contain fewer calories and less fat.
Foods that absorb more water, such as fruits, vegetables, soups, casseroles, brown rice, and pasta, help you feel full for longer and reduce overeating. Coconut oil, which contains medium-chain fatty acids, can speed up metabolism and aid in weight loss. Eating slowly and taking breaks between bites can help avoid overeating by allowing the stomach to signal the brain when it is full.
Consume whenever you want
The consensus among experts is that what you eat, rather than when you eat, determines your weight. Therefore, it is untrue that eating late at night will result in weight increase. The difference between how many calories you take in and how much you burn off is the main contributor to weight gain. No matter what time of day it is, if you consume more calories than you burn, your body will store the surplus as fat. Because of this, it’s crucial to choose healthy snacks, especially after dinner. Pick healthy alternatives like soups, salads, or fruit rather than high-calorie delights like chips or cake. Your general health and well-being can be significantly impacted by making these modest modifications.
Begin with soup
If you want to lose weight, soup could be the secret weapon you have been seeking for. A US study found that eating soup before your main dish can help you feel less hungry and cut your total calorie intake by more than 20%. This could be because soup stays in the stomach longer and slows down the release of hormones that make you hungry. Because of this, soup is a great choice for a first course. But it’s important to stay away from creamy soups because they tend to have a lot of calories. So, the next time you want to cut back on calories, try adding a bowl of broth-based soup to your dinner. This will help you feel full while eating less calories overall.
Boiled potato is preferable to fries
If you want to reach and keep a healthy weight, substituting high-energy dense foods for low-energy dense foods can be a game-changer. It might not seem like much of a difference to eat 3 12 oz. (100 g) of fries instead of 3 12 oz. (100 g) of cooked potatoes, but fries have more fat and calories. By picking foods that soak up a lot of water when cooking, such fruits, vegetables, soups, casseroles, brown rice, and pasta, you’ll feel full for longer and be less likely to eat too much. This will assist you get rid of those extra pounds. It’s also important to stay away from foods that are heavy in fat or sugar, which can hurt your efforts to lose weight. By making a few easy changes to your diet, you may set yourself up to achieve and keep a healthy weight for the long term.
Move like COCO

If you can’t seem to get rid of those last few pounds, a daily dose of coconut oil may be the answer you’ve been looking for. Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are found in coconut oil, have been demonstrated to speed up the metabolism and help people lose weight. In fact, a Brazilian study discovered that after just 12 weeks, women whose healthy lifestyles included 1 oz (30 ml) of coconut oil had smaller waists, greater levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, and lower levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol. To get the benefits of coconut oil, consider eating one or two teaspoons of it every day and cooking with it. But, like any fat, it should only be used in little amounts. Before adding coconut oil to your diet, you should talk to your doctor if you have high cholesterol. You can take the first step toward your weight loss objectives by using a little coconut oil and making other healthy modifications to your lifestyle.
Take it gradually
Researchers in the United States say that how fast we eat can have a big effect on how much we eat. In a study, it was found that fast eaters ate about 3 oz (90 g) of food every minute, medium-speed eaters ate about 2 12 oz (70 g), and slow eaters only ate 2 oz. (60g). This is important because it takes the stomach around 20 minutes to tell the brain that it’s full. People who eat rapidly are more likely to eat too much before the brain gets the message. To avoid this, it’s important to take a break between bites and chew each one carefully. Doing this can help you eat more slowly and let your body know when it’s full before you eat too much. If you make these simple changes, you might lose a few additional pounds and feel fuller after meals.
Don’t use diet pills
According to a study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, there is no “magic pill” that may help you lose weight and keep it off. The study found that without concurrent dietary adjustments and physical exercise, no single product could result in significant weight loss. As a result, it’s crucial to quit looking for short remedies and concentrate on adopting a healthy lifestyle. This entails consuming less high-fat foods while increasing your intake of nutritious grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Daily exercise is essential for supporting weight loss and overall health. You’ll be able to lose weight sustainably and enhance your general wellbeing by adopting these modifications.
Be a 3 chewer of gum
If you want to stop craving sweets, you might want to try popping a piece of gum. People who chewed sugar-free gum for 15 minutes every hour for three hours before munching said they were less hungry and didn’t want sweet meals as much as people who didn’t chew gum before snacking. This easy trick can help you cut down on your overall calorie consumption and stop you from eating too many sugary snacks. So, the next time you want something sweet, try a piece of sugar-free gum to see if it helps you resist the urge.
Drink more to lose weight

US experts say that drinking two glasses of water before each meal can be a good way to cut down on the number of calories you eat. Water is a calorie-free liquid that can fill up your stomach and make you feel full without giving you any extra calories. If you drink water before each meal, you might be able to control your hunger and eat less overall. So, if you’re having trouble getting rid of those excess pounds, you could want to drink water before each meal. It could be the simple and efficient way to lose weight that you’ve been looking for.
Choose healthy carbs
Low-carbohydrate diets like Atkins and The Zone have made it seem like you should stay away from carbs to lose weight. However, not all carbs are the same. The only exception is carbs that have a low glycemic index (GI), which assesses how rapidly a diet boosts blood sugar levels. Foods like oatmeal, beans, almonds, seeds, whole-wheat pasta, and bulgur release their energy slowly, making you feel full longer and eating less overall. So instead of giving up all carbs, focus on adding foods with a low GI to your diet. Have a bowl of oats for breakfast, a bulgur salad for lunch, and whole-wheat pasta for dinner. By making these simple changes, you can still get the health benefits of carbs while still losing weight.
Keep a food diary
US research shows that keeping a food diary can be one of the best methods to reach your weight loss objectives. In fact, keeping track of what you eat has been found to help you lose twice as much weight. By writing down what you eat, when you eat, and who you eat with, you’ll become more aware of your eating habits and be more likely to eat less calories overall. Keeping a food journal for a few weeks can help you figure out patterns in the way you eat and help you make healthier decisions. So, if you want to lose some weight, try keeping a food diary and see if it helps you reach your objectives.
Bring some protein
If you want to stay at a healthy weight, adding protein to each meal can be a good way to do this. Protein is one of the finest foods for making you feel full, which helps you control your hunger and not eat too much. Protein also speeds up the process of burning fat and helps keep and grow lean tissue. Traditional sources of protein include meat and fish, but you can also get protein from beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, eggs, and soy products. By adding these protein-rich foods to your meals, you may help reach your weight-loss goals and enhance your health and well-being as a whole.
Maintain your weight by remaining relaxed
Even though being anxious about everyday worries can make you feel worn out, it won’t necessarily result in weight loss. Cortisol, a stress hormone, can actually cause your body to store fat as a prehistoric form of emergency preparedness. Your cortisol levels remain consistently high while you’re under chronic pressure, which causes the buildup of belly fat, the most hazardous type of fat. Finding strategies to manage stress and calm your concerns through various stress-busting techniques is crucial to overcoming this. You’ll be giving yourself the best chance to meet your weight-loss objectives and enhance your general health and wellbeing if you do this.
Consume dairy products
US researchers said that women who eat dairy foods may be less likely to gain weight and have less fat all over their bodies. A study indicated that young women who got 1,000mg of calcium per day from dairy sources, which is roughly the same as drinking 1.8 pints (about a liter) of low-fat milk, shed about 6 lb (about 3 kg) over the course of two years. Aim for three portions of dairy foods every day, including a glass of milk, a small container of low-fat yogurt, and a piece of cheese the size of a matchbox. To get the best results, you need to combine this method with a low-calorie diet. By eating dairy and sticking to a balanced meal plan, you can help yourself lose weight and enhance your health and well-being as a whole.
Six steps to change your behavior
Its one thing to know how to lose weight, but it’s a whole other problem to do what you need to do to lose weight. If you really want to lose weight, you have to stop doing the things that made you gain weight in the first place. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
- Be truthful to yourself: Look at your existing behaviors with an open mind and decide to start a program to lose weight.
- Look at the good things: Think on how losing weight will make you healthier, give you more energy, and make you look better.
- Get set: Make a specific plan that includes a start date and daily, weekly, and monthly goals that are attainable. Tell your friends, family, and coworkers about your plans and ask for their help.
- Do something: Plan your meals ahead of time and develop a list of what you need to buy. Include exercise in your regimen, and if you can, do it with someone to help keep you going. Treat yourself sometimes as a reward for keeping to your plans, but don’t forget to be patient because it takes time to form new habits.
- Don’t give up: Adopt a healthy way of living as your new norm and stick to your goals.
- Honor your achievement: When you’ve reached your weight-loss goals, give yourself a pat on the back for all your hard work and determination. Remember that a mistake here and there won’t wipe out all your progress.
By doing these things, you can break bad habits and start new, healthy ones that will help you lose weight and enhance your health and well-being as a whole.