1. When they cannot take care of themselves
Growing older often presents itself with multiple challenges for both the elderly and their families. Primarily, as we grow older, we face limitations on our physical capabilities, usually limiting the ability to take care of ourselves. In these cases, it is essential to find assistance. As our parents get older, they will have challenges taking care of themselves. They may face challenges feeding themselves and maintaining proper hygiene, and you will often find their houses looking untidy, and they will usually look unkempt. Additionally, they could also face challenges remembering to perform menial tasks, especially if they have medical challenges affecting their psychomotor skills. Conditions like Alzheimer’s can also make it challenging for elderly parents to live by themselves, usually because they can forget a lot of crucial stuff that is critical to their survival. In a retirement community, the elderly parents are surrounded by a plethora of individuals, from peers to caregivers, helping them through all the challenges to which they may get exposed.

2. When professional care is necessary
Old age is often accompanied by multiple challenges and ailments that require constant monitoring and a quick response. Ailments like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and osteoporosis in the elderly will require them to remain under strict supervision by care providers, usually ensuring that they do not endanger themselves. Additionally, some conditions like cancer and heart disease will require a health professional on standby for quick response, a provision that is not feasible for a private residence. Instead, a retirement community ensures that the elderly parents have access to all the professionals necessary for comfortable living, at their convenience. Additionally, it is also less cumbersome and expensive to provide care for the elderly parents within a retirement community than it would be in a private residence.
3. When they need company
When our parents get older, they often have limited access to their peers and friends, often limited by their mobility issues, and often due to proximity challenges. Additionally, as they grow older, our parents lose more of their friends and family, often leaving them lonely. The absence of adequate social support can put the elderly at risk of depression and accompanying complications, which makes a retirement community crucial. In the retirement community, our elderly parents can mingle with their peers with whom they can participate in common activities and find the necessary social relationships. With a rejuvenated social life, the elderly parents can eliminate the risk of psychological issues associated with loneliness. Retirement communities like the continuing care retirement community NJ, provide an opportunity for rejuvenated social lives, in addition to access to essential care providers and healthcare professionals.
4. When you cannot readily assist them
In some cases, transferring our elderly parents to a retirement community is due to unavoidable circumstances. For instance, we may have the capabilities to assist them, but work commitments take us to a different region, complicating the arrangement. On the other hand, it can become difficult to take care of our elderly parents, especially when other duties clash with the care. In these cases, it is a better option to transfer the parents to a retirement community, where they can receive care while also allowing us to focus on other duties.