There is growing popularity and interest in herbs as they have proven to boost our immunity, treat common ailments, and improve our overall wellbeing.
For this reason, growing herbs has become a great way to do business and turn your gardening skills into serious money. If you have a genuine interest in the healing power of medicinal herbs and plants, and if you’re looking to turn your hobby of growing herbs into a lucrative side job, the herb business might just be the right fit for you.
As in any other small business, there is hard work and various risks involved, and if you want to be serious about making and selling such products, there are certain legal and regulatory requirements you must be aware of. However, once you get the hang of it, starting your own herb business can be a fun, exciting, and profitable choice.
In this article, we provide you with a small guide to make your herb business venture easy and successful.
Know Your Herbs
Herbs tend to be a complicated subject and you must get to know each herb you will grow better. Gather information about the optimal time to harvest it, how you can ensure that the products you’ll make are both safe and effective, and how to harvest them sustainably.
You must be confident and know all the answers to specific questions that your customers could ask you about contraindications and possible effects of the herb products before your start selling them on the market.
Obtain The Right Insurance

Nowadays, herbs are available everywhere. However, once your business is up and running, you might need to take it directly to your new customers. When you deliver food in exchange for payment, you must make sure you have the right grocery delivery insurance in place as your standard car insurance won’t cover you in case of an accident or injury.
Food delivery insurance is the best safety net as it protects your business from accidents, injuries, legal fees, and damaged vehicles. If you don’t obtain one in time, a claim could be denied and you’ll be on the hook for repairs.
All you need to do is do some research on how to manage your risks and see what insurance coverage options are available for your specific needs.
Look at the Legal and Regulatory Aspects

Herbal products such as extracts, capsules, and different types of tea are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States. For this reason, regardless of whether you’re planning on opening a large or small herb business, you must follow FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). Products made of herbs that are sold in the form of salves or soaps may fall under the cosmetics category, which has its own set of rules of regulations.
Claims about the use and purpose of dietary supplement products and cosmetics are also carefully regulated, and using incorrect types of wording or making the wrong types of claims about what your product is intended to do can create a big regulatory mess later on.
Work on Establishing Good Relationships with Herbalists and Growers
If you’re at the beginning of launching your business, reach out to other people who have experience in growing herbs, or those with extensive knowledge about herbs or herbal medicine. Establishing this type of network is vital when you want to create a successful herb business.
Nobody can attain success without networking regardless of the industry. Over time, you’ll develop a reputation that will be based on your expertise and the quality of the products you sell. However, networking with others who are in the herbal business can be a major benefit. Helping other herbal businesses grow will also help your own herbal business expand.
Take Care Of The Plants
To ensure that your plants grow healthy and at a less-stressed rate, use organic fertilizers and you’ll be all set. During the growing season, you can consider applying liquid seaweed or liquid fish emulsion as a foliar spray every week. This will guarantee that the right amount of nutrients are given to the plants as a way to maintain health and freshness. Don’t forget to water your plants only when needed, preferably once a day.
Develop a Marketing Strategy

There are endless strategies when it comes to marketing any product or company but with herbal products, your strategy is also affected by the kinds of claims you’re legally allowed to make about your product. Be cautious with words and phrases like “cure” and “treat” that go against regulations.
There are many different ways to market your products and services in today’s social media society. Make sure you get different social media accounts to publish posts with your products. Remember that no one wants to see only posts where you sell your services or products but you have to be a knowledgeable herb entrepreneur and vary your content and make it educational and fun.
Your goal should be to both attract and keep customers coming back for more. Print out flyers and put them up on bulletin boards around busy areas in your city. When you print your business cards, make them appealing with a catchy phrase or a creative image. This will ensure that your customers will keep your card and even recommend your products to close family members and friends.
Final Words
It isn’t enough just to come up with a good herbal product and immediately place it on your website for sale. There are certain regulations and steps that you need to take to ensure that your herb business is on the right track to success.
Obtaining a proper insurance policy, reading up on the legal aspects, and marketing your product well will guarantee that you grow your herb business to its full potential.