Choosing which supplements to use daily is not a simple task. From incredible label claims claiming that the bottle’s contents are necessary for every condition under the sun to Instagram influencers promoting their must-have combination, determining which pills are worth taking from iherb.com might be easier than it appears.
As a trained dietitian, I view supplements as a technique to compensate for nutritional deficiencies caused by an unbalanced diet. While I do not advocate a multivitamin for everyone, I encourage targeted supplementation from iherb with specific nutrients, significantly if a person is restricting or avoiding specific dietary categories.
What are nutritional supplements?
Vitamins, herbs, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes are all examples of dietary supplements. Tablets, gelcaps, capsules, soft gels, powders, and liquids are all kinds of dietary supplements. If you are looking for these supplements, you can buy them from iherb.
What are the advantages of nutritional supplements?
Certain supplements can assist in ensuring that you receive an adequate supply of the critical elements your body needs to function properly; others may help minimize your risk of disease. However, supplements should not be used instead of whole meals that are important for a healthy diet – so be sure to include a variety of foods in your diet as well.
Unlike pharmaceuticals, supplements may not be sold for the aim of diagnosing, treating, preventing, or curing disease. This implies that supplements should not make illness-related claims such as “reduces high cholesterol” or “treats heart disease.” Such claims cannot be made lawfully for dietary supplements.
- Vitamin D-3: Vitamin D is vital because it assists in the absorption of calcium, reduces the risk of cancer, prevents the development of type 2 diabetes, and improves your immune system. However, nearly half of the world’s population suffers from vitamin D deficiency in some way. Many foods have sufficient vitamin D to meet daily nutritional requirements. Additionally, the majority of people do not get enough vitamin D from sunlight, and sunscreen impairs our ability to produce vitamin D. As a consequence, this vitamin should be a mandatory addition to your supplement regimen.
- Magnesium: Magnesium is another critical supplement for overall health since it is necessary for over 600 enzyme activities throughout the body. Vitamin D deficiency is estimated to affect more than 75% of Americans, according to the World Health Organization. High-processed food diets, irregular blood sugar levels, excessive alcohol consumption, diuretics or proton pump inhibitors taken by those with gastrointestinal disorders and those on long-term antibiotics all put people at risk of magnesium shortage. Magnesium deficiency can cause problems with vitamin D metabolism, bone deterioration, irregular pulse and blood pressure, blood sugar problems, irritability and anxiety, muscular cramps and twitches, and exhaustion.
- Vitamin B-12: Vitamin B12 maintains the health of blood cells and aids the body in DNA synthesis. According to the National Institute of Health, it’s also critical for preventing some forms of anemia. B12 is present in dairy products, salmon, chicken, and eggs. However, as people age, it gets increasingly difficult to consume an adequate amount of vitamin B12. If you’re concerned that you’re not receiving enough vitamin B12 in your diet, you can take Natrol, Vitamin B-12, Fast Dissolve. B12 is also a critical vitamin to take if you are a vegan, as it is nearly solely contained in animal products.
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Most Americans do not consume the required quantity of oily fish, potentially leaving them nutritionally deficient—particularly in DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids. These omega-3 fatty acids are associated with the bulk of proven omega-3 fatty acid health advantages, including improved insulin sensitivity, decreased chance of developing coronary heart disease, and even favorable effects on depressive symptoms. Include Omega-3 fatty acids from iherb in your diet to address nutritional gaps, mainly if you are not a seafood fan. The acids may have a higher absorption rate than fish oil because it contains Omega-3 EPA and DHA in their native phospholipid form. An omega-3 fatty acid is naturally enriched with choline. This vital ingredient promotes brain and nervous system function, and astaxanthin, an antioxidant that gives the oil its red hue.
- Probiotics: Probiotics are critical for gut health, making them critical for good health as we digest and absorb nutrients through the gut. Probiotics are helpful microorganisms that aid in the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, the gut includes harmful bacteria and pathogens that can impair gut function and result in sickness and disease. Having a healthy mix of “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gut is critical for general health. Even if we eat a balanced diet and supplement with vitamins and other elements, bacterial imbalances in the gut can result in nutritional shortages. According to research, probiotic supplementation improves healthy immune function, inflammatory reduction, good brain health, and weight management. Additionally, it helps to mitigate some of the adverse side effects associated with the use of popular drugs such as NSAIDs and antibiotics.
- Vitamin C: According to the poll, 34.5 percent of respondents use vitamin C, a decrease of only 1% from the previous year. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that also aids in immunological function. As such, researchers have examined whether vitamin C can help reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration, cataracts, and the common cold. However, investigations have shown contradictory findings. However, a daily intake of 200 mg (or more) of vitamin C given as a prophylactic measure has been proven to reduce the duration of colds by 8% in adults and 14% in children (but it will not prevent colds).
- B-Complex: According to the poll, 31.2 percent of respondents purchased vitamin B-complex supplements in the previous year. A B-complex supplement includes all eight necessary B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12), frequently at 100% of the recommended daily allowance for each vitamin. B vitamins help transform food into energy and are required for various other functions such as blood cell creation, brain function, cellular signaling, DNA synthesis and repair, and amino acid metabolization. Additionally, B vitamins may help reduce stress, anxiety, memory loss, migraines, and the chance of developing heart disease. Supplemental B vitamins are especially beneficial for pregnant women and elderly persons.
