If you are someone who is reading this, two conclusions can be drawn-
- You have already had your wisdom tooth extracted and are looking at resources online to help you deal with the pain. Or,
- You are going to go get your wisdom tooth extracted and someone has made you aware of the pain that you will experience.
Either way, you are looking at ways and means of lessening your suffering from pain. Extracting your wisdom tooth is hardly a pleasurable experience for anyone. However, some cases of pain are much worse than others.
In this article, we are going to look at some important points about handling the pain after wisdom tooth removal.
Signs of Pain and Discomfort following the Wisdom Tooth Removal
According to leading dentists, the following are some signs and complications that you might experience after getting your wisdom tooth extracted-
- After you have your wisdom tooth extracted, you will see that your mouth area, including your entire jawline, has swollen up in size and volume.
- The skin around your mouth, especially around your lips and jaw will look bruised. There will be inflammation that will slowly become better on its own.
- There will always be a constant and continuous unpleasant bitter and foul taste in your mouth. This will make the food you eat appear distasteful.
- The head will start feeling a bit heavier, especially when you are bending down and trying to retrieve something from the floor. This interferes with the body’s balance.
- You will most definitely experience stinging to blunt pain in your mouth. This will prevent you from eating certain types of food and water- too hot, chewy, or cold.
A lot of experts point out that if you have had your wisdom tooth extracted by an experienced expert, then the level of pain and discomfort is far lower. On the other hand, if you allowed a novice to get the job done, you would have undergone a complicated procedure that will result in more pain.
Book an appointment for wisdom tooth extraction at depacific.com with experienced professionals. This will prevent unnecessary pain, discomfort, or complications.
Pain After Wisdom Tooth Extraction is Normal!
Yes, the pain after wisdom tooth extraction is normal and there is nothing to worry about. I agree that there is some pain or discomfort left after the procedure but it is completely normal. Initially, you will start feeling some pain which is caused by bone damage or tissue damage.
Meanwhile, burning a finger is like the type of pain that you can feel around your tooth after wisdom tooth removal. However, the best thing about this pain is that it’s superficial (means it eliminates via healing).
Your dentist or oral surgeon can give you stronger pain medication if your wisdom tooth extraction becomes very painful. Actually, to keep the pain under control, this medication is provided. Thus, this is only prescribed when you feel greater discomfort and cannot bear the pain at all.
On the other hand, how long does pain after wisdom tooth removal last? Patients can recover from this extraction process within three to four days yet it can take a week to get fully recovered from the pain. However, if the pain lasts longer than ten days then you should call your oral surgeon or dentists at the earliest.
List of 5 Ways to Handle Pain after Wisdom Tooth Removal
Now, there are some easy ways to keep the tooth pain under control and you should follow the same if you are dealing with the wisdom tooth process. Here is the list of 5 ways to handle pain after wisdom tooth removal.
1. Consult your Dentist before taking OTC medicines-
You might read about how medicines like paracetamol and ibuprofen have been commonly listed as self-care medications. However, a better idea would be to first consult your dentist and see what they prescribe. This will help avoid any possible side effects from medications.
2. Leave Physical Activities for a few days-
It is essential that you are taking it easy for the next two weeks following the extraction process. During this time, it is best to not visit the gym or engage in your daily morning running routine. The less you move your head and body, the lower will be your pain levels.
3. Take Food and Drinks in moderation-
This simply means that you should be taking food that requires minimum effort to chew and swallow as possible. Try to avoid foods and drinks that are too warm or cold. Your mouth is at its sensitive best and this will only make the pain much worse than it already is.
4. Do not Drink Alcohol or Smoke for the next few days-
You want your entire mouth area to be as clean and hygienic as possible. This means avoiding alcohol and smoking for at least 24-48 hours after the removal of the wisdom tooth. This will help you in improving recovery times and prevent any infections from happening.
5. Do not use a toothbrush. Use a mouthwash or solution-
Trying to disturb the blood vessels that are already agitated following the removal is not a good idea. The more you allow them to settle down and heal, the better are your chances of recovering faster. This is why do not use a toothbrush for your teeth at least for a week.
The Bottom Line
We hope that we have been able to answer most of your questions on the issue. If you have any other questions on wisdom tooth removal, you can ask them in the comments section below. We will try our best to answer as many of them as possible.