You have embraced a good weight loss plan and you are doing all you can to ensure that you lose excess weight. After the first two weeks, you saw a positive result. However, the weight loss just stalls abruptly. Sometimes, you even gain weight as you try to cut down some excess pounds. This is how weight loss management works most times.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Oftentimes, our body fights back anytime we lose weight. This could be caused by so many things. To explain further, this article will provide a deep insight into the various reasons why your weight loss has completely stalled and you feel like you are even gaining more weight. Let’s dive in!
Why Your Weight Loss Is Not As Much As You Expect
Maintaining a healthy weight has so many benefits. If you are overweight and your weight loss program is going well, that’s great. However, if you are unable to cut down excess pounds after a few weeks of positive results, then the reasons below will explain better why your weight loss has stalled:
Your Diet May Be The Problem
If you wish to lose weight, you should be aware of what you are eating. Yet, a lot of people have no idea how much they are consuming. By monitoring what you eat, you can facilitate weight loss management. People often make use of photographs or food diaries to lose more weight than others that don’t.
If you are eating too many calories, you might have trouble cutting down excess pounds. Many people often overlook the impact of excess intake of calories. If you are finding it hard to lose excess weight, why not just consider the kind of food you eat while monitoring the calories you take.
Regardless of how often or hard you exercise, there are various intestinal problems, including heaviness in the gut, that can make it really hard to shed off excess weight. Eliminating constipation from its core can help facilitate weight loss.
You will find different supplements that can help you achieve this. An example of such a dietary supplement is colon broom. You can visit Colon Broom to know more about this supplement and many more similar products.
Overall Weight Gain Can Result From Fast Weight Loss
Trying to lose as much as 7 pounds in a week can work for a few pounds. However, for a significant weight loss, trying to lose weight too fast will only end up in failure. When you try to lose weight fast, the rebound weight gain can ensure that you even become heavier than when you started.
It takes so much effort to ensure effective weight loss. Many people do not wish to keep being on diet after one year. So, they try to rush things to hasten their weight loss. Instead, trying to lose about 1 to 2 pounds a week is more sustainable.
Regardless of how long it takes, cutting down your weight gradually is effective to sustain weight loss in the long term. For many people, losing about 0.5 pounds a week will do just fine. Start living more as you keep being active and see your weight drop gradually.
Skipping Meals Only To End Up Overeating
As you try to cut down excess pounds, you might be tempted to skip meals while going through the day’s activities eating as little food as possible. However, if you try this, your body will force you to eat more. This can have an undesirable consequence on your weight loss plans. Oftentimes, people – who plan on losing weight – try so hard not to eat, but end up bingeing. Preventing yourself from eating for a whole day will only trigger the protective mechanisms in your body, forcing you to eat more. Many people want a very fast result, but they neglect the fact that weight loss is a gradual process, and rather than to avoid eating at all, it is wiser to watch the kind of food consumed.
Genetics Might Be The Problem
While this is a tough reality to accept, it is sometimes the reason why many people find it hard – or even impossible – to lose weight. After all, it is impossible to choose the shape or type of body that you want. In most cases, genetics are an important factor that cannot be ignored when it comes to weight. Yet, many people do not like the sound of that. Your genetics can surely be significant when considering factors, including how full you become immediately after you finish eating, your level of appetite, how fast you burn calories, and how your body makes use of energy. Indeed, obesity can run in the family. This is not just because of the environment or eating habits, but due to genetics.
Furthermore, it is also important to consider the theory of the set-point weight range. This is the range of weight that your body is comfortable with. As long as you are living healthy, it is within this range that your weight might land. This requires that you exercise moderately and eat nutritiously. It is believed that if you try to reduce your weight significantly lower than the set-point weight range, your body inadvertently responds to the weight loss to push your weight back up to the level that it considers to be normal. However, it is also possible to alter this set-point by slow, gradual weight loss. In addition, exercise can also be key. Research has shown that you can lose weight – despite being obese due to your genes – if you can break a sweat regularly.
Bottom Line
It is safe to affirm that everyone wishes to maintain a healthy weight. There are various reasons why being overweight has so many downsides associated with. Cutting down excess pounds takes a lot of willpower. However, you might find your weight loss stalling. Do not panic. Some of the major causes for this have been discussed above. By sustaining a good weight loss plan, you can maintain sound physical health.