The brain is like jelly, a fragile jelly. To avoid damage and injury, nature has taken care that it is well protected. First, a strong cranial box, secondly, a soft shell of connective tissue, which prevents the brain from hitting the walls of the skull. Finally, the cerebrospinal fluid inside the cranial box protects the brain from concussions and trauma.
What is the brain? It is about one and a half kilograms of “smart” mass in the human body, consisting of billions of neurons, nerve cell outgrowths (axons), through which nerve impulses and signals are transmitted. And each signal is generated and received by a certain part of the brain. To ensure that its work does not malfunction, the brain requires 20% of all oxygen carried by body cells, fats, and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities. Their lack leads to disorders of concentration, memory, provokes psychosis, depression and disables the other systems and organs. Often the disorders are observed in those who regularly experiment with diets and food restrictions. People experiencing feelings of hunger are also among those in whom the brain cells are primarily affected – irritation and aggression appear.
What functions does the brain have
The brain is our everything! It determines whether we raise our hand, scratch the back of our head, cry or laugh, fall in love, remember or forget. The quality of the processes that occur in the brain determines whether we will live a long and happy life or suffer, whether we will be healthy or sick. Who we will or will not become, what talents we will develop and what characters we will possess. The brain controls everything and even a little more than we think. As the main organ of the central nervous system, it has a clear hierarchy of functions. Each zone is responsible for certain functions.
- The frontal lobe is responsible for conscious movements, speech, and writing skills, for our will and drives to achieve results.
- The temporal zones are responsible for speech perception, auditory and visual information, long-term memory, face recognition, and are responsible for musical hearing, rhythm, and musical perception.
- The dark zone is responsible for orientation in space, conscious movement, feeling one’s body and its parts, recognizing objects, mental calculations, feeling pain, touch, high and low temperatures.
- The occipital area is responsible for processing visual information. The eyes are a device that reads a picture of the world around us by exposure to light. But it is converted by the posterior part of the brain, converting light into electrical impulses.
- The cerebellum is responsible for maintaining balance and coordinating movements.
The brain is always working, constantly and all the time, not 3-5% as stated. The statement that the brain rests at night is not entirely true. The work of the brain at night rest differs only in the activity of areas. The latest research proves that the brain is even more active in sleep. More specifically, the frequency of impulses in the cerebral cortex increases. But, what happens there? It is at the moment of sleep that the subconscious enters the scene, the sorting and distribution of experience, emotions and knowledge takes place, and most importantly, the restoration of body systems and organs. He argues that sleepiness is the body’s signal that it needs a “technical checkup” and restoration.
Vitamins for students mind
Students do have to experience serious brain stress. Considering that many students also work, and not using essay help from EssayAssistant, they are very prone to psychological failures and fatigue syndrome. In this case, performance decreases, mood deteriorates, attention and memory fail. Tired brain gives the signal of failure, it requires a pause. As a consequence, the immune system is reduced.
Under these circumstances, special attention should be paid to the brain “recharge”. Scientists have found that the brain biostimulation contributes to the antioxidant vitamins, namely beta-carotene, B vitamins, vitamins C and E.
The intellect, like the triceps, can be pumped. And to ensure the youthfulness and plasticity of the mind, its clarity, and freshness, it is better to pump it daily. What vitamins can help in this difficult but very important matter?
B vitamins – ensure the normal functioning of the transmission of nerve impulses from neuron to neuron, improve blood supply to the brain, and with it, increasing the availability of oxygen – one of the main resources of the brain. Nourish the nervous system, preventing insomnia, depression, and fatigue – something that directly affects the quality of brain cells, the quality of neural connections, and transmits impulses.
What to take: Pentovit, Combilipen, Gerimax Energy, Angiovit, Pyridoxine, Neuromultivit
P vitamins. 5000 substances are currently known that have properties identical to those of vitamin P. They include flavonoids, anthocyanidins, isoflavonoids – powerful antioxidants. P vitamins protect the brain and blood vessels, improves their tone. Slow oxidative processes in the body, improve cell metabolism.
What to take: Askorutin, Troxevasin, Venoruton.
Vitamin C – the lack of which causes dystrophy of connective tissue in the body, a slowdown or cessation of collagen production. Lack of vitamin C disturbs the balance of enzymes necessary for the functioning of organs and systems. Vitamin acts as a catalyst for metabolic processes. It protects the body and brain, protects against mental or physical overload.
What to take: Ascorbic acid, Revit, Vitamin C effervescent
Omega-3 is a source of docosahexaenoic, eicosapentaenoic, and linolenic acids, which the body does not synthesize itself. And they have an important function – neuroprotective. Omega-3 helps to increase and maintain mental alertness, especially under conditions of stress and seasonal moping.
Vitamin E – is a valuable substance of the cell membrane in the brain cells. Vitamin E produces the biomarker DHA-PC, the lack of which increases the chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin E prevents the loss of important brain molecules and the death of neurons.
What to take: Vitamin E, Tocopherol Acetate
Multivitamins and drugs that improve brain function and brain cell nutrition with proven effectiveness: Ginkgo Biloba, Vitrum Memori, Nootrop, Glycine.