- Glycine/ Amino Acid: Glycine, sometimes known as the “anti-aging amino acid,” provides a variety of advantages that can help you feel and look beautiful at any age. Enhancing mental function and memory has been shown to lengthen longevity and add to mental sharpness. Anti-aging properties of glycine include protecting skin from damage and aging, diminishing fine wrinkles, and encouraging collagen formation. Athletes, in particular, might benefit from this supplement since it aids in the development of lean muscle mass and increases flexibility and range of motion—additionally, glycine aids with sleep and digestion. Glycine is obtained naturally from the consumption of animal skin and bones. While our forefathers ate the entire animal “nose to tail,” nowadays, most people opt for boneless chicken breasts with the glycine-rich skin removed. Taking a supplement provides access to all of glycine’s incredible advantages.
- Folic Acid: Experts, including the American College of Gynecology, suggest 400 mcg of extra folic acid for females in their reproductive years (between 16 and 45). Specific individuals may require a larger dosage depending on their risk factors. Folic acid deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of birth abnormalities. As such, ensuring that your levels are normal before becoming pregnant is critical to having a successful pregnancy. And if you’re telling yourself that because you’re not actively trying, you shouldn’t be concerned about pregnancy outcomes, keep in mind that unexpected pregnancies may (and do) occur. Indeed, in 2011, 45 percent of pregnancies in the United States were unplanned. Therefore, if you fall into this demographic, taking 400 mg of folic acid daily is critical, in addition to consuming a balanced diet. Specific individuals’ systems are incapable of metabolizing folic acid and require supplementation with a methylated version of this vitamin called methyl folate. Your health care practitioner may advise you on the optimum kind of folic acid or folate to take for your specific requirements.
- Omega-3, Premium Fish Oil: Consuming an adequate amount of “good fat” has been linked to a healthy lipid profile and a variety of health advantages, including a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, normal brain function, and support for general immunological health.* One capsule of Omega-3 Premium Fish Oil contains 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA of naturally refined and concentrated fish oil sourced from all over the world, thanks to a supercritical extraction process. Good quality fish oil utilizes components collected from across the world and is devoid of porcine and bovine gelatin.
- CoQ10, USP Grade/ Antioxidants: CoQ10 provides the body with coenzyme Q10, a critical nutrient that may help the cardiovascular system by enhancing blood flow, protecting the blood vessels, and promoting antioxidant activity. Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring nutrient in the body that assists cells’ mitochondria in producing energy. While our bodies can synthesize CoQ10, synthesis tends to decline with age. Some illnesses or treatments might impair production, resulting in insufficiency and health problems. In some circumstances, supplementation or food consumption of CoQ10 may help you obtain the correct quantity to maintain your health.* CoQ10 includes ubiquinone, a type of coenzyme Q10 that is USP grade. This gives a four-month supply when taken as advised.
- Flax Seeds: Also known as a wonder food, Flax seeds are a great way to fight against certain ailments like diabetes, heart disease, and breast cancer. The best part about Flax seeds is that they are highly beneficial in treating cardiovascular diseases as well as maintaining the cholesterol levels in your body. The two main components of Flax seeds – Lignans and ALA are greatly helpful in reducing inflammation. If you’re looking to improve your health, all you need to do is add this superfood to your daily health routine.
- Calcium: Calcium is highly recommended for improving bone health. However, you can maintain a good diet plan to attain the right level of calcium in your body. In case your diet plan isn’t sufficient to help you maintain the calcium level, adding a few supplements can help you. Calcium will not only help you to get strong bones but also help your muscles, nerves, and heart to function properly. To get the maximum benefits, club calcium along with vitamin D to get rid of health ailments like cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The four main types of calcium supplements – lactate, gluconate, citrate, and carbonate can help you to get rid of health concerns.
Safety precautions while using herbal supplements
If you’ve done your research and are considering using a herbal supplement, follow these safety tips:
- Adhere to directions. Do not exceed suggested dosages or take them for an extended period.
- Keep note of the medications you take. Keep track of the medications you take — how much and for how long — and how they affect you. Suspend the use of the supplement if it is ineffective or fails to reach your stated objectives.
- Make an informed choice about your brand. Select brands that have been independently evaluated by organizations such as ConsumerLab.com, the United States Pharmacopeia, and NSF International.
- Keep an eye out for alerts and cautions. The FDA maintains a list of supplements that are now undergoing regulatory investigation or linked to adverse events. Periodically check the FDA website for changes.
Who should avoid herbal supplements?
Herbal products may provide unanticipated hazards because many supplements include active substances with substantial physiological effects. For instance, using a mixture of herbal supplements or combining supplements with prescription medications may have hazardous, even life-threatening, consequences. It’s incredibly critical to see your doctor about herbal supplements if you suffer from any of the following:
- You are currently using prescription or over-the-counter drugs. When some herbs are used with aspirin, blood thinners, or blood pressure meds, significant adverse effects might occur.
- You are pregnant or nursing. While certain medications may be healthy for you as an adult, they may be dangerous to your infant.
- You are undergoing surgery. Numerous herbal supplements have been shown to affect the success of the surgery. Some may impair the anesthetic’s efficacy or result in severe consequences, such as bleeding.
- You are either under the age of 18 or over the age of 65. Few herbal supplements have been evaluated in children, or safe dosages for children determined. Additionally, older persons may have a distinct pharmacokinetic profile